Chapter 100

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  Markus spotted Charlie standing by himself in a corner away from the crowd.

"Why are you here alone?" He asked as he walked over to him.

  Charlie smiled at him. "I'm just feeling out of my element."

"Would you like to stay for the after party? It would be great if my friends get to know you."

"I would like to." Charlie took a sip of his drink. "Thanks again for inviting me to your party."

"You don't need to thank me."

  Charlie glanced down at the ring on his hand.

"I'm glad you didn't remove the ring."

  Markus fingered the ring, feeling the warmth. It had also helped to keep him calm earlier.

"Why can't I take it off?" Markus asked.

"This ring chose you. It will protect you at all cost."

  Markus eyed the ring then looked at Charlie. Based on the serious expression on his face, Markus knew that what he told him, Charlie believed it.

"Then, I won't take it off."

"Good," Charlie's gaze went over his shoulder. "Be careful."

  Markus turned when he sensed movement behind him. Cassie was making her way towards them.

"I need to speak to you."

"Cassie, I don't want any problem."

"I won't cause any trouble. I promise."

  Markus stared at her, debating with himself. He wanted to decline but he needed to hear what she had to say.

"Fine. We can talk by the gazebo."

  He gave Charlie a subtle nod before leaving with Cassie. The gazebo was located on the opposite side of where the party was.

  He leaned on the railing but kept his attention both on Cassie and the gate leading to the backyard.

"What is it that you want?"

"You need to stay away from Hank."

"Why?" Markus asked. He had no intention of being alone with Hank again. But he wanted to hear her reasons.

"Calvin told me that Hank wants you for himself and he would go to any lengths to achieve his goal."

"Why are you telling me? Aren't you and Lucas trying to do the same thing."

  Her gaze left his face for a second before she looked back at him. 

"I can't blame you for being skeptical. We've been trying to get your attention for years, yet you only saw us as friends. Lucas and I enjoyed the challenge of chasing you. But, we're taking a step back. Our parents would be disappointed if they found out that we were trying to force our feelings on you. I guess, we should have done this a long time ago."

  Markus gripped her chin in his hand to stare into her eyes. Her gaze remained steady as he trapped her in his mirage. He had done the same thing to Karen but this time it was the opposite.

  When he was satisfied with what he saw, he released her.

"I believe you."

"What did you just do?"

"I had to make sure you were telling the truth."

"How is that possible?"

"You don't need to know right now."

"Lucas and I would like to talk to your mate."


"We want him to accept us."

"I'm sure Mitchell will accept you after you apologize to him."

"We will."

  Markus turned his head towards the party. "I won't tell anyone that Calvin kidnapped me."

   There was a long stretch of silence before a small laugh left her mouth.

"How did you know?"

"He was testing me. Calvin would never harm me, not intentionally."

"What are you...?"

"Markus, what are you doing out here?"

  Markus smiled at Cassie. "I guess now is a good time to apologize."

  The gate swung open to reveal Mitchell. He eyed Cassie for a brief second but otherwise ignored her.

  Markus held out his hand and Mitchell took it right away. "I was having a chat with Cassie."


"She had something important to tell me."

"What could be so important that she couldn't tell you in the backyard?"

  Markus glanced at Cassie with a nod.

"Look, Lucas and I wanted to apologize to you both."

"Really? Why?"

  Markus bit his lip to stop the laughter from escaping when Cassie's mouth gaped wide open at Mitchell.

"We don't want to cause any trouble."

"As long as you stop trying to steal my mate, then there will be no problem."

"And there won't be any. We really do want to apologize."

  Markus stared at Mitchell silently, giving him the mantle to do whatever he wanted. It was up to him.

"We'll give you a trial run. If at anytime you mess up, you will have to deal with the consequences."

"That's only fair."

  Mitchell glanced at him. "The others are looking for you. They're not too pleased that you disappeared without a word."

"I wasn't alone." Markus pointed up.

   Up above them, Tim and Dean were  leaning on the railing watching. He had sensed their presence as soon as he had entered the gazebo.

"How did you know?" Dean asked.

  Markus couldn't exactly tell them his secret. Not yet.

"I could smell your cologne."

  Tim nudged Dean, "I told you, that would give us away."

"Now, that the air has been cleared, we should head back."

  Tim and Dean joined them by the gazebo before they made their way back to the party. Most of the party goers had left albeit the older guests.

"Where is this after party?" Valeria asked.

"It's a surprise."

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