Chapter 9: Protection

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Sorry there wasn't an upload earlier guys, there were technical difficulties which stopped the chapter from posting.
George POV.

The library was empty as it often is, and I sat at the librarians desk with a pack of cards. It was the only full pack kept in the room since all of the others were missing a couple of numbers. And because I was the only one here I began just playing solitaire to pass the time.

For about five minutes I sat alone, playing a couple of rounds but never really getting far. Wilbur was the one who taught me how to play this game ages ago, and I had forgotten some of the rules so I attempted to figure them out myself. I grumbled to myself as I reshuffled the pile of cards in my hands before glancing up as Techno came into the room.

“Hey,” I greeted, glancing over at the clock as he came to sit down beside me. I wanted to point out the fact that he was late, however he was my only form of protection in this hell hole so I wasn’t going to complain. “Where have you been?” I just decided to ask. “You were gone when I woke up, and I haven’t seen you all morning.”

“Sorry ‘bout that,” he responded, sitting down at his usual seat beside me. “I just have something going on, and had to organise it.”
“I’m assuming it’s personal and so I shouldn’t ask.” I said, more to myself than to him, but he surprised me with the response.

“Actually it does involve you.” He stated, causing me to look away from my game in curiosity and confusion.
But at the same time I was worried. “W-why does it involve me?” I stammered nervously, just knowing that it would probably be bad news.

“Well I am being transferred in a week.” He stated. “Moving across the country to a prison that is closer to my home. Meaning that from next week you’ll be alone.” My face dropped as he said that, beginning to feel worried at the thought of nobody being around to look after me.

It felt selfish of me that I wanted him to stay here, even though I knew that it wouldn’t be fair on him. He was going to be moving across the country and that means that I would be alone and I would have nobody to protect me from all the assholes in this prison who want to hurt me in any way, shape, and form imaginable.

The pinkette could see my worry and rested his hand on my shoulder. “You’re worried about the fact that there are shitheads here who would probably hurt you, aren’t you?” He questioned, and I quickly shook my head, not wanting to take the attention off of him.
“No,” I reassured him. “I’m feeling good for you, you get to move closer to your home after all.”

“You aren’t good at hiding that George.” Techno chuckled slightly, watching me tilt my head slightly as I looked at him. “And you don’t need to, I know why you are worried.”
“You do?” I asked in response, still feeling awkward about the fact he knew I was worried for myself instead of him.

“When I am gone you are worried that you’ll have nobody to stop all the other assholes in this prison from doing whatever the hell they want with you.” Wow. It was almost as if he verbalised my thoughts. Reluctantly, I nodded in confirmation, still feeling bad as I admitted it. “Don’t worry, I’ve made plans to keep you safe.”

That worried me, however before I could ask what he was talking about someone called my name. “Hey George!” I looked up to see Dream walking over and I shrunk back slightly, not exactly sure what he wanted.
“Hi,” I responded quietly. “Can I help you?”

“Nope.” He responded, popping the ‘p’ as he did. “But I can help you.” I noticed that the rest of Dream’s friends were all gathered around him and I just glanced up at them all awkwardly.
“How can you help me?” I responded cautiously, not sure what he was planning on doing, but from what Techno told me about him it probably wasn’t the best.

“When Techno leaves next week I will be providing you with protection, in return for services rendered.” He explained with a bright grin on his face.
“Wait. Is that why you were talking with Techno this morning?” One of the other prisoners with platinum blond hair asked.

“Yes, that is why I was talking with Techno this morning, Punz.” The blond leaning over me responded before turning his attention back to me. “And I will be providing you with protection if you do some odd jobs for me.”

“What kind of jobs?” I questioned, glancing between Dream and Techno since the two of them had  made this deal regarding me without my knowledge.
“Nothing too major.” He reassured me. “Just delivering some stuff to people who buy goods from me.”

I glanced cautiously over at Techno who was just watching the interaction quietly. “Trust me George,” the pinkette said with a small smile. “Dream can be a total dick, but he does stick to his words. If you do some minor things for him then he will give you protection in response, okay?”

“Okay.” I agreed, allowing myself to smile back at him. Techno was the only person in this place that I could trust, and if he said that Dream was also trustworthy then I believed that.
“It’s easy Fresh Meat. It’s usually just delivering cigarettes, cell phones. porn, and stuff.” The shortest member of the group beamed at me, and I raised an eyebrow at the nickname.

“Don’t be inappropriate,” another person who I recognised as Bad spoke up. “I am sorry about that muffinhead George.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but mimic his expression, before yelping as a ravenette suddenly appeared beside me without me noticing.

“Be careful around Bad,” he informed me, causing me to glance cautiously at him, while feeling as though both he and Dream were too close to me for comfort.
“Why do I need to be careful?” I questioned, seeing Techno had a smug look as he saw what was happening.

“Because Bad started a cult, that’s the entire reason he got in here.” The ravenette continued to explain, before being yelled at by Bad.
“Sapnap!” He yelled, an angry look on his face. “He doesn’t need to know that.”
“Sorry, but Fresh Meat deserves to know the truth before he becomes your friend.”

I watched as the two began arguing with each other on either side of the desk, but it was seemingly more playful bickering instead of a full on shouting match. Dream chuckled as two of the people who had followed him in, the platinum blond Punz and another ravenette who hadn’t talked yet, grabbed the pair and dragged them off.

“We’ll leave you both be.” Dream told the two of us. “But I’ll see you to start work when Techno leaves, okay George?” He didn’t give me the chance to respond as he turned and walked off, waving over his shoulder at myself and Techno as he did.
1226 words

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