Chapter 62: Warden

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George POV.

Near the end of breakfast a guard walked over to the group, causing all of us to look at him as he stood at the end of the table, however he ignored most of us. “Punz,” the guard spoke, looking directly at the platinum blond and causing the entire group to look over at him also. “The warden wants to see you.”

Punz scoffed, “does he mind giving me a minute? I am in the middle of eating breakfast.” The guard shook his head as the inmate went to put another spoonful of the food in his mouth,
“The warden wants to see you now.” He repeated. “Not in a minute, not once you finish breakfast, now.”

“Fine.” The platinum blond growled, pushing the remainder of the tray away in annoyance. I first thought that this was somewhat childish behaviour, when I began sitting with this group, but seeing as what little we did in a day I came to savour mealtime, and understand the annoyance of being dragged away.

He stood up and stomped off in the direction of the stairs, and the moment he was out of sight the group’s attention went back to the food in front of them. Now that he’d done what he came here to do the guard seemed relieved and hurried off, with us not even sparing him a glance.

“Weird.” Quackity hummed when both the guard and Punz were gone.
“What’s weird?” Sapnap asked in response, which was something that all of the group was wondering.
“Punz has just been called away by the warden a couple of times in the past few weeks.”

“How is that weird?” Skeppy questioned. “We know that Punz can get into quite a few fights every once in a while, and he always wears gold and metal which sets off all the metal detectors. The warden could just be calling him up to stop him from doing that.”

“Maybe.” Quacktiy muttered after hearing that explanation, but he didn’t seem all too convinced by what the ravenette said. “But he also disappears and says he has a lot of meetings with the therapist.”
“I didn’t know that he saw the therapist.” Dream stated, not taking his eyes off of his food.

“Well you don’t need to know Dream you muffin.” Bad scolded. “It is something very personal that you don’t always tell people.”
“Honestly he goes too often for me to think it is the therapist though.” Quacktiy added on.

He seemed to be trying to figure it out now while we were all around him, and despite first impressions he was relatively smart. Something that he rarely tells people was that he ran one of the biggest (most corrupt) political parties in the country, and you have to be really smart to be able to do that.

After a few minutes though he couldn’t come up with any conclusions to his thoughts, and just went back to eating the porridge that was in front of him. All of us seemed kind of disappointed because we wanted to see what he was thinking, but none of us said anything either.

Bad quickly started up a conversation with the group. I didn’t speak much during it as he asked a bunch of random questions and then waited for our answer. They were quite entertaining and I found myself laughing a lot of the time along with the other’s at the table, with all of us ignoring the occasional glance from surrounding groups of inmates.

None of them said anything to get us to shut up, since most of us (with the exception of myself and possibly one or two other people) were strong enough to kill other people with minimal effort. That and the fact that Dream could smuggle in anything that they would need or want also meant that people would be more likely to ignore us.

Sapnap was the first member of the group to move, saying what he had said to myself and Dream when we turned up as he informed the group that he was going outside to use the exercise equipment before it got busy. He told us all to feel free to join him when we were finished before leaving.

All of the group were planning on joining him, and even though Dream and I finished soon after the ravenette did, we waited around until the whole group was finished before we stood up. And as a group, we headed out into the yard, seeing the ravenette on one of the bench presses.

“No way, you got the good equipment!” Quackity grinned at the sight before sprinting off of him with Skeppy right behind him. Sapnap sat up and smirked at the pair as they approached.
Bad, Dream, and I kept approaching at the same pace, and I asked the pair of them what Quackity had meant. “What does he mean by ‘the good equipment’?”

“Most of the stuff here is broken, or rusty, or stiff, making it hard to use.” Bad explained. “And there is another gang that always gets here first thing after breakfast before using it all day.”
“There are only like four things here that actually work well.” Dream continued.
“Do the guards not care that the equipment is broken?”

“Not really to be honest..” Bad shook his head. He walked over to a bench and made himself comfortable, with Dream sitting down beside him. The two were going to squish up to give me some room, but I instead opted to sit on the grass with my head on Dream’s lap. It was quite nice as the blond began playing with my hair.

From beside Dream, Bad made a comment about how both of us were cute together, something that made me feel happy. Dream also seemed proud as he heard what the other inmate said but neither of us said anything as we moved to look over at the three as they talked and worked out on the machines.

I glanced over in the direction of the yard's entrance, watching other inmates heading out from having finished their breakfast. When I first got to this prison I used to think that they all looked scary, and would kill me if they had the chance. But after having been here for a few months and being surrounded by my friends they no longer seemed as threatening.

The entire time I watched people walking in Dream and Bad were continuing to talk with each other, while also including Sapnap, Skeppy, and Quackity. I simply relaxed into the loving touch that was being provided by the blond, allowing myself to slowly drift off to sleep and knowing that he would keep me safe.

Punz POV.

Why does that fucker need to see me during breakfast when he had the rest of the day to get me instead. I don’t do anything in the morning after breakfast, only a few hours of work after lunch, and nothing after dinner, but does the warden decide to get me during those times? No, of course not.

I didn’t bother to spare a glance at any of the other guards or inmates along the way as I hurried up the stairs, wanting to get this over and done with as quickly as possible so I could hopefully get back to my breakfast.

When I got to the door of the wardens office I grimaced, feeling agitated about being told to come here so early but I didn’t say anything as I knocked on the door. It took annoyingly long for Warden Sam to tell me to come in, and made me think that he didn’t actually care about the fact that I left my breakfast for him.

A smirk grew on his face as I stepped in. “Morning Punz.” He greeted, obviously not caring that I was dragged away from breakfast. “I think it’s time we had a talk…”
1367 words

And I know people are mad from a couple chapters ago where Dream killed Wilbur, but in his defence he didn't realise that he'd fall in love with Wilbur's best friend so he is totally innocent.

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