Chapter 28: Nap

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George POV.

This was the first time I had been outside since the day I was arrested, and I have to say that I missed it. Before I got arrested, I spent most of my day inside for work, and rarely cared to be outside. Now though, it felt great, especially since I will be in here for a while, serving fifteen years for murder.

When I had stepped out it took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light, and in the few seconds it had taken Punz was dragged off to be searched for contraband, which according to Sapnap was a piece of jewellery. But now I’d walked over with the rest of the group to the edge of the yard, with the wall which marked the outside of the prison creating shade.

There was a raised platform which several guards were patrolling around on, with the beating morning sun hitting the backs of their uniforms. All of them were mildly irritated by the fact that they had to be outside in the hot weather, and didn’t try to hide it as they glared down at any inmate who dared to come near them.

Several bushes were against the wall, they weren’t big enough to help someone attempt to climb over the fences and escape. Bad was the first person to sit down, making himself comfortable on the short grass that barely passed his fingers as he did so. The rest of the group also sat down, apart from Punz and Dream who hadn’t turned up yet.

I myself laid down in the sun, humming contently as I got to be outside in the fresh air (however fresh it would be when it is inside a prison full of a bunch of big, beefy, sweaty inmates who don’t practise proper hygiene were) for the first time in ages. The group around me chuckled at my actions but I didn’t mind as my eyes fluttered shut with the warm sun on my face.

After laying there for a moment, embracing the warm sun, my eyes fluttered back open. It was at just the right time to see Dream approaching, and he smiled at me when he saw how relaxed I was. When he reached us, he took a seat right beside me and I sat up slightly to look at him.

The group were all happy to see him, and he was happy to see them in response. As he made himself comfortable his hand moved to rest on my thigh. It wasn’t in a gesture that was romantic or sexual in any way, and I found comfort in it as he began talking to the rest of the group.

I didn’t bother to pay attention to what the group said as I laid peacefully on the surprisingly soft grass. This was possibly the most relaxed I had been in a while. I was laying in the warm sun, on the soft grass, and nothing bad would happen to me because Dream and the rest of the group wouldn’t let that happen.

So I let my guard down. Most of the time I’d been in here I’d been on edge after all, especially after Techno left, and after what happened in my cell. But this felt like the first time where I could fully relax, especially outside of my cell. The noises of the outside merged in my mind into a quiet hum as I allowed myself to drift in and out of consciousness.

A hand on my shoulder caught my attention, causing me to sit up slightly. All of the group had disappeared except for Dream, who was looking down at me with a happy expression. “C’mon,” he said in a soft tone. “You fell asleep. It’s almost lunchtime and the rest of us are heading back inside.”

As the blond spoke he moved back slightly, allowing me space to get up. I blinked a couple of times to get my eyes readjusted to the light and noticed that the yard was more empty than it had been earlier. Most of the prisoners that were in the yard were on some of the exercise equipment, and the guards were chatting quietly to each other from their platform.

Dream helped me up and he couldn’t help but laugh softly at me as we walked back inside. “I can’t believe you fell asleep,” he teased lightly, making me flush red with embarrassment.
“I couldn’t help it if it was peaceful out here.” I defended myself with a huff.
“I’m not judging,” he defended. “But I’ve never heard someone describe the yard as peaceful.”

“Then maybe it was just being around you guys that made me feel like I was able to sleep.” I shrugged, before tensing up as Dream put his hand on the small of my back. A small gasp fell from my lips as he began directing me towards the mess hall. The blond however seemed insensitive, as though what he was doing was completely normal.

The rest of the group were all moping around the table in the mess hall, watching silently as the people serving the food got it prepared for the prisoners which would be lining up to eat in a few moments time. However, the group’s attention turned to us when we approached, and Quacktiy couldn’t resist to beam at me as he asked, “how was your sleep George?”

His question brought the eyes of the entire group onto me, and I hated the fact that I was the centre of attention, so I quietly murmured the answer of ‘it was alright’. After that the conversation quickly switched to something else as I took my seat, with Bad moving over to me to talk.

“Are you okay?” He questioned, which confused me slightly since I hadn’t thought that I’d done anything that made me seem upset.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I responded. “Why?”

Bad shrugged while looking around at the rest of the group, none of whom were paying us any mind. “These guys can just be a bit rowdy sometimes,” he eventually stated. “We tried waking you up a couple of times but you slept through it all. Was it because you don’t sleep well at night?”

“No, I just fall asleep really easily, and I can just be a heavy sleeper when I am asleep.” I explained. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Good, I was just hoping that you were okay and didn’t get heat stroke or something.” As he spoke we noticed the inmates who were serving the foods put the trays out.

Apparently when the trays were out it meant you were able to get food, because the moment Skeppy and Sapnap noticed the trays they began heading over, with the rest of the group following after them. I hung back a little, noting how other prisoners were beginning to file into the room, almost as if they’d been lurking, waiting for lunch to be ready.

Most of them seemed in a rush to get their trays, and then from there to the tables where they usually sat. I grabbed the food that was being served today before heading back over to the group, feeling surprisingly refreshed after falling asleep on the grass.
1217 words

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