Chapter 12: Delivery

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George POV.

“Take these two bags to the fourth cell on the second story in Cell block A. There is an inmate called Mark Hoffman who will be there, he has dark brown-nearly black hair and blue eyes.” I nodded at Dream’s instructions, snatching the bag in my hands and turning to head off. He didn’t say anything to me as he turned his attention back to his game of cards.

This had been the routine for a week now, ever since Techno left I’d been doing this. In the morning I’d eat breakfast then be given a delivery. Then at lunch, I’d eat and then be given a delivery. Then after my shift as the librarian I’d be given another delivery. Then after dinner, guess what? Another delivery of course.

Over the span of the week most of Dream’s group had made conversation with me once or twice, not that I often responded to them. Although ever since Techno had left the blond hadn’t interacted with me as much. The only time that he’d talk with me was whenever he gave me instructions.

Sure, I got protection, but ever since Techno left I had felt less safe, thankfully nobody had tried anything yet, but I wouldn’t put it past them. Every delivery I made put my hair on end. That was the reason I was always speedy, because I didn’t want to hang around for too long and risk people getting ideas.

I hurried down the corridors, passing the mess hall, shower blocks, gym, and courtyard, then finally I reached Cell Block A. It was just before dinner, meaning that a lot of the other inmates were hanging around in their cell.

There was a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes looking over the railing on the second floor. He was staring down, servailing the area, before grinning as he saw me. I had the package Dream had given me buried in my pocket as I rushed up the stairs. Several people watched as I did but nobody said anything to me.

“Are you Mark Hoffman?” I asked the inmate when I was standing beside him. He pushed away from the railing and glanced over me before nodding.
“That’s me,” he confirmed, then he offered out a roll of money. “This is what I owe.”

I took it without a word and took a moment to quickly count the notes, there seemed to be enough and so I passed over the package from my pocket, which he pocketed just as quickly in his own. “Pleasure doing business with you,” he smirked as I turned to hurry off, however I was stopped.

While I had been handing over the package several inmates had gathered around behind me, creating a human barricade between myself and the stairs. “Hey Hoffman,” one of the men forming this human barricade called. “You got the toy to come visit you, isn’t that sweet.”
I glanced over at the man who I’d been talking to and he sighed. “Piss off,” he growled.

“What? Why?” The man questioned in a whiny voice. “We just wanted to have a turn with him while he is here.” Several of them sent up wolf whistles at that, and I tried to keep my face going red from humiliation and the feeling of all of their eyes on me.
“Please don’t,” Hoffman continued.

“Dream always gets me what I need, and if you harass his delivery boy I won’t be able to get my things any more.” None of them seemed to care what he thought as they circled in, all reminding me of how predators approached their prey. “Guys seriously.” Hoffman continued as they approached. “Dream might cut off all business to this block.”

Despite how his words were trying to discourage their actions, he did nothing to actually step in and help me as I was pinned against the railing by one of the first men to reach me. The man cupped the side of my face and I inhaled sharply. Every second that passed I felt more and more certain that something bad would happen.

Please God, can anyone save me from this. I don’t want to be here. I haven’t even done anything wrong. All of this was me getting in trouble for the murder of my best friend, which is a murder I didn't committ. And now, I was about to be made into a living sex toy for a bunch of gang members, robbers, murderers, and pedophiles.

I took a deep breath, shaking uncontrollably as I attempted to come to terms with my fate. There was a man with foul smelling breath in my face, his hand brushed along my cheek and he moved daringly close to me. “Don’t touch me,” I tried to warn, however he didn’t seem to care to listen to me.

His breath made every hair on my body prick, and I attempted to push him off unsuccessfully, but his hand took both of my wrists and held them. “Oh, you’re so pretty up close.” The man crowned as I struggled in his grip. “Your cell is empty. Maybe I could move in there and keep you some company.”

At his words I tensed up further, feeling his lips ghosting over my skin. He was about to go further, however before he got the chance a voice called out to us. “What the hell are you lot doing up there?” A guard asked from the first floor, a couple of the prisoners shuffled back at me and muttered incoherent answers. “It is dinner time so head to the mess hall.”

The guard continued to watch the mob of inmates who reluctantly began backing away from me, and I finally managed to move away from the railing as my breathing stabilised. After most of the group disappeared, I finally remembered how to walk and left the cell block.

There was no point eating. I didn’t feel hungry after what I just had to go through, I only felt a mixture of exhaustion and nausea. So, instead of heading to the mess hall for some food, I trudged back to my Cell Block, and I trudged back to my cell and climbed into my bunk since I hoped that I could wake up from this and hope that this was just a dream.
1147 words

Christmas chapters will be going up tomorrow!

First up is Antiheroes for Christmas Eve. It is also set on Christmas Eve and shows their lives after fleeing L'manburg, and maybe Dream and George rekindle their relationship

The day after (Christmas night) is Gods! But it is the non-canon ending where nobody dies, since it will be kind of depressing if it was the one where the loves of George's life were both dead and he just mourned them.

Woo! Christmas!

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