Chapter 68

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  Markus opened his eyes, groaning at the pain in his head. He blinked when his vision blurred for a moment. He felt something wet and rough lick his cheek. He turned his head to find Raven pushing her nose into his face.

  Markus sat up and looked around the room he was locked inside. It was a stark room with its white walls and a bed and a chair the only furniture against the wall. He got slowly to his feet, taking Raven with him and walked to the door on the opposite side of the room.

  He reached out a hand to turn the handle but it burned the middle of his palm.

  Where the hell was this place? How did he get here?

  He rubbed the middle of his palm, trying to soothe the pain. He glanced at his hand and saw that his palm showed no burn mark. Gradually the pain from the burn diminished.

  Markus grabbed the door handle again, bracing himself for the pain but nothing happened. He pulled the door open and cautiously peeked out the door. The hallway was empty, so he stepped out only to be stopped when a strong force hit him square in his chest, driving him to his knees.

  Raven meowed, licking his face. He gently rub her head, letting her know he was okay.

  Forcing even breaths out his body, Markus got to his feet, holding on to the wall.

  Where did that surge of energy came from?

  Using the wall as a crutch, he made his way down the hallway but the more he walked, the hallway seemed to have no end.  

  Markus looked up then realized he was right back at the door where he started.

  Was he stuck in a loop?

  He looked down the opposite end of  the hallway, but it was completely dark not even a light could be seen.

"What do you think? Should we go that way?"

  Raven stared up at him, her yellow eyes watching him. Markus turned his body and walked down the hallway.

  Markus suddenly stopped walking and leaned forward. There was a thin white line running from one wall to the other. He reached out his index finger and touched it. It glinted for a minute then dimmed but it was enough time for him to see its location.

  He walked to the wall to inspect it but couldn't find anything. 

"What do you think we should do? It doesn't look like it's dangerous but..." His voice trailed off when the white line started to vibrate rapidly.

  Markus dodged as a beam aimed in his direction before disappearing down the hallway.

"Don't think you can get away. I had this place designed just for you."

  Markus glanced around when he heard the voice but there was no one in the hallway with him.

"Finally a True Hybrid."

  Markus frowned at those words. He continued to look around trying to find the source.


  Markus clutched Raven tightly in his arms then turned to the white line again.

  No way was he being kept here against his will. He tilted his head to the side to study the line. It seemed familiar to him.

  What if he uses his blood on it?

  Markus looked around for something to cut his palm but there was nothing. He looked at the line again then bit his lip contemplating, but decided to do it. His index finger touched the line a second time and the beam shot. Taking a deep breath, he put his palm upward so the beam would cause a flesh wound.

  Wincing at the pain, he folded his hand into a fist, raising it so that his blood would drop on the line. When the blood touch it, there was a sizzling sound like acid on asphalt. He watched a refulgent white light shot upward to the ceiling before diminishing.

  He grinned when it worked and the line vanished. Markus looked down when Raven nudged his arm. He opened his hand, it was still bleeding.

  Tearing a piece of his shirt he wrapped the cloth around his hand.

"It's fine. Nothing to worry about."

  Keen-eyed, he walked further down the hallway. He hesitated when he came to another unmarked door. He put his ear to the door, listening for any noise or disturbance. Noting there wasn't any, he put his hand on the handle. It didn't burn or cause him any pain.

  The door swung inward revealing another empty room. Markus poked his head inside, bracing himself for anything unexpected but there was nothing. He closed the door and continued walking down the hallway. Another door, this one painted black was ringed with a red haze.

  The red haze seemed to be moving as if it was an entity instead of smoke.

"I didn't expect you to reach this far. You are really spectacular."

  Markus glanced over his shoulder to find a masked figure standing a couple of feet away from him, dressed in a long black robe. He turned to fully face the figure.

"Why am I here?" He asked, making sure to keep his eyes on the figure. He couldn't afford to let his guard down.

  The figure glanced down at Raven then back up at him. "I guess you're not fully mated as yet, right?"

  Markus didn't see the need to reply since the figure already knew the answer. "Why am I here?"

"We've been watching you, waiting for a chance to get you here alone."

  Markus forgo caution and took a step forward but made sure his back was still to the door. The door send a wave of heat at his back but he remained unfazed. It wasn't hurting him.

  The masked figured stood there like he was waiting for something. Markus put a hand behind his back to rest it on the door handle. He could feel the heat but it wasn't burning him at all. He slowly twist the handle and it opened with a small click.

  Markus threw his body against the door but kept his balance. He slammed the door shut just as the figure charged at him. He heard a howl of pain then silence.

  He turned to look around, halting when he saw the huge his mirror with his image reflecting at him.

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