Chapter 77: Maybe

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Second to last chapter. Final one tomorrow.
George POV

I was crying quietly as I heard the three talking to each other from the doorway to the cell. Dream and I on one side of the bars, and Punz, the warden, and a couple of other guards on the other side. Sapnap had been suspicious of Punz the other day, so this must mean he was correct, and that their entire escape plan had failed.

Why was I crying then? When I wasn’t wanting or planning on escaping with them. I could not even answer that question myself. Perhaps it was because I felt bad for the guys in the group, many of whom I considered my friends, not being able to get out. Or maybe it was because I didn’t want to be around that best friend killer and his failed escape would mean he stayed.

Maybe it was because I knew that me being a part of this escape, even if my part was just being brought along by Dream, could cost me my freedom. If the whole world thought that I had been part of this escape they wouldn’t see me as someone who was falsely accused, they’d see me as someone who escaped prison with a bunch of dangerous criminals.

The sound of static came from that half of the room, one which I wasn’t focusing on as I cried silently. A moment later though, my eyes were pulled upwards when I heard the sound of the door opening. Sure enough, the cell door had opened and one of the guards was now approaching Dream.

When he got within a few steps of the inmate, the guard struck something into his neck, something that I wasn’t able to see from where I was standing. I got the answer when he struck the blond in the neck and his body collapsed in a wave of spasms, meaning it must be a taser.

A pitiful expression was on my face as I saw the blond convulsing on the carpet, a small stream of blood falling from his mouth from where he possibly had bitten his tongue. It was all quite terrifying to watch, but even more so when the taser holding guard began approaching me.

I let out a whimper of the thought of myself being tased, with my eyes only focusing on the weapon and the slouched body of Dream, who had been grabbed by another guard. Maybe I was seeming quite pathetic, but I really didn’t care. I was not looking forward to the thought of being tased and then locked in solitary for a month as Warden Sam had been talking about.

Just as I was about to be tased, Punz called out loudly to stop the guard from approaching any further. “He wasn’t a part of the escape. There’s no point grabbing him.”
His instructions confused everyone, and the warden asked. “What do you mean he wasn’t a part of the escape? When you talked to me you’ve mentioned him at least a dozen times.”

“That’s because he didn’t plan the escape, but Dream wanted to bring him with us.” Punz explained, and that confused me, wondering what he was meaning. The group still seemed confused “We had decided to bring George along as a precaution, in case we got cornered by anyone. He’d be a hostage and, if it came to it, a human shield.”

Hearing the platinum blond say that made me sob loudly, my brain was exhausted and I just kept thinking about that over and over again. Surely what Punz said had to be a lie right? There was no way that Dream really wanted to use me as a human shield, or a hostage.

But it would explain a lot of things. After all, why would a prisoner like Dream, who is smart, strong, and well respected, ever want to be seen with me. I bit my lip, attempting to keep more sobs from coming, but that didn’t work, and eventually I was crying loudly while the rest of the group continued their conversation.

I didn’t understand what they had said at the end, but I watched without saying anything as they picked Dream off and walked with him. The warden stood with an amused smile on his face as the blond was taken away, before lifting the portable radio he’d been communicating with and told whoever was on the other end to close the cell door.

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