Chapter 69: Wednesday

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George POV.

My stomach was rumbling annoyingly loud, it almost felt as though the whole prison would be able to hear and know just how hungry I was. It had been happening all night, and since I had hardly slept I was able to witness it and feel my face turn red with every loud rumble. Maybe I should eat the food Bad and Sapnap had brought me…

Another thing was I was still exhausted. After my panic attack earlier I had promptly passed out, before waking up an hour or so later feeling an uncontrollable feeling of confusion and sadness, and that had been all the sleep that I had gotten last night.

It wasn’t my only panic attack of the evening, but it was the only one that ended up making me pass out. The others just ended up with me sobbing hopelessly, just like I did last yesterday. Then I would just slowly calm down as I was hunched against the cold, stone, wall.

Without Dream to calm me down I felt exhausted, not that I figured I would be calm if he was around, that may just cause another couple panic attacks. This hurt. The fact that the person who I loved and cared for more than anything in here, was now the cause for my panic attacks because everything bad that’s happened in the past few months has been his fault.

That just caused me to let out another helpless sob, before subsiding into weak whimpers. It was just so unfair. What did I do to deserve this? Maybe it was because I left Wilbur. Maybe if I had stayed with him that night this wouldn’t have happened. Even when he pushed me away and yelled I should have stayed.

“Shut up in there!” A guard snarled, smacking his baton against the bars of my cell and causing them to ring in my ears. “You are keeping everybody awake and the nightshift is fucking hard enough already!” The harsh words only made me want to cry more but I resisted, instead moving my hand to cover my mouth so I was muffling all the whimpers.

I could barely make out the guards glares in the darkness before eventually moving on and it made me sigh, loosening my hands slightly. I did nothing to deserve being in this prison with a bunch of liars and killers. What was even the point of staying alive in this place if all of the odds were against me?

My stomach rumbled again causing me to whine. Reluctantly I reached over to the far end of the bed and grabbed one of the chocolate bars that Bad and Sapnap had brought. I didn’t want to eat it, I didn't want anything from people who still were friends with Dream despite knowing what he did but it was either that or I would feel shitty until breakfast. That was if I even decided I wanted to go to breakfast since Dream will be there.

The first one I grabbed was a Hershey's chocolate bar, and I slowly peeled back the wrapping before admiring the chocolate. I hadn’t had chocolate in so long and it made my mouth water just looking at it. Plus the smell, the delicious smell. I wasn’t sure whether it was because of how nice the chocolate was, or just another consequence of not eating dinner, but I didn’t care.

Lifting the bar up to my mouth I took a small nibble along the edge of one of the squares. It was such a small nibble that you wouldn’t even notice it with a brief glance. That way, since you could barely tell that it happened, it meant that I could kind of say that I didn’t even need the food, since I didn’t eat much anyway.

I managed to put the bar down and glanced over to beside me, where an empty carton that was once a juice box was left. I’d gotten dehydrated after my hours of endless crying and had drunk the apple juice in the middle of the night to quench my thirst. Not much changed, since it was just a small juice box, but it helped a little nonetheless.

This was when the lights suddenly flickered on, and there was a buzzing sound, indicating the cell door had been unlocked. I could also hear the footsteps of a couple eager prisoners who were wanting to get breakfast first. Part of me wanted to go get something to eat, but I couldn’t be bothered since I knew I’d see Dream and his friends out in the mess hall.

But I did get up, deciding to head to the library and spend my morning there instead of sulking in my cell. Plus, from what I remember of last night, Dream told me that he’d come in to make sure that I ate something, and I did not want to see him at the moment, or for as long as possible, if I could.

It was empty at this time of the morning, just as it was most times. I didn’t mind though, grabbing a book and heading over to a corner. That was if Dream came looking for me then he hopefully wouldn’t be able to find me here. Honestly though, it all felt childish. Me hiding from him like a five year old would when confronted with someone they didn’t like.

Once I grabbed a random book off of the shelf I curled up, opening to the first page and deciding not to move until it was finished. I figured that it would be good, and managed to block out everything as I turned to the first page.

I suppressed the rumbling of my stomach from my hunger and buried my face further in the book every single time, wanting to ignore any and all other distractions. And for a while that worked… but only for a while…

Dream POV.

Waking up without George felt weird. Usually when I got up I’d be met with him curled up in my arms, either sleeping blissfully or awake and watching me lovingly. Now though I was alone in the bed, something that made me sad.

The one thing that motivated me to get up was the chance to see George, even if it was when he hated me. I just needed to make sure he was okay. The ravenette rolled his eyes at me as I pulled on the clothes I grabbed last night before leaving the cell, muttering something along the lines of ‘he’ll still hate you’ as I walked off.

My thoughts were everywhere as I wandered down the familiar halls towards George’s cell as I tried to think of a way that I could somehow fix everything that happened. I mean the escape was tomorrow night, and I wanted George to at least not hate me at that point. If he either went with me, or he decided to stay, I hoped his last memories of me would be fond.

I doubt that he’d accept my apology, and so maybe if I-

When I reached the cell my thoughts were abruptly cut off. This was because it was empty, and George was not here. And this made me panic, since George was someone who was desired in this prison by the other inmates, and not for any good reasons.

My protective nature for the brunette immediately kicked in and I gave up on the idea of eating, deciding to look for him instead.
1339 words

Well wasn't today a fun chapter....

Anyway, Ezra has uploaded another chapter of his smut book on his account and wants me to promote the story or whatever.

So read it. Dream gets cheated on and has anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, and he accidentally checks into a sex hotel.

If that doesn't motivate you to read it then I don't know what does.

It's the only story under EZRAisTHEBEST if you want to read it.

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