Chapter 44: Reminder

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George POV.

Dream has been ignoring me since this morning. It felt weird. I knew it wasn’t because he was mad at me or anything. As I sat at breakfast I was just beside Bad, talking to him but glancing at the blond every couple of seconds.

He was currently talking with Sapnap and Punz about who knows what. It seemed as though whatever they were talking about was quite funny, seeing as the way that one of them would break out smiling or chuckling every once in a while. I couldn’t really make out what they were saying from where I was, and it felt weird since usually I sat at the blond’s side.

“George, are you and Dream going okay?” I glanced over to see Skeppy asking that question, since he had been sitting opposite myself and Bad.
“I’m fine, Dream’s just been ignoring me this morning and I don’t know why.” Okay, I did know why, it was because of the kiss, but I wasn’t telling these two that I kissed Dream.

“That’s strange,” Bad murmured, moving to look over at the blond and he narrowed his eyes as he did. “Nothing seems off about Dream.”
“Did you say something or do something that annoyed him?” Skeppy asked, and I shrugged.
“I don’t think so,” I once again lied.

“Strange,” Bad repeated again. “Dream does like you a lot, so it must be something really bad.” I felt myself tense up at his words.
“Wait… what do you mean Dream likes me? And how bad would it have been for him to hate me?” I asked, not sure which of the two points to focus on more.

“Bad means that Dream cares about you, a lot. I mean, we all do, but him especially.” Skeppy explained. “It’s kind of obvious if you think about it.”
“And something really bad would be killing Dream’s best friend or blowing up his house or something.” Quackity added.

I tensed up at the mention of killing a best friend and I could tell Dream was watching me from the corner of his eye. It was almost as if he had some sixth sense to tell when I was uncomfortable or in trouble.

Quackity realised what he said wrong and immediately apologised, earning a drawn out breath from me as I nodded in a way of accepting it. When the blond noticed I accepted Quackity’s apology he went back to ignoring me and talking with Punz and Sapnap. My expression furrowed as I watched him but I didn’t say anything.

We finished eating and took our trays back to put them away, with me staying silent after what Quackity had said to me. It was a harsh reminder of why I was here: Me, killing someone's best friend. It wasn’t my best friend killed this time, but it was still someone’s.

As we all left the mess hall I felt Dream’s presence behind me, glancing over my shoulder to see him standing there. “Are you okay?” He questioned. “I heard what Quackity was talking about earlier, with the best friend stuff.”
I just nodded back at him. “I’m fine.” I reassured, “he didn’t mean it.”

“If you’re sure, I could have a… talk with him if he did mean it.” He subtly spoke, although it was clear what he would probably do if he did have a ‘talk’.
“I’m fine.” I repeated. “No need for this cryptic ‘talk’ which will probably include someone going to the infirmary.”

“Alright then.” He nodded, but then he started walking off again without saying anything else, causing my eyes to widen.
“Where are you going?” I questioned, following after him.
“Out to the yard.” He explained. “Why were you asking?”

“Because I have work in the library.” I reminded him, a small pout growing on my lip, thinking that he’d forgotten about the fact I worked in the prison library most afternoons.
“I know. Didn’t feel like sitting around in a library all afternoon though. I might come and visit you in an hour.” He started walking again and I hurried to catch up with them

“But what if I want to talk to someone?” I asked, although it sounded like a pathetic whine. “Or what if someone comes into the library that wants to do something to me, like my cellmate did.” That got him to freeze, and I almost felt like a dick for mentioning that, since I know that Dream still felt guilty for letting that happen to me, but I didn’t say anything else.

Dream just stood frozen, keeping quiet and staring blankly ahead. A slight twinge of worry boiled up in me as I moved to stand closer to him, pulling him into a wordless hug. My head reached to his chest and I muttered a sorry. “I just want to know why you are avoiding me. But I shouldn’t have brought that up.”

“I’ve been avoiding you because you’ve been avoiding talking about the kiss.” He answered, and I narrowed my eyes at him
“We’ve kissed before. I’ve kissed you on the cheek a dozen times.” I informed him. “I don’t know why this kiss is such a big deal.”

“You kissed me on the lips.” The blond reminded me. “Every other time it has been cheek or forehead, but this one felt strangely intimate.”
“And, what’s wrong with being intimate?” I pressed on. “Some people like to be intimate. We sleep in the same bed every night.”

“Kissing on the lips is something you do with a partner; a boyfriend or a girlfriend. We aren’t boyfriends.” He explained. I tilted my head at the blond as he explained that and I huffed. A moment passed before he continued. “Why did you kiss me on the lips anyway?”
“Maybe I just wanted to try it. I couldn’t stay without having my first kiss forever.”

“I was your first kiss!” His tone was impossible to understand. Was he angry? Upset? Confused? I couldn’t tell. The blond took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. “I just felt weird about you kissing me on the lips when we’d never done that before, and the fact that that was your first proper kiss-”

He cut himself off there and didn’t continue speaking. I felt awkward for a couple of moments, thinking over everything that Dream had said before finally saying something. “Would you like to be boyfriends then?” The blond laughed at my question, clearly thinking that I was joking when I wasn’t.

When I didn’t laugh with him his eyes widened. “Really? You want to be my boyfriend?”
I felt worried as he said that, thinking he’d laugh in my face before telling me to go fuck myself or something, but he didn’t. Instead his expression softened when I nodded and he took my hands in his own.

“George, I’d love to be your boyfriend. But is that what you want?” He stuttered slightly as he asked the question, and I just nodded. I know we’d started out roughly, but I’ve grown to care for him over the past couple of months. His caring smile made it seem as though he felt the same way.

“I do want this.” I responded quietly. I was still hugging his waist during that entire thing, and we were still standing in the middle of the corridor, but I didn’t care at the moment and the blond didn’t either.

“Can you come with me to the library now?” I questioned, before receiving a laugh and a nod from him.
“Sure, I’d love to come to the library with you.” He responded, taking my hand in his and we began walking together.
1290 words

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