Chapter 78

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  Dean watched his brother entered the house, soaking wet, the smell of alcohol soaking through his pores.

"It's a good thing I'm the only one awake."

  Tim halted in his tracks to stare at him. "I thought you'd be home. Why are you here?"

"I came earlier but you were out."

  Dean got up from his seat and strode toward his brother. He took a deeper sniff at him, getting a whiff of a familiar scent. He grabbed Tim's arm preventing him from going any further.

"Where are you coming from?"

"I was out drinking with friends. Why are you asking?"

"Which friends?"

"Friends from school."

  Dean knew that particular smell and only one person carried that delicious aroma.

"Were you with Markus?"

  Tim looked at him then turned away, but to Dean that was an answer. An answer he detested. He released his hold on his brother's arm and took a step back. He knew Markus had a mate but still he didn't want his brother anywhere near him.

"He just followed me home." Tim assured him.

"Go upstairs and change out of those wet clothes."

"We have to let him go. He belongs to someone else." Tim said before leaving the room.

  Dean sat down with a sigh knowing his brother was right. They couldn't afford to lose Markus. Lost in thought he didn't realized his brother had come back down until he was standing right in front of him.

"The others won't let him go so easily especially Cassie and her brother."

  Dean sighed, "I know."

"We should head over to his place tomorrow and have a talk with Markus and Mitchell."

"Please don't mention his name."

  Tim laughed, seeming to enjoy his misery. "I don't think he's that bad."

"You wanted to get rid of him. What changed?"

"The thought of losing Markus didn't sit too well with me. We should be happy that he met his special one."

"You have finally grown up." Dean said staring at his brother.

"Yeah, well..."

"We haven't run in the woods for a while. How about we have a race?"

"I could have sworn that I beat you last time."

"You wish."

  They left the house and walked into the woods surrounding the back of their home. This one was also one of the reasons their parents had bought this place. For the uninhabited woods.

  Dean stripped off his clothes because he didn't want to shred his brand new clothing. The change always hurt at first but it was a thrill to be in his wolf form. He was tackled from behind with his brother's brown wolf on his back. The black wolf stared at the brown wolf before suddenly dashing off.

  It was something his brother would do whenever they raced each other.

  'That's not fair. I wasn't ready.'

  'Yeah, well too bad for you.'

  Dean sprinted further into the woods, his brother's wolf right behind him. He saw the tree up ahead and added more energy to reach it before his brother did.

  He was almost to the tree when Tim plunged into his body almost knocking him down.

'Cheater!' Dean growled at his brother but kept running. Tim's laughter sounded in his head. Dean reached the tree and plopped down on the ground, breathing heavily. He hadn't done this in a while.

  'You won by luck.'

  Tim laid next to his side huffing out of breath. For the next few minutes, silence was their only companion until Dean's wolf smelled a different scent on their property.

  'We have company.'

  'Who could trespass on our land without passing through the gate?'

  'I don't know.'

  Both wolves rose up from the ground and looked at each other.

  'I think it's dad trying to trick us again.'

 'Let's teach him a lesson this time.'

  The two wolves veered to the right disappearing in the thick clump of trees. Dean slinked low to the ground as he inched his way to the scent. He spotted the big grey wolf and pounced before he could run.

 'Hey, old man.'

 'Who are you calling old?' Laughter filled the air. His dad managed to get away but Tim was waiting for him to pass his hiding spot.


  Both wolves jumped on the grey wolf in a howl of laughter.

'Okay, I give up. Let's go inside before your mom wakes up and scold me.'

  After changing back into their human forms they headed back to the house.



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