Chapter 67: Guilt

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Dream POV

“Well… George is upset. He probably wants to be left alone.” I answered sheepishly, rubbing that back of my head.
“If George is upset then why aren’t you with him?” Punz asked accusingly. “You are his boyfriend. Shouldn’t you be comforting him?”

“Not really… it’s hard to explain though.” I huffed out, which only seemed to confuse the group more and so I let out a sigh, knowing that I should tell them. “The reason that George is upset is because… well… I was the one that killed his best friend. What I said immediately made the group fall silent, and it made me nervous.

“Dream. What do you mean you killed his best friend? Are you talking about the best friend that George got arrested for killing?” Sapnap asked, being the first to break the silence.
“Yeah. it was.” I sighed. “Now, I don’t know what to do!”

“He understandably hates your fucking guts by this point.” Punz scoffed, causing Sapnap to turn and glare at him.
“That’s a harsh way of saying it, but Punz is right. I mean, he found out that his best friend was killed by the person he trusted the most. That definitely would hurt.”

“You guys saying that isn’t helping either.” I muttered. “I just want him to know that it was an accident. And that I’m sorry.”
“I doubt that he’ll care about whether it was an accident or not.” Quackity stated.

I hung my head at their words, each one hurting me as though they cut me with a blade. I knew that I probably deserved it, that this was the world’s way of giving me karma for everything I do, and so I can’t complain. The group seemed to realise this and all grew quiet, although occasionally sending me dirty looks.

Eventually Sapnap stood up, informing the group that he was going to check on George and make sure he was okay. They all seemed to like that idea and Bad offered to go as well, suggesting that they grab some chocolate and some juice from the commissary for the brunette on their way.

I watched as they both left before turning to see Punz, Skeppy, and Quackity all giving me a look, one that was indescribable. “What?” I asked, although I felt like I already knew what the answer was going to be.
“Why did you kill his best friend?” Quackity responded, raising an eyebrow.

“Because his friend was drunk at the time and would have alerted the police to where I was.” I explained. “But I don’t see why I’m the bad guy. All of us have killed people, I was just the guy unlucky enough to end up dating a friend of one of my victims. I mean Quackity, how much of your ‘competition’ did you pay to have assassinated during your election campaign?”

“A couple. But I don’t see what this has to do with anything.” He replied, picking around with his food.
“Well what if you ended up best friends with one of their kids without knowing who they were?” He said nothing and so I turned to Skeppy.

“Skeppy, with your drug ring, how many people ended up dead, or homeless,  or sick, or gotten expelled or fired because of what you’ve done?” The ravenette only shrugged, not being able to give an exact number. “What if you got a roommate who happened to be the parent of a kid who’d overdosed?”

Once again there was no answer, so I turned to the final member of the group. “And Punz-”
“Dream, we know what you mean. You don’t need to keep going on about it.” The platinum blond cut me off. “I know we’d all feel shit if we were in the same situation. But what about Thursday evening?”

“What do you mean by that?” I responded. “On Thursday evening we are still getting out of here.”
“Would George want to go with you though?” He continued. “After he found out what you did he probably won’t want to be around you.” I didn’t even think of that…

I loved George. But if he hated me then he wouldn’t want to go anywhere with me. So either I’d have to have Karl rearrange everything in short notice, or one of us wouldn’t be able to go. Even though I had been planning this escape for months, I wouldn’t want George to be stuck here without protection, so I knew that I’d have to think.


As Sapnap and I approached the cell we could hear crying from several halls away, which only prompted the two of us to speed up, but when we did we were met with a relatively depressing sight.

The brunette was curled up on his bed as he sobbed, and after exchanging a glance with the ravenette we slowly approached him. “George.” I spoke softly, attempting to get his attention without making him freak out. “I brought you something to eat.”

I offered out a couple of chocolate bars which I’d hoped he’d like, along with a juice box which just had some apple juice which I also hoped he’d like. There was no response from George and so I stepped slightly closer.

“I know what happened. I wanted to come and check up on you, with Sapnap. We just want to make sure you are okay.” I told him, moving towards the bunk.
“No!” He suddenly cried. “Get away from me! I don’t want you near me!” His voice sounded raw from the sobbing and caused me and Sapnap to exchange a pitiful glance before continuing.

“George. You need to eat.” Sapnap said gently as I attempted to coax him forward, offering out a chocolate bar for him to grab, but the brunette just shook his head.
“We brought these especially for you. I hope you like them.” I added on, giving the crying muffin a caring smile.

“I don’t want anything from you! You both know what Dream did and didn’t stop him! I’m locked in this prison with a bunch of criminals who want to fuck or kill everything they see cause of him and Techno!” George sobbed. “I got r*ped cause of him and Techno! And you are still friends with him.”

“George. We know what he did-” Sapnap began, before being cut off by the brunette.
“If you know what he did then you’d not be friends with him!” He sobbed, burying his head further into his arms. “Now get out!” At his words I looked over at Sapnap who motioned towards the door, implying that maybe we should do what George wants and leave.

Before I stepped out though I quickly put the food on the edge of the bed and gave a small smile, one that I hoped he could see. “Alright George,” I nodded. “We’ll go, but I’ll leave these in case you get hungry.” The brunette shifted himself to glance over at me before hiding his face again. I figured that was the best I was going to get and so I turned to follow Sapnap.
1215 words

Is George overreacting? Or is he underreacting? Or should he forgive Dream just until they get out of prison and then be pissed?

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