Chapter 37: Lockdown #2 (cells)

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Dream POV.

Tears were pricking at George's eyes as he curled up on his bunk and if I looked close enough I could see him shaking slightly from what had happened. His shirt was off and there were several large purple bruises forming on his chest, arms, and legs (although I couldn’t see his legs) from where he’d been hit during his encounter with a guard.

I felt so guilty, looking at the way that the bruises were beginning to change into bright purples, reds, and browns. The whole time we’d been in here I kept scolding myself, since I should have warned the brunette about the lockdown. Because I didn’t do that, he knew nothing about what was going on and ended up hurt by a psychotic guard.

Aside from George getting hurt, the lockdown went pretty standard, as far as lockdowns were concerned. They broke up the fight, dragged the ring leaders and a couple of extra violent inmates off to solitary, separated the prisoners, and sent them all to their cells. Just as expected.

The entire time it went down, Karl was sitting in the security booth, watching through cameras how long the guards took to get organised, and how long it took them to get the prison under control once the alarm had been raised. This was all very important information to find out for our future escape, and so I hoped that it had been done right.

After the alarm had been raised and we’d been sent to our cell the doors locked automatically. In the security office where Karl was, there was a control panel which covered everything from the lights, to the doors, to the showers. From that panel alone you could start a prison wide blackout, or cut off all water, if the guards wanted.

But for lockdowns such as this one, the panel could lock the doors. This mechanic overrides the timed locks, so that if there was a lockdown at night then the doors wouldn’t open in the morning until the lockdown has been lifted. All of this information was good to know for a later date and so myself, along with the rest of the group, had memorised facts like these.

After prisoners had all been rounded up, and locked up their cells, the lockdown would remain on for several more hours (on average four or five). During this time the prison staff would tend to the injured (mainly other injured staff members), repair as much damage as was possible, do a headcount, and check for any escaped inmates.

Those things weren’t the worst though. One of the most dangerous things to consider was the fact that soldiers were contacted from a military training base a half hour's drive away when the alarm was triggered.

The soldiers would set up a roadblock on the main road to stop escaped inmates from driving down that. There were also all terrain vehicles that they’d get searching the desert that surrounded the prison in case escapees attempted to leave that way. Other soldiers are sent down to the prison to help heighten security.

When I had been told that by Karl (or more accurately told that by Sapnap who’d been told that by Karl) I hadn’t believed it, but Karl wasn’t someone who usually lied to us. It took the military base less than three minutes to get all needed soldiers on route to the prison, or to where they were setting up the road blocks.

At this very moment there were probably two dozen soldiers in the prison, occasionally they would be seen patrolling past our cell in pairs and checking to make sure all prisoners were present and accounted for. The guns they carried glinted in the lights which were still their bloody red colour.

But none of that mattered for now. We were stuck in here until the morning, with lights out being in a few hours. I wanted to contact the other members of our group with my hidden mobile to see how they were doing, but I couldn’t since I knew that the cameras would currently be watched by several more guards than usual.

So I turned my attention to George who was still sobbing on the bed. Pity still filled me as I decided to go and make sure he was feeling okay. I climbed up to his bunk and moved to sit beside him, not saying anything for a couple of moments as he continued to cry.

“Do your bruises hurt?” I questioned, looking at one that was on his chest, on the lower half of his ribcage that was the size of the palm of my hand. This particular bruise was formed when George was too slow to get to the cell.
“Yeah.” He whimpered, tears pricking at his eyes. “It hurts so fucking much.”

Hearing the brunette swear honestly surprised me, since it wasn’t something that commonly happened. I understood though, the injuries did seem painful after all and I felt slightly surprised as he moved to rest his head on my chest. Neither of us said anything, however we both seemed alright with what was happening.

I found myself enjoying the contact, not in an intimate way, but just in a comfortable way. I often came to feel myself having a warm feeling in my chest when I was in close proximity to the brunette. My mind was caught on what had happened earlier, when he kissed me on the cheek. Obviously it wasn’t much, but it lit a spark in me that I didn’t know how to extinguish.

It wasn’t until right now, as he was laying against me while shirtless did I really begin to notice the size difference between the two of us. Obviously I was bigger than he was, but his small shirtless body pressed against mine seemed a lot more noticeable than it usually was, and I hated the fact that I enjoyed it so much.

His hand was tenderly touching one of his bruises, seemingly trying to figure out how badly it would hurt when he poked it. Obviously that wasn’t good, and as the brunette was about to seemingly jab his injury, I grabbed his hand.

This was another time I could notice the size difference. My hand could easily encapsulate his, and I gently pulled it away from the injury. “Don’t do that,” I spoke softly, my thumb rubbing against the back of his hand as I moved it to rest on his lap. “Your injury won’t get any better if you keep poking it.”

“It’s just a bruise,” the brunette grumbled in response. “It’ll be fine in a week or so.” But despite his words he kept himself where I had moved him to. I smiled at the fact that he wasn’t trying to poke his bruises any more, and I quickly noticed that he was falling asleep.

When I noticed this I lowered the two of us down so we were laying on the bed, keeping in the same embrace the entire time. He quickly fell asleep and I followed suit soon after.
1196 words

Haha... Gay

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