Chapter 68: A night alone

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Hello everyone.

Aren't Dream and Techno the worst? I mean they are the reason that everything bad has happened to George (as explained in the last chapter). Do they deserve forgiveness?
Dream POV.

A shaky breath fell from my lips as I stepped towards the cell, knowing that there was a high chance George would start screaming and sobbing in my direction the moment he saw me. It made me feel guilty, but I let out a sigh, knowing that I had to live with the consequence of my actions.

As I got closer I noticed that the sobbing had died down, which made sense since I doubt he could have been crying for more than four hours without his throat and eyes hurting. When I stepped inside I saw the brunette curled up in a small ball, seeming to be either asleep, or very close to being asleep.

George’s body was tense and rigid, making me want to do nothing more than pull him in for a loving hug and reassure him that everything would be alright, but I knew that obviously wouldn’t be enough. After all, I was the reason he was going through all of this pain.

Because of how the brunette was feeling, I had decided that for tonight and tomorrow night I would stay in Sapnap’s cell, so I just stopped by to grab the stuff that I would need, such as a toothbrush and my deodorant, and some clothes for tomorrow. Then I will leave him be so he can calm down.

I walked over to the locker in the corner of the room and quietly opened it, cringing at the loud squeak as it swung open. Then I grabbed my stuff that was there before hearing a gasp from behind me.

It was obvious what that meant, and when I turned around I saw George there, his eyes wide and filled with tears as he saw me. “Hey,” I greeted. “No need to worry. I’m just… uh… getting myself some stuff. Then I’ll leave you be. I’m staying in Sapnap’s cell tonight.” He didn’t say anything, just sitting there and seeming on the verge of tears the entire time.

As I looked through my stuff for another shirt I decided at the very least I should try and talk to him, asking, ‘did Bad and Sapnap bring you some food?’ before glancing over my shoulder to see his answer, but there was nothing. He just stared at me, his eyes red and puffy and his hair a mess. It was heartbreaking to look at.

Finally I found my shirt and turned to give him a final look. “I’m sorry for everything that’s happened.” I said to him. “I’m gonna go now, but I can bring you something to eat tomorrow morning if you’d like.” I waited for some sort of answer before getting slightly upset as he muttered for me to ‘please leave’.

“Alright.“ I replied solemnly, “I’ll leave you be. Have a good night.” Without saying anything else I turned and walked out, hoping that maybe, possibly he’d call me back and say he accepted my apology, but that didn’t happen. So I walked all the way back to my old cell, where Sapnap was sitting on his bunk reading.

“How was he?” the ravenette asked when he glanced up at me. I sighed as I put down my stuff on my old bed, the one I hadn’t slept on for around a month now.
“Still upset at me. He didn’t say much, only about him wanting me to leave. I told him that I would bring him some food tomorrow morning though.” I explained.

“Do you think that he’s going to come with us when we try and get out of here on Thursday?” the ravenette questioned, “how much have you told him about that?”
“I haven’t told him much. He knew that we were planning on getting out of here, and that he was going to go with me, but that’s all. I didn’t want him to freak out or get stressed with it all.”

“Well, is he still going to want to come if he hates your guts? Should I ask Karl to change any plans?” The ravenette asked.
I shook my head. “If he did come, he wouldn’t want to stay with me, and from what you and Bad told me it seems he hates everyone who is friends with me just as much.”

“So we are just going to leave him?” The thought of leaving the brunette pissed Sapnap off, and it pissed me off too, but that wasn’t what was going to happen.
“Sap, this is kinda good though. If there is evidence that George didn’t kill Wilbur then he could get out of here. He could have a normal life, instead of one on the run like us.”

“You want to leave him here so he can go back to his normal life?” Sapnap asked. “But I thought that you loved him.”
“And I do. But he hates me. I don’t want him to leave, but it’s clear that he’d rather have a normal life without me than a thrilling, wild one with me.”

As I spoke I fell back on the bed, since it was getting late and I wanted to sleep. It felt weird to sleep in a bed without George next to me, and without George in the room. I’d grown so used to being able to snuggle into him as I slept that it felt colder than normal.

George POV

After spending hours crying to try and get my pain out, my tears had all dried up. I was hungry, and thirsty, and tired all at once. Obviously though i couldn’t leave the cell now since it was after lights out, and the mess hall wasn’t giving food at this time of night.

That meant that I couldn’t go get food, and I couldn’t go get water. I had nothing until morning, which was roughly eight hours away. I think. I’d been so wrapped up in what was going on I hadn’t focused on what time it was.

All that I did have was what Bad and Sapnap brought earlier when they came to check on me, and I did not want to eat any of that stuff. Why would I willingly eat the chocolate bars and drink the juice that Bad had given me when it was clear that they were still friends with the blond despite what he had done.

I let out a pathetic sigh, because despite all of that I wanted Dream in the cell right now. This wasn’t anything about forgiving him, but it was just so quiet, and so lonely. Being on my own reminded me of what had happened… back in my cell… a while ago but still fresh in my memory.

The memories of what happened were there, almost as if they had happened yesterday. My breathing began to pick up as I remembered it all. The way he looked at me. The things he whispered in my ear. The way he caressed my body.

Thinking back to that day made me shake. I just wanted to be purged of that memory. And the fact that Dream and Techno, the two people who were actually nice to me here, were the reason that this was happening made it worse. I sobbed at the thought before curling up, and hoping that all of this would be over soon.
1338 words

After tonight there are 10 chapters left, meaning there are only 7 chapters until Action comes out and then Howl in the night will be after that.

If you want, on my Discord server there is a competition to design a cover for the story. It's a bit short notice but you can design a cover for Action and submit it, then people will vote and you can have your cover on this book.

Anyway, see you guys tomorrow

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