Chapter 20: Backstory

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Dream POV.

It was some time past midnight. George was sleeping on the same bed as me since I was the one to invite him into the cell for the night. Because of the limited amount of space I was pressed against the wall using the only pillow, and George was beside me using my chest as a pillow.

Above us, Sapnap was snoring. It was something I had gotten used to over the past few months of living here, his animal-like snores and grunts throughout the night had become easy to ignore most nights. Tonight though, with George also in the cell with me it felt more irritating and it was harder for me to ignore it with every passing minute.

I am pretty sure it was the fact that I didn’t have as much room, since the brunette had taken up half of the small bunk and had the blanket wrapped around himself while I was pressed against the cold brick wall with only a pillow. His head was resting on my chest, and he was breathing lightly.

Because I wasn’t able to fall asleep, I just began playing with George’s hair as a way to distract myself, allowing my thoughts to wander through the night. I thought about many different things; the escape we’d been planning, about business deals and deliveries that needed to be sent to different inmates, and a little bit about Techno and George.

Techno would be pissed at me, seeing what had happened to George after I promised that I would look after him. I had known the pinkette for as long as I’ve been in this prison. He and I didn’t get along, however I did still respect him, after all he was strong and smart. Smart enough to avoid unnecessary conflict, but strong enough to put people in their place if they tried.


I had just been arrested. For years I had been committing crimes ranging from robbery, to blackmail, to murder. In fact, any crime that involved physical violence or stealing I had probably tried once. It was a miracle for the police when they had finally found me one night, killing some old prostitute in an alley.

They had me put on trial and as they did they found more and more crimes that I’d committed over the years. I created a little talley on the wall of my cell, counting up how many of my crimes they’d busted me for.  After less than a week on trial I was found guilty for every single crime that they accused me of, three or four of which weren’t even mine.

I was dragged off to Pandora’s Box, with a life sentence and accused of murdering 31 victims (I had killed 67), 5 robberies (I’d committed 23), 48 car thefts (I’d stolen 30 cars), and about a dozen other crimes too.

When I turned up I was put in the same cell as Sapnap, he had a decent job inside the prison, sorting out the mail for inmates, guards, and other prison staff. Apparently both he and the other person who had that job (a man named Quackity), got it through outside help, Sapnap was secretly dating one of the prison guards, and Quackity bribed a different prison guard.

The two of them instantly befriended me, knowing about what I had done on the outside. I found out more about their jobs, that the mail would get delivered in a truck to the two prisoners while one guard watched over them, then it would be sent through an x-ray machine to see if there was any contraband before ‘clean’ packages and letters would be sorted for delivery.

That was how I started up my business of selling anything and everything to the other inmates, knowing Sapnap’s boyfriend oversaw the job twice a week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Every Tuesday and Saturday I organised a parcel of whatever I needed to be sent in, and it always arrived without fail.

The first time it happened I brought in two hundred small bags of cocaine, each containing one singular gram of the drug. It cost me an arm and a leg to have organised especially with my limited contacts on the outside, but it was completely worth it to begin handing out to the other prisoners.

Wherever there weren’t many guards or cameras I’d hand out the drugs, whether it be in the shower, under the tables in the mess hall, or while hiding in the entrance to the yard. Then when I passed out a bag to each person, I told them that if they wanted anything else then they needed to find me and then we’d negotiate a price.

People quickly began coming to me for anything. They’d ask for phones, booze, drugs, porn, cigarettes, knives, or literally anything else. I’d give them a price which was slightly higher than these things usually cost on the outside, then in the next week it would be shipped in. I’d give the time and day that they’d be given the items and deliver the items to their cell.

More and more of the inmates began coming to me, and since it was harder to make every delivery I invited other inmates to work with me to deliver things. There were two of them, Quackity’s cellmate Punz, and another inmate who was quite nice and trustworthy called BadBoyHalo (who quickly convinced me to get his cellmate to help).

It had only been a month since I was arrested and I had the biggest business in this hell hole. Nobody dared to threaten me or any of the small circle of people I’d surrounded myself with because we were the only ones who could smuggle anything good in here, plus the majority of us were all strong enough to win a punch-out with all the others.

The only exception that we probably wouldn’t win a punch up with had been Techno. He was another prisoner who had (just like me) done a lot of different crimes which combined for a massive sentence, but he usually stuck to himself, spending a lot of his spare time reading in the library.

Through watching him carefully I noticed several things about him. The first was that he was an obvious loner, keeping to himself whenever and wherever he went. Occasionally he would be around his cell mate for a couple of days, but then they’d always piss him off and he’d get them sent to the prison infirmary, or if it was worse, out of the prison to an actual hospital.

Several times I had offered to let him join my little illegal business, giving him the same pitch I gave to everyone else. I’d pay him a fraction of the profit of each sale if he did a job for me in return, with the job being mainly scaring people who tried to snitch to the guards about my business, or people who didn’t pay me anything when I got them what they wanted.

Every time I made the offer he refused, saying that he respected me, and respected my business, but he just wasn’t interested, and in response I respected that. Sometimes he even came to me asking for stuff to be smuggled in which was all relatively low maintenance books that he couldn’t get on the inside.

That was the extent of our relationship for a while, up until he got a cellmate which he surprisingly didn’t hate. George. He had become friends with George, and so that had been one of the reasons my curiosity piqued around the brunette, even more so when Techno said he was leaving and did everything short of begging to convince me to look after him.

I had figured it would be easier, just like the others that him being associated with me would be enough to keep him safe. But that didn't happen, and that was how I ended up here, with a brunette sleeping on my chest after being violated by his cellmate.

A small yawn fell from my lips and I was happy that I could finally get some rest, as I pulled George slightly closer to me, mainly for the body warmth. His body seemed to crave warmth as much as mine did, seeing as he nuzzled into my chest. The two of us lay in embrace and I quickly drifted off to sleep.
1434 words


To another year of writing gay Minecraft youtubers having relationships in increasingly strange scenarios.

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