Chapter 11: Goodbye

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Techno POV.

I finished my food and stood up, watching from the corner of my eyes as George went to do the same. He’d probably follow me until I had headed to the front of the prison, where I would be put onto a truck to my new home.

For once this meant I was looking forward to something. I have a lot of family and friends in the area who I will be able to see again. As I walked I glanced down at George, who had run to catch up with me, and once I glanced over my shoulder I noticed that Dream was also following after us about twenty feet behind us.

The two of us headed up to our cell and I grabbed my stuff, George watched quietly with a saddened gaze. By the time the two of us had my stuff a pair of guards were standing beside the brunette. One was the tall lanky officer from the other day that had taken me to the warden's office, the other was a redhead with brown eyes.

“Are you ready to go?” One of them asked once I approached them. I nodded before glancing down at George, then at Dream who was standing beside him silently. “Let’s go then.” The same officer continued, motioning for me to follow him.

We walked down the corridor, with the redhead cop who talked to me in the front, myself behind them, George closely behind me, Dream silently behind him, and finally the brunette cop. Most of the inmates were watching us intently as our small convoy of prisoners and guards passed them, their expressions a mixture of glee, curiosity, and worry.

After a couple of minutes we had made our way to the front entrance of the prison, and the red headed guard motioned for me to hand him my duffel bag filled with belongings which I did. The other cop walked forward and held out some handcuffs, without complaining I held out my hands to allow him to cuff me.

George was watching me with a scared gaze, since we both knew what could happen to him once he was on his own. I gave him a small smile once my cuffs had been secured. “Stay safe George.” I told him, to which he gave a nod while tears pricked his eyes.
“Bye Techno,” he said quietly, averting his gaze as he sniffled slightly.

Without saying anything else to the brunette I glanced at Dream, who gave a firm nod of reassurance as our eyes met each other, signifying that he would look after George. “Come on,” one of the guards said, tugging at my cuffs to lead me away. “The van’s leaving in ten minutes and we need to make sure you’re secured.”

The guard was holding my duffle bag in one hand and leading me with the other, meanwhile the brunette guard motioned for both Dream and George to leave. I gave them a look, silently saying goodbye to the pair before turning and walking off.

George POV.

The brunette guard cuffed Techno and he didn’t resist at all, just staring down at his hands as it was being done. During the middle of the process though he looked up at me and smiled softly, it was a half-assed attempt to make me feel better about the situation and I tried to act as though I did.

“Stay safe George,” he said to me, his eyes catching mine and showing nothing but sincerity. I tried to hide my tears and managed to curve my lips at the end to make myself seem like I was happy, or at least I wasn’t feeling as sad or scared as I was.
“Bye Techno.” I replied, before averting my gaze and trying not to cry.

I felt pathetic, however Techno’s gaze had already moved on so that he was looking at the blond who was standing beside me. That was another thing that I didn’t like, I still wasn’t sure that I trusted him completely, but I can’t say that to Techno as he was leaving. Speaking of the pinkette, he was suddenly grabbed by the cuffs.

“Come on,” the guard who was holding his cuffs instructed. “The van’s leaving in ten minutes and we need to make sure you’re secured.”
As the pinkette turned to be led out, the other guard that had been with us motioned for both Dream and I to turn back to head towards where he had come from.

The moment the guard left to go do other things Dream turned to smirk at me, making me shiver involuntarily at the action. “Are you looking forward to working with me George?” He asked, sounding both sweet and sadistic as he did.
“No.” I honestly responded, not caring if I was polite or not.

He seemed to find my answer funny though, chuckling to himself as he tailed me while I began my walk to the library. “That’s a shame.” He hummed. “By the way, I need you to come to my cell this evening, after dinner. I got a guy who has a cell near yours, he paid me for a bottle of beer and I have one stuffed in my mattress to be delivered.”

‘You have a bottle of beer stuffed in your mattress?’ I wanted to ask, however instead of asking the question, I decided to be stubborn. “Why do I have to take orders from you? Can’t you just deliver it yourself?”

“I could,” he responded with a nod, after pausing for effect to think about the question. “However if I did deliver it myself then you won’t have any protection. And I don’t want to be an asshole who leaves you alone for anybody to have their way with.”

At this point we were standing in front of the doors to the library but I decided I didn’t want to be there anymore. Dream was allowed to walk around bothering me in there, however he wouldn’t be allowed in my cell so I was planning on going there instead.

“You make this whole situation sound so easy,” I scoffed under my breath, as I turned on my heel, hoping he’d just stay there but he began following me again.
“This whole situation is easy, and you’ll have to get used to it. If you want to serve your entire sentence and then walk out of here a free man.”

“So I have to be your postman for the next twenty-five years of my life in order to walk out of here alive?” I questioned, glaring back at him. “It sounds real great.”
“Twenty-five years? The hell did someone as small as you do that gave you that long in here?” He responded, his jaw practically dropping to the floor.

“I’ve been accused of murdering my best friend,” I told him, putting extra emphasis on the ‘accused’ to imply that I didn’t actually do it, however the ‘most dangerous guy in prison’ didn’t seem to figure that out.

“You murdered your best friend? I honestly thought that you’d be some guy who was hacking and got caught trying to crash government servers from his mother’s basement… that or a male prostitute.” I decided to brush past that second part for the sake of my dignity. “But the fact that you killed your best friend of all people.”

“I didn’t kill him though, that’s the problem.” I admitted, although I definitely remembered Techno telling me that I shouldn’t be telling people this kind of stuff, however I was too deep in now.
“What?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at me from under the mop of blond hair.
“My best friend was killed, I was the last person with him and so I was blamed for his death.”

An almost inaudible ‘oh’ fell from Dream’s mouth, but I ignored it, the tears that had been threatening to spill when Techno left now rolling silently down my cheeks. Without letting him say anything else I ran off to my cell, climbing up to the top bunk and curling up under my blanket to silently sob for my best friend.
1371 words

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