Chapter 46: Wilbur

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A nice long chapter today, and if anybody from my Discord server says I am taking down all my stories then they are liars and I did not do some half-assed attempt to gaslight them into thinking otherwise.

All good 👍

George POV.

As we cuddled in bed the only major difference was the occasional kisses that we pressed onto each other’s face. It was nice. My head was buried in the crook of his neck and I had his arms wrapped snugly around my waist.

The blond was pressing a couple gentle kisses against the side of my face, making me feel warm and loved. It was kind of depressing though, the fact that my first love was somebody that I met in prison after I was found guilty of murdering my best friend. And the fact that he didn’t show me a shred of care until after I was being sexually assaulted was even worse.

But that didn’t matter right now because I was warm and comfortable and Dream kept whispering compliments to me that made my head feel fuzzy, in a good way of course. The only other person who had loved me as much as the blond did was Wilbur (although Wilbur obviously didn’t love me in the romantic sense like Dream did, he loved me in the brotherly sense).

The two of us met in my first few months when I was in L’manburg. I was a complete outcast in my class, since it was the middle of the year when I turned up and all the friend groups had been formed without me being a part of them. Wilbur was the only one who began hanging out with me. I don’t know if it was because he was also British, or if he pitied me, or something.

No matter what the reason was, we became fast friends. My parents were often busy since they both worked demanding jobs, and so I spent a lot of time with Wilbur at his house. Philza, Tommy, Kristen, and Wilbur practically became my family seeing as how often I was spending time with them.

We both got accepted to the same university, him studying music and me studying computer science and coding. The two of us lived in an apartment together for those few years while we were studying, then he moved out when both of us graduated.

Wilbur started up a music career as a musician both writing his own solo songs and in a band in the neighbouring town of Pogtopia. Once every few months he’d come into town and we’d usually meet up.

A few months ago

“Hey George,” Wilbur greeted eagerly, enveloping me in a hug as he stepped inside. He only had his guitar case and one small bag of clothes with him, but that didn’t matter because he still kept some of his old stuff around the apartment.

“Hi Wilbur.” I responded when we parted from the hug. “It’s so good to see you again. How has your band been going?”
“It’s been goin’ amazing. We’ve had sold out seats for the last three concerts.” He explained happily. “I plan on taking the family on a weekend trip somewhere nice as well.”

“Well you guys enjoy that.” I hummed. “I have just finished a big project and am planning on doing something nice for the weekend too. Binge watch some movies and eat bucketloads of ice cream on the couch.” Wilbur laughed at my joke. Ice cream would’ve been better.
“I like the way you think.” He said in between chuckles. “But you are coming with us.”

“Really?” I smiled. Watching as he began carrying his stuff to his old bedroom, which was now used as a guest room on the odd occasion of me inviting people around to stay.
“Of course George, you’re like family to us.” Wilbur reminded as he dumped his stuff on the bed. “Plus, I don’t want to deal with Tommy alone.” It would be better than what actually happened.

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