Chapter 36: Lockdown #1 (prisoners)

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Dream POV.

It was going exactly as planned, I couldn’t help but smile as we gathered around a table in the mess hall, eating our dinner. All of the group was prepared for what was about to happen, besides George who didn’t seem to realise the way that all of us were currently scanning the room.

We were looking around the room for any sight of Jeremy Downey. After all, Sapnap told him that he was meant to be causing some chaos tonight, around dinner. I really hoped that he hadn’t decided that he didn’t want to do this. This was really important for us to do, however it couldn’t be done if he didn’t keep up his end of the fucking deal.

Thankfully though, he was sitting at a table on the other side of the mess hall. He was glancing around with a tense expression, his gaze drifting around constantly to look at any and every guard or member of the prison staff that was in the room.

His worried movements made me smile, since I was able to easily read the body language of a man hiding a lot of guilt, and that fit his personality perfectly. It was easy to tell that Jeremy was trying to track every guard, with an expression that showed that he knew what he was doing could land him in a lot of trouble.

I couldn’t help but wonder what it was he was going to do. After all, I just told Sapnap to get him to make a scene that would cause a lockdown, but that could be anything. Breaking some of the furniture could result in a lockdown, but so could stabbing somebody, or just being missing from one to many things in a row since that could mean you were attempting an escape.

It became a fun little guessing game as I stared in his direction, noting the sweat running over his face, his fidgeting movements, and his eyes darting around constantly. My gaze moved slightly and I noticed that it wasn’t just him acting like that, but so were one or two people around him. Maybe they’d been roped in to help cause some chaos? I couldn’t be sure.

Jeremy was part of one of the many gangs in this prison. However, the definition of ‘gang’ in here had a lot of different meanings. Sometimes a small group of four would be referring to themselves as a gang, other times all of the people who worked in the laundry were roped together to be considered a gang.

But in Jeremy’s case it was definitely one of the friend groups that called themselves a gang. I never really paid much attention to them, but I was pretty sure they referred to themselves as the ‘Cell Block Brotherhood’ a name that nobody got much fear from.

Eventually I saw him moving from the corner of my eye, standing up with shaky movements and walking over to another table. I’d become familiar with most of the relationships between different groups within the prison, since it could often help for business. I knew from just one glance at the group he was heading towards it was a rival.

They were an equally unfeared gang, this time called the ‘Raven’s Knighthood’. (Honestly where are they coming up with these names, some of them sound more like a dungeons and dragons party instead of a group of prisoners).

The two relatively small gangs have had their fair share of petty fights and squabbles in the past, but then again that was the case for quite a lot of the prison gangs with flared tensions and different views on everything. But unlike most of the other gangs, Raven’s Knighthood was one that Jeremy and his gang actually had a chance against in a fight due to numbers.

Jeremy got as close as he dared to the other gang, before grabbing one of the people sitting at the edge of the table and pulling him down onto the ground. The Raven’s Knighthood member hit his head against a neighbouring table with a loud ‘thunk’, and it was loud enough to get the attention of several other tables.

None of this seemed to bother the two small gangs, seeing as the second one attack started the rest of the group began jumping up to join in. Members of both gangs began attacking, throwing around fists, plastic knives and forks (which were neither the most effective, nor the most environmentally friendly weapon), or anything else they got their hands on.

Other prisoners began calling out encouragement, eager to see the fight or any form of entertainment that was fresh for the routine. A crowd quickly began to form as people began to discard their food in favour of watching the chaos that quickly unfolded. Several members of the crowd even joined in, fuelled by the promise of violence.

My table was the only one where nobody moved, instead just studying the scene from afar, although we didn’t get the best view being blocked by the mass of bodies. I however was looking over at the guards that were standing at the edge of the room, seemingly talking with each other about what the best course of action was.

I hoped that they wouldn't decide to go in swinging batons and zapping people with tasers, since that was not what we were hoping for, but thankfully that didn’t happen. Instead one of the two officers by the door slammed their fist against a button on the wall and that started sending off loud sirens and flashing red lights.

All of the crowd was familiar with what that sound meant and began dispersing, all of them besides some of the people fighting on the floor. The two guards were relatively unprepared and just stood by the doors to prevent people from leaving, and a minute later a group of guards with body armour on burst into the room, almost knocking the original two over.

“Everybody get away from each other and get on the ground!” One of the guards at the front ordered over the blaring sirens. “Anybody who resists will be sent to solitary confinement!” I smirked at the rest of my group as we all complied, lowering ourselves to the floor. The only one who was slow was George, who seemed confused by what was going on.

One of the guards in body armour approached him and began yelling to get on the ground before harshly yanking the brunette down. George let out a whimper, seemingly injuring himself as he fell on the floor. “Stay on the ground or I’ll throw you into solitary!” The guard snarled, before hitting George on his leg with the baton which made him yelp.

The guard hit the poor brunette several more times to prove his point then moved between the tables towards the middle of the fight, and I slowly moved over to George who was crying quietly by this point. I pulled him close to me and hushed him as the guards continued to yell at other prisoners to get down on the ground.
1290 words

Oh no, poor George.

Anyway, if you want to see some previews of future chapter now you have the chance, I advertised this a while ago and never started it up until today but if you go onto my Discord server (link should be in my bio), then you can see the previews of chapters for the week.

This also may be some Q&A's about my books at times, or the opportunity to help with writing, maybe naming characters or ideas for chapters.

Check out my server if you are interested.

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