Chapter 4: The Library

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Woo! Day two!

Welcome back everybody!
George POV.

Techno was looking past me with an unreadable expression. It piqued my confusion and I glanced over my shoulder, to see a blond locking eyes with a pinkette. I decided not to question it, for now at least, since obviously Techno has been here for longer so I figured it was someone who he knew.

The people who were sitting around the blond were all chatting happily with each other, but they began walking towards one of the exits of the mess hall. As they walked out, I saw Techno watching them before going back to eating his mush.
“Are they friends of yours?” I asked, and Techno seemed confused that I was talking to him.

For a couple of seconds he seemed to wonder if and why I was talking to him, but he did respond eventually. “They aren’t friends. I just happen to know them.”
“How do you know them?” I decided to push, although I was certain that he might stop me if I tried finding out too much.

“Those guys are the head of a gang, it's quite small, but it's the strongest gang in here. They often want me to join them, but I’ve never been interested.”
“Oh, why’s that?” I questioned, but he seemed to be over conversations since he didn’t answer. Instead, he stood up and turned to leave.

I watched as my cellmate walked out of the room, before realising that all eyes in the room were now on me. A few of the inmates whispered things to each other. My eyebrows immediately furrowed and I stood up before leaving the mess hall.

Before I entered the prison, the woman with the frizzy red hair had told me to head to an office on the third floor after lunch to be assigned a job. People were whistling as they admired my figure while I walked away, making me feel even more self conscious and speed up slightly.

Obviously I didn’t know where the third floor was, it wasn’t as though they gave me a map, or that there were signs everywhere. And only places like the yard had guards in person watching, other than that it was all on cameras, but there were passages and hallways which allowed them to travel throughout the prison quickly without running into prisoners.

So there was nobody to ask. I wandered around blindly for a while, occasionally stumbling into a room such as a laundry, or into the prison yard, but I still hadn’t found a staircase. I walked into a room which was a lot quieter than the other rooms, no chatter from prisoners or anything.

When I looked around I noticed it was a library, and it was apparently empty. However, I could hear a little bit of chatter coming from out of sight. I turned to leave again, deciding that looking for directions in here was a waste of time, but as I left one of the members of the group having a conversation out of sight, came around the corner and saw me.

“Hey boys!” He called out loudly. “I didn’t know there was entertainment here!” His words were followed by a playful and rowdy chuckle. “Come and take a look!”
A small gulp left me as some more men, all big and burly, rounded the corner and admired me. I began slowly stepping backwards, giving an awkward smile to the group as I did.

“Aww where are you going?” One of the men, a man with a long black beard and a shaved head asked. “We are just wanting to have some fun.”
“I’m not interested in any of your fun.” I replied, spinning on my heel to walk off. “Thank you for the offer though.”

As I began quickly striding away I didn’t notice the footsteps rapidly approaching me until someone tightly grabbed my shoulders. “Don’t leave yet.” One of the men spoke lowly, “we just want to have some fun, and there is a blindspot in the cameras so nobody will know.”
“I’m not interested.” I grumbled, feeling exhausted from today and not wanting to deal with it.

“But it can be an exchange. You give us a bit of fun, and we’ll give you a bit of protection. There are so many people around here who would want to damage your beautiful body.” As his words left in a tone that sounded like honey, and was anything but, his hand that was on my shoulder moved to my neck, lightly choking me as his friends shouted encouragingly.

“You assume you are any different?” I spoke through gritted teeth as I tried to pull myself away from his cold sausage fingers.
“Don’t be rude,” the man scolded, tightening his grip. “I will be gentle if you learn to be polite. If not, then I can teach you not to be a brat.”

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” A monotone voice asked, and the man that was holding me pulled me closer to his chest, making me yelp and struggle to pull myself away.
“Techno,” the man holding me greeted. “I didn’t expect to see you today.”
“I work here. Now, what are you touching him for?”

“Am I not allowed to have my fun Techno? And were you never told by your mother to mind your business?” I couldn’t see where Techno was from the awkward angle I was being held at, but I heard his footsteps heading towards us before feeling myself being yanked away from the man's chest.

“He isn’t yours to have fun with.” The pinkette stated firmly. “And if I catch you trying to do anything to him I’ll make you regret it.”
“He’s been here for just over an hour and you’ve claimed him as your whore? Is that it?”

I watched as Techno glared at the man but didn’t say anything, instead turning and leading me out of the room. “Are you okay?” I asked him, seeing how tense the pinkette looked as we walked in the direction I knew to be our cell, even though I had only been here for about five hours, not even that.

“Why are you asking me that?” He responded. “You knew what they were about to do to you, if anything I should be asking if you were alright.”
“I’m fine.” I reassured him. “Why did you want to stop them though?”
“Why wouldn’t I want to stop them? They are assholes.” He told me, refusing to say any more.

That seemed to mark the end of our conversation. That was something about Techno which I always noticed. How he seemed to easily end conversations, without saying or doing much in the first place to end it. It just seemed that he was over it, and you always accepted it.

I let out a sigh as I walked to my cell and without a word more to my cell mate, I climbed onto the top bunk and laid down.
1178 words

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