Story Samples

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It's that time again when I'm near the end of writing a story, and so I let you guys vote on which one you want to see next.

This forgot the same as it always does, I will put a blurb for each of the stories and then at the bottom you can vote for the three you like most.

But for the first time I am adding in variations to the story blurbs. If you see a story you like and want one of the variations then just vote for it tonight and if it wins then you can vote for which of the variations you want.

Anyway. Here they are:

1. My modern Day Prince (Karlnap) (Time Travel/Royalty AU)

A war was approaching L'manburg, a war that would one day mean the destruction of the kingdom, not that they knew that yet. King Dream knew that it wasn't going to end well, but his luck would change when a boy who looked, talked, and acted strange appeared in the marketplace. He sends his best knight Sapnap to track him down, thinking this boy would be a warlock. However, Karl is just an intern at a technology company, and now he is in a kingdom he read about since he was a kid and will do anything to get home.

2. A howl in the night (DNF) (Werewolf AU)

The alpha of any good werewolf pack was meant to have a mate to lead alongside them, and fortunately, Dream had found his mate. Unfortunately that mate was a human male named George, who had no interest in him whatsoever. To make matters worse, George's only experience with werewolves was what he read on a totally inaccurate app called Wattpad. And that's not mentioning the fact that half of his pack wouldn't want a male human being as the alpha's mate since it goes against tradition. But Dream will have to find some way to figure this whole situation out.

3. Safety in the Seafoam (DNF + Karlnap) (Mermaid AU)

George and Karl were mermaids who were swimming from the cold oceans around Europe to head to somewhere warmer, the two of them unfortunate enough to be caught and kept on a giant human ship. Their fates were uncertain, blending into days of being tested and marveled at for reasons neither of them know. Well… tested on by everyone except a pair of humans, the same two humans who were supposed to keep an eye on them. The pair are desperate, and their only chance of escaping with their lives was trusting these two humans. Is it worth the risk?

4. Cupid (Karlnap + DNF) (Cupid AU)

The job of cupid has been depicted a lot, but the thing everyone has got right is that they are angels who can help humans find their soulmate, their true love. Dream and George thought that it would be easy, especially considering the newest pair had been close friends for years. It wouldn't be that easy though, seeing as these humans were somehow both smart, but also completely stupid at the same time. Another thing to note about cupids though, was that they were not able to fail, so how will these two end up getting Sapnap and Karl together?

George and Dream are cupids getting Sapnap and Karl together
• Sapnap and Karl are cupids getting George and Dream together.

5. Experiment (Lab AU)

George is the son of the head scientist working at a lab called POG (Progression Of Genetics) laboratories. In a recent experiment a creature was found that resembled a human male and it was caught for testing and research. The top scientists at the lab were studying the uncooperative and violent creature one day while George was waiting for a ride home with his father, causing the brunette to investigate the noises. When the human and the creature met they became friends, much to the dismay and worry of Georgel's protective father, however it might be good for their research.

(DNF) Dream is an experiment and George is the son of a scientist
• (Karlnap) Karl is an experiment and Sapnap is the son of a scientist
• (SBI) Techno is an experiment and Tommy and Wilbur are the sons of a scientist (Philza)

6. Demons (Another story set in the same AU) (mainly DNF + Karlnap)

Demons were vile, cruel, and cunning. They'd manipulate you the second they got the chance, and anyone taken by them was never seen again. That's what George heard for the last ten years of his life, never thinking it would matter too much. One day though, it does matter. He and his two best friends are taken by some powerful demons and start to fear for their lives. Dream didn't want to hurt George. He just wanted a human companion, which is hard if you have the most stubborn human in the world. He is convinced it will work though.

7. Burning with Passion (Karlnap)

Policemen and Firefighters don't often get along.
Karl had been working for the police since he got out of high school, and he'd say that he and a bunch of the other cops disliked firemen. Sapnap had been working for the fire department since he got out of high school, and he'd say that he and a bunch of the other firemen disliked cops. But when there is a series of arson attacks throughout the city the pair are forced to work together.
Will their rivalry get in the way of their work or will it be something else instead?

8. (It's finally back after a year of me not writing it): The Rogue Vampires (Karlnapity) (Vampire Hunter AU)

(I had written the first part of this story at the start of last year and put the second one on hold, but I am finally doing it)

It has been three months since Karl had been taken by the most dangerous vampire on the planet, and Quackity, Sapnap, Dream, and George are all on the run from the law. To add to that, the organization that they had dedicated years of their lives working for, and is meant to protect people from vampires, is corrupt and had been infiltrated by vampires. Now them and their friends, both human and vampire, have to figure out some way to save their boyfriend, and save the entire world from the blood sucking threat that has been living in the shadows.

9. Jurassic Attraction (DNF) (Jurassic Park AU cause I read the books)

George writes reviews for a travel blog, and gets tasked with what one might be the most fun writing pieces yet. A review of the famed theme park: Jurassic World. But when complications from a storm end up with dinosaurs on the loose, danger at every turn, and dozens of dead bodies he will have to give up on his writing and seek help from staff. The staff member in question being a dinosaur trainer called Clay Smith, who will have to somehow continue to do his job in the harsh conditions while also catching feelings for the British writer.

All right, so those are all of your options. Vote below here which of those were your top three with either the number 1-9, or the name of the story. Then we'll narrow it down to the top story tomorrow.

Vote here:

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