Chapter 2

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Mitchell turned to find his mom staring at him with a bemused expression on her face.

"Nothing. It was nothing." He said as he walked towards her but he quickly glance back to see if the stranger was still there. But there was no one.

Maybe he was being paranoid, thinking the guy was watching him.

Why would a random guy stare at him? Who is he? How long had he been staring at him before he noticed?

Ignoring what just happened, he took the rolls of paper from his mom.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah mom. I'm sure. Let's get something to eat."

He gave a quick glanced around one last time but the guy had disappeared from sight.

Fifteen minutes later they were driving back home after buying their lunch from the local diner.

A jeep was parked at the side of the road, its driver standing with one hand in his pocket staring at the house.

Mitchell glance at his mom briefly with a raised eyebrow 'who is he?' he mouthed silently.

She just shrugged her shoulders at him.

He watched as the stranger turned towards them, a smile on his face. He got something from the vehicle and walked to where they were.

"Sarah Wilkins, I'm Dean Masters. My grandfather was a close friend of your father." He lifted his hands, revealing a black box.

"It's nice to meet you, Dean. Since you already know my name, I guess you also know my son."

Mitchell stared the man closely. He's attractive, no doubt about that, with handsome features. But something about him made him wary.

He couldn't see the color of his eyes since they were covered by a pair of shades.

Dean turned to him, removing his sunglasses. His eyes were a shade of grey but so light, that they almost appeared silver.

"My grandfather left this box to be delivered to you. He had it stated in his will."

"I'm sorry for your lost. But why would your grandfather leave this to me?"

"I don't know. He never shared his thoughts with any of us."

Mitchell didn't say anything regarding the situation. He just waited for his mom to handle it. She walked towards Dean and took the box from his hands.

"Oh...well, thank you."

"If you ever need anything, just let me know."

"Thank you, Dean. That's real kind of you."

"Anytime. I hope your stay in Pine Crest is a good one." He smiled at them then strode to his vehicle without looking back.

"Interesting character." Mitchell said watching the jeep disappeared.

"Come on. Let's get these bags inside."

He took the remaining bags from the car trailing behind his mom.

"Interesting place."

It was after six when he finally went to his room, leaving his mom in the living-room. Closing the door behind he went straight to his trunk, where he kept his collection of books.

Raven was perched above his bed licking her paws, her yellow eyes following his every move.

He removed a black leather bound book, worn around the edges from constant reading. He had found this book in an old bookstore three years ago and had been drawn to it. There was no name or anything much on the cover except for a golden trinity knot also called Triquetra. At the back was the witch's charm also called a witch's knot.

His fingers traced the symbols slowly, he could still feel the heat long his fingertips, sending little shocks along his skin. He still couldn't figure out the reason he had become so attached to this book but ever since then he felt as though it belonged to him. He placed the book on the nightstand and turned to Raven.

Walking closer to her, he ran his hand lightly through her fur, making her purr.

"I guess you don't mind staying here with me?" he asked but she only purred at him.

Mitchell walked towards the bathroom door and went inside, reappearing a couple of minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He quickly dried his skin and put on pajama bottom with a t-shirt. Pulling the covers back on the bed, he placed the book beside him. He was already engrossed into the book when there was a knock on his door.

"Honey, just letting you know I'm heading to bed. I have an early meeting tomorrow."

"Goodnight, mom."

"Have a good night, honey."

Mitchell continued reading after she left until Raven decided it was enough. She quietly jumped onto his bed and stride towards him, bumping her head into his shoulder with a meow. He put the book down then turned to look at her.

"I guess it's time for bed, huh?" He glanced at the bedside clock. It was already midnight. He switched off the lights, pitching the room into darkness.

Sleep came quickly this time but he was plagued again with the same dreams. His body trembled as the dream became darker and more terrifying than last time.

He was in the body of another boy, a different time era. Voices from outside drifted through the windows into his room. He could hear the anger and fear emitting from their voices, making him wonder what had happened to cause this uproar. And it always ended the same way.

He couldn't escape in time and they captured him, binding his hands behind his back. They blindfold him, dragging him from his home.

So let me know your thoughts on this chapter. I love writing but its been a while since I've written anything. Should I continue to write or stop. Leave your comments.

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