Chapter 22: Warden wants to see you

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Dream POV.

Today's breakfast was toast, and we were given small plastic knives along with small plastic containers of different spreads. I grabbed two containers of raspberry jam, and two of butter which all managed to fit in my hand because of their size. Each one could cover one bit of toast, and so I understandably had two pieces, as did every other prisoner.

George was behind me in the line but wasn't able to choose what spread he wanted, but there weren't many options. There was butter, peanut butter, almond butter, raspberry jam, and strawberry jam.

People behind him quickly started complaining, and in a rush of panic he grabbed the containers closest to him, which both had almond butter in them, then he hurried back to the safety that I seemed to provide. I smiled at him as we carried our trays over to our table where Sapnap and Punz were both eating their own food.

The two of us sat in the same spots as yesterday, with the brunette staying as close to me as humanly possible. A furrowed expression appeared on George's face as he realised what he had grabbed, and I looked over at him. "Did you grab something you don't like?" I asked.
"Yeah," he answered quietly. "I just felt pressured to hurry up and didn't look at what I grabbed."

"It's alright." I nodded. "The assholes in this place are even more angry in the mornings than usual. But if you didn't want the almond butter..." I trailed off as I pushed the containers of raspberry jam towards him. In response the brunette had given me a cautious look, as if he could get in trouble for taking it from me.

"Thank you," he murmured as he took one of the containers and peeled back the lid, beginning to spread a thin layer of jam over the toast with the pathetic plastic knife without even bothering to add butter or anything. For a couple of seconds I just watched him before moving on to do my own thing, spreading butter and my newly acquired almond butter over both slices of toast.

During this time Bad, Skeppy, and Quackity all joined us, sitting down and Bad made sure to give George a quiet good morning. Then the group fell back into silence again. This was something new that only happened since yesterday morning, before then there'd usually be stories and jokes tossed around for us to laugh at.

Thinking of the Brit made me glance over to him, and I watched as his dim brown eyes gazed around at the group, seemingly thinking the same thing that I was. He'd probably noted the change of behaviour and thought that it was his fault.

I didn't say anything to him, I wasn't really sure what I even could say. If I just stared at him and out of nowhere said 'it's not your fault that we aren't talking to each other George', he'd probably just feel worse, or feel like I was a creep for saying that. So instead of saying anything I just took another bite of my toast.

Just after I'd finished my first slice I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and glanced over to see a guard approaching us. The rest of the group noticed where my attention had moved too and all started watching him as he approached in his neatly pressed blue uniform. I resisted the urge to smirk when I saw the guard staring longingly at Sapnap the entire time.

When he was standing in front of me he finally turned his attention away from his secret boyfriend and cleared his throat. "The warden wants to see you and George in his office once the two of you have finished eating." He managed to tell me before hurrying off, his face barely starting to turn red when he exchanged one last look with his boyfriend.

The rest of the group didn't know about Karl, and although one or two of them might have thought he was acting weirdly, they all ignored it and went back to their conversations. George was the only one who seemed to care and he blinked over at me. "What was that about?" He questioned, although only loud enough for me to hear.

"Sapnap and that officer have something going on between them," I explained to George nonchalantly, bouncing my eyebrows slightly as I did to emphasise the point.
"Is that even allowed?" He simply asked in response. "I would have thought guards couldn't date prisoners."

"You're right." I confirmed before pausing to take another bite from my toast. "But we don't really care about that kind of stuff. We are criminals after all." As I spoke I motioned over to where Sapnap was sitting, since Punz, Quackity, and Skeppy had all begun lightly teasing him based on how his face was suddenly red, although all of them were apparently too dumb to find out why.

George also seemed to find this amusing, and fell silent with a small smile for the rest of the time we were eating. It didn't take long until we had finished our food and the two of us left the rest of the group, heading up to the warden's office which was on the fourth floor, the top floor of the prison.

We headed through a couple different corridors and up several metal staircases to get there, passing a couple of inmates who were still on the way to the mess hall for breakfast, showing us how early we had eaten since others still hadn't gotten there yet. As we passed each of these people George just shuffled impossibly closer to me.

At some point during the walk I wrapped my arm around his waist to keep him close and he seemed content with that, and so that's how we stayed the remainder of the journey up to the Warden's office.

The brunette tentatively stepped forward and knocked on the door before being told to enter, which we both did. Sam, the warden, was flicking through a stack of papers on his desk, but pushed them out of way when we stepped in. His demeanour was that of a principal at a high school, but he was usually a lot stricter than that, meaning he must be having a good day.

"Hello you two," he greeted, tilting his head slightly as he spoke. "I wanted to talk to you both after what happened in George's cell a couple days ago, with his cellmate." At the mention of George's cellmate the brunette shifted slightly closer to me. "And I have to deliver the news to his family that he passed away in hospital last night from injuries he received."

Fucking good ridance, I scoffed internally. The less people like him on this planet the better. I didn't even feel bad for his family, because they should all be rejoicing about the fact that their sicko of a father, brother, son, or husband was dead. I glanced sideways to see if I could read George's reaction, but he was just staring dimly forwards.

"Anyway," Sam sighed. "We don't know too much of what happened, the cameras cut out of George's cell before the attack happened and he wasn't able to tell us anything in his state. That means that we can not punish anybody for what happened." That made it even harder to keep my smile hidden, since beating an inmate to death would face serious punishment.

"But that isn't the only reason I am calling you both up here." He continued. "I noticed that after what happened to George the two of you have been spending a lot of time together, and although it isn't proper procedure, some of the guards decided to move George out of his cell after what happened. They also said that Dream should be made his new cellmate."

"I'm fine with that," George spoke softly, taking a notable step towards me. When the warden's attention moved towards me I nodded, showing that I agreed with George.
"Well you'll be moving cell today," Sam continued. "Officer Jacobs will take you to your new cell and then you can grab your stuff."

"That sounds good, thank you warden." I smiled before turning to leave, however Sam cleared his throat, signalling he wasn't finished.
"George, you are also going to be having some one-on-one sessions with our therapist, to talk about what happened to you."

A cautious nod came from the Brit, and Sam seemed content with that response as he leaned back in his chair. "Now you both can leave." He said, although directing it at me. I simply opened the door before seeing Karl standing there to take me down to our new cell. He smiled warmly at the pair of us before beginning to lead us back the way we came.
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