Chapter 26: Files

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Just like therapy, all of us probably need files.
Dream POV.

It was lunchtime and George hadn’t gotten back yet and I was starting to get worried. His therapy session was only meant to last half an hour, meaning that he should be back by now since it was 12:20. A shallow breath fell from my lips and I worried that the reason he hadn’t turned up yet was because he’d been hurt.

“Calm down, maybe he’s just walking back,” Sapnap stated, noticing my worry. “Or maybe he headed back to his cell first. I remember my cellmate before you was given a basic stress toy from the therapist, maybe George got one and went to put it away first.” I nodded, seeing sense in what he had said, but it did little to calm me down.

My lunch was sitting uneaten in front of me, I just couldn’t focus with the thought of George missing in a prison full of dickheads. Just as I was about to stand up and go looking for him I noticed him walking into the room. I let out a relieved sigh as he approached us.

“Hi,” he greeted as he sat down in his usual spot beside me. “Sorry that I’m a bit late.”
“It’s alright,” I responded, smiling softly at him as I began eating my food now that I knew he was safe. “How did it go?”
“Honestly… it felt good to talk about stuff.”

A small grin was on his face as he spoke, and I mimicked his expression. “I’m glad,” I spoke. “It is good that you can talk through everything.” The two of us just looked into each other's eyes, silently saying a thousand words before hearing a voice from beside us.
“Do you two mind?” Quackity questioned. “You guys staring at each other is kinda creepy…”

“Oh… sorry.” George muttered apologetically. He slowly stood back up. “I’m gonna go get myself something to eat.” I watched him fondly as he walked off then I looked back over at the group. All of them were smirking at me and I rolled my eyes before beginning to eat again.

Philza POV.

“I want to get some files on some of the prisoners in here please.” I said to a woman with bright red hair who worked in the administrative building. She smiled at me before nodding and opening a tab on her computer.

“Who’s file would you like, Phil?” She asked, glancing up at me as she did.
“George Davidson, and two inmates referred to as ‘Dream’ and 'Techno'. I am not entirely sure of what his first name is.” She nodded as I spoke and typed something in.

“Allow me to go get them all for you,” she smiled while standing up. I watched as she disappeared out of sight before hearing the sound of the door opening behind me. Out of instinct, or possibly boredom and curiosity, I glanced over my shoulder, seeing the warden walking over to the desk.

He stood beside me, and since the two of us had nothing to do until the frilly haired receptionist returned, we began talking. “How are you doing Phil?” He asked as he smiled at me. “Are you heading out for the day?”
“Oh no. I have another visit in ten minutes, just needed to come here and grab some files.”

The warden nodded at my explanation. “Are they for George? Your new patient?”
I nodded. “Yeah. I just finished talking with him twenty minutes ago.” I didn’t explain to him that I knew George at all, instead continuing on with the question, “what are you doing here?”

“Printer on the fourth floor broke the other day and we aren’t getting someone in to have it fixed until next Monday. The only other printer on the premises is here.”
A couple of moments after Sam said that the woman reappeared, handing me three files with two being noticeably larger than the third. “There you go Phil,” she smiled.

I thanked her, looking over them just to double check they were the right ones. I was confident with George’s one , but seeing Dream and Techno's real names felt weird, so I couldn’t be sure they were the right file or not. Sam was still standing next to me, beginning a conversation with the receptionist and I decided to double check with him.

“Is this Dream’s file?” I questioned, motioning to the one labelled ‘Clay Smith’, which I was holding in my left hand. “I’m not sure if that’s his real name or not.”
Sam looked over it before nodding. “Yeah, that’s him. Dream’s a nickname he used during crimes.” He confirmed. “But why do you need his file? He’s not one of your patients, is he?”

“George talked about him a lot during our session, and about Technoblade which is why I grabbed his file too. I wasn’t sure if you’d even have Techno's file here because he transferred a couple weeks ago.” I cut myself off before I started on a ramble.
“We keep the files of all inmates, past or present.” The woman behind the desk explained.

I gave her a look of thanks for that explanation. “Anyway…” I managed to continue. “From what George told me he was able to befriend both of them, and since I would like to talk to him about that on Friday when I next see him, I would like to find out a little bit extra about them both, and based on the size of their files it seems there’s a lot to learn.”

“Wait… did George seriously befriend them both?” Sam asked, and I just nodded, wondering what he was so excited about. “The two of them have been rivals the entire time they’ve been here, plus they are two of the more dangerous inmates. There must be something special about George if he is able to befriend both of them and he’s only been here three months.”

“I didn’t realise that George had the ability to friend dangerous inmates.” I stated to myself, my eyebrows furrowed at the thought of the George I’d known throughout his entire childhood being able to befriend some of the most dangerous criminals in the country.

My eyes flicked over to the clock and I saw I had seven minutes until my next appointment. “It was nice talking to you warden, and thank you for your insight, now I ought to be going, and then I’ll see you Friday.” Sam said goodbye and went back to talking to the receptionist as I left the admin building, heading back to the main block of cells.

It was a sunny Wednesday, nearing the end of Summer, but because of the ominous stone building that made up the main part of the prison I was covered in a cold shadow. I hurried the short distance to the front of the prison and went through the several security procedures with a wave before being directed through the protected staircase that led directly up to the fourth floor and was only accessible by a key card.

I reached my office with a minute to spare before the next person came for a talk, and I took the opportunity to quickly sort out my office, putting away the three files in my drawer to look at them later
1256 words

I just added these words because the word count was '1234' and I didn't like it so I added twenty-two words

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