Chapter 16: A few hours later

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Warning, this chapter features a character getting r@ped. It overlays through the whole thing, but at the end of the chapter near the word count I will sum up any important events (without including any sensitive subjects) if anyone decides not to read.

Be careful if you do decide to read this.
Dream POV.

“He’s skipping again.” Quackity mentioned as he glanced at the clock on the mess hall wall. He glanced over at me while playing with his mushy breakfast porridge with a knife. “I am surprised you haven’t given up on him yet.”
“Maybe he’s sick or something.” Skeppy suggested with a shrug.

This was the same situation that I had been in a few weeks ago. A package was sitting in my pocket that had to be delivered. George was meant to deliver it but he hadn’t turned up. I was beginning to get impatient at this point.

“Where is George, he has to make another delivery.” I said to myself, feeling the rest of the group’s eyes on me. For a while I just waited, wanting to see if the brunette would turn up at the last possible moment, but after the smaller hand on the clock passed the twelve, signalling the end of breakfast, I knew it wasn’t going to happen.

Just like the last time George didn’t turn up I slipped the package under the table to the person sitting beside me, who just so happened to be Skeppy. It seemed that he was annoyed that he would have to be doing the delivery today but I told him to suck it up, before telling the group I was going to George’s cell to find him.

It was the second time that he had tested my patience and generosity like this. For the past month since Techno had been gone I’d stopped the brunette from getting assaulted, and all that I asked for in return was for him to deliver some packages for me to other inmates.

My face was in a snarl as I went storming out of the room, with Sapnap, Punz, and Quackity all running to catch up with me as I went to find him. The corridors were empty, but nobody was near the brunette’s cell; no inmates, no guards, no nothing. Another thing I noticed was the cell door was swung closed, allowing nobody passing by to see in.

With the trio close to me I nudged the door open, and my eyes widened at the sight with the other three doing the same when they walked in. Both George and his cellmate were on the top bunk with the former's legs spread wide and both of them naked, and neither noticed any of us. I was about to turn and leave to give them some privacy before I noticed something.

George’s hands were bound over his head and a gag made from a t-shirt had been forced in his mouth. A look of pure fear was on the brunette’s face as tears glistened in his eyes. Parts of his body that I could see were covered in red marks and I immediately understood what had happened.

Sapnap noticed too, and at the same time we moved forward and managed to grab George’s cellmate tightly by the waist before pulling him off, not even giving him a moment to register what was going on. The man collided with the concrete wall with a loud smack and immediately he turned to glare at us.

“What the fuck do you two want? Don’t you know how to respect fucking privacy?” He attempted to sit back up but Punz forced back down, with a look of disgust on the platinum blond’s face as he did. Quackity and Sapnap stood on either side of him to form a human barricade.
“Don’t fucking move,” Punz warned, looking menacingly down at him.

While they focused on that I turned my attention to George, who’d tucked his legs up to his chest and was crying. I carefully untied the makeshift restraints around the brunette’s wrists and watched as he pulled the gag out of his mouth before pulling his bed covers over himself, not caring about how dirty the covers would get, and I didn’t blame him.

Sobs fell from the brunette’s lips as he shook violently under the covers, with his honey brown eyes darting around looking at everything and anyone in case they approached. “George,” I spoke softly, getting his attention as he struggled to control his breathing. I moved slightly closer, while still giving him his space. “If you come here I can help clean you up, okay?”

Cautiously the brunette shuffled closer to me, over to the edge of his bunk before I pulled him off and into my arms. The covers of the bed were wrapped around his body and he buried his head into my chest. “It’s okay,” I reassured him in a gentle tone, all my anger directed at him from earlier having evaporated. “I won’t let him hurt you anymore. I’m so, so sorry.”

All that George did in response was whimper and I turned and grabbed a bar of soap, a towel, and some clothes. “Let’s go get you cleaned up,” I told him gently, lifting him up effortlessly and making sure he was covered completely.

When I walked to the door I looked over at Sapnap, Quackity, and Punz who were all watching me and I told them to deal with George’s cellmate. Then I left, keeping George covered and safe in my arms as I returned through the empty corridors, heading towards the showers so he could clean himself up.

Thankfully, the showers were empty when I got there, and I set George down while he still had the covers wrapped around him. “You shower. I’ll wait for you outside and make sure nobody will come in.” I told him as I turned to leave.

A hand grabbed mine, stopping me from walking too far. When I glanced back over George was tearing up again. “Please,” he whispered, in a low voice almost inaudible. “I don’t want to be alone, not after what happened.” His hand was clutching mine like a life-line, and I knew that I couldn’t just leave him here.

“I’ll stay,” I reassured him, watching the tiny smile that appeared on his face as I said that. He slowly let go of me and walked over to the shower with me turning around so that he could still have some level of privacy.

I felt so bad, I had made a deal with George and Techno to protect him, and I couldn’t even do that. He ended up getting hurt in one of the worst ways possible. Now I didn’t know how I would be able to make it up to him.

Plus, I should have seen the signs, how he would spend as long as possible out of his cell. In the mornings he’d be in the mess hall before anyone else woke up. And then he’d hide out in the library until lights out in the evening. And it was all because he’d been afraid of the man who slept in the bed under him. The man who slept in the bed of the person who once protected him.

I had to figure out how to deal with this.
1236 words

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