Chapter 54: Worries

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George POV.

I read what I wrote over and over again. It honestly wasn’t my best work, I feel like I repeated myself once or twice and I could have said something better in some places, but that wasn’t the point of me writing this. The point was really just to help clear my head, and that is exactly what writing the letter did.

Now I was staring down at the paper and honestly felt close to crying, even though I didn’t know why. Maybe it was the thought that this was the last thing I could say to Technoblade, if the escape went to plan next week, or maybe I was just mad at myself because writing with my left hand made an endless amount of smudges and it stressed me out.

Either way, I was annoyed with what had come out on the paper, since upon my fourth or fifth reread I came to the conclusion that the rambling words were just as confusing and stupid as I was. It made me want to just rip the paper into shreds and throw out whatever was left.

But I didn’t do that. This was going to be the last thing I ever sent to Techno, and if it looked as though it was written by a drunk in his forties instead of a falsely-accused prisoner in his mid-twenties then so be it.

Tears were beginning to pool up in my eyes though. Tears which were unexplainable and bound to be ugly when I started to cry. Just looking over my words and everything that happened to me felt like a lot, and somehow made me feel exhausted. Possibly just by the sheer amount that I had been through since I got here four months ago.

“Hey, are you feeling alright Georgie?” I heard the soft, loving voice that I’d come to love and looked up to see Dream standing beside the librarians desk. “You just seem like you’re about to cry.” I just nodded at him, reassuring the blond that I was fine even though he seemed unconvinced.

Without saying anything he sat down in the chair beside me, Techno’s old chair. The silence continued as he moved the chair closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, which I instantly relaxed against. “What has got you so upset?” Dream questioned, the hand wrapped around me beginning to rub small circles onto my shoulder.

“I was just writing a letter to Techno.” I explained. “And I just feel upset that this is the last thing that he is going to see from me.”
“Do you mind if I read it?” He questioned, leaning his head so it was resting on top of mine.
I shook my head. “Sorry, but it’s personal.”

Dream nodded in understanding. “That’s alright. Want me to hand it off to my guy so it can be sent to Techno? Although I doubt it’ll get a response before we are out of here next Thursday.”
“I know, but I am not sure if I will even send it to him.” I muttered, only to see a look of confusion in his face.

“I had only written this as a way to deal with my thoughts. It really helps me keep track of everything that I am confused about. You might think that’s a bit weird.” I hummed, folding up the bit of paper and tucking it into my pocket.
“Of course I don’t think it’s weird.” The blond reassured while smiling at me.

A smile appeared on my face as I leaned into him more, loving the kind words and support that he gave me. I sighed contently, allowing my mind to drift away as I thought about what the future would be when we got out of here. His chin moved to rest atop of my head, enveloping me in more of a warmth.which I loved.

“Maybe I will send it to Techno.” I murmured as I moved away from the blond, even though I didn’t want to. I stood up, and walked over to where I knew some envelopes were kept while the blond watched me with a loving expression on his face. Under his gaze I felt safe, but my questions and worries from earlier were still piling up inside of me.

I mean, I am still telling myself that it is a coincidence. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it now but there is no way that there is any deeper conspiracy, or interwoven meaning behind all three of us getting arrested, I just refuse to let that be the case.

Maybe I should just turn around right now and ask the blond how and why he was arrested, that way I know it has nothing to do with myself. And similarly to how I asked Tecno in the letter I could ask Dream if he knows how the other was arrested, cause it seems as if anyone would know about the other it’d be them.

But, I didn’t say anything for now, instead choosing to return to my seat once I got the envelope and take my time slipping the letter inside before going back to comfortably leaning on him. I’ll ask him at some point later, once I’ve had more time to collect my thoughts. At dinner for instance, or maybe in the cell later.

Sapnap POV.

As I walked into the library with Quackity I rolled my shoulders, they were relatively sore from having to work for several long tiresome hours, both before and after lunch. The two of us were quietly talking about how busy it was today.

We noticed a couple members of our group in the room. Punz was sitting at a table in the middle of the library, texting people on the flip phone that had been smuggled in for him a couple months ago, meanwhile George and Dream were just cuddling at the librarian’s desk.

The two of us seemed to unanimously agree not to bother the two at the desk, and instead walked over to Punz’s table. He didn’t realise that the two of us were approaching until we sat down, with Quackity sitting beside him, and me sitting opposite Quackity. When we sat down the platinum blond jolted with surprise, not realising we were there.

“What the hell you two?!” He grumbled, almost dropping his phone as he glared at us. “I was in the middle of something!”
“In the middle of what?” Quackity asked, blinking innocently and completely ignoring the small outburst that the platinum blond was having.

“I was just messaging… actually nevermind. It has nothing to do with you.” My eyes narrowed at the comment, seeing as Punz had always been a bit of an antisocial person, after all, part of the reason he got arrested was because one of the people he considered his friend.

Still though, I didn’t like the way he was talking after thanks to myself and Quackity, along with others, we were going to be getting out of here. I stood up, not wanting to hang around the platinum blond and walked off, it may seem childish of me but I didn’t care.

I walked over to the pair at the librarian’s desk and slumped down, causing Dream to look over at me, seemingly wondering why I was approaching them while George just kept reading the book he was holding. I sighed before beginning to talk.
1250 words

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