Chapter 49: Group (Couples?) Therapy

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George's two daddies meet.

Okay, well Philza is his daddy in a sense that he was like a father to George. And Dream is his daddy cause of the way he... yeah nevermind...

George POV.

I held the blond’s hand as we walked towards the staircase that led up to the fourth floor for my final therapy session with Philza. Dream had not said a word to me since breakfast because it was clear his mind was focusing on a bunch of different things. Most of these things were probably to do with our escape, but I still felt guilty for dragging him away from more planning.

Even though this therapy had helped me a lot, and I was no longer as skittish around anything that moved (besides Dream) I was sad to see it end. This would be the last time that I would get to see Philza for a while, not just as a therapist but as the father of my best friend, and as the person who was in my life more than my own parents were.

This made me question if I even wanted to escape, since if I did it would mean that everything that I cared about in my life would be gone. There was the odd chance that at some point people would realise I was innocent and be let out, but if I went ahead with this escape it would pretty much become a branding on me that I was a criminal.

As we approached the stairs I was just waved up without the two guards standing there wanting to see a note or anything. This was because of how often I had been here they’d come to recognise me and expect me at this day and time.

It seemed as though they were sceptical about the fact that Dream was coming with me, but neither of them said anything other than a ‘morning George’. I couldn’t help but notice the way that Dream’s hand tightened slightly around mine as we moved up the stairs.

When we were in the hallway the blond’s grip loosened again. He walked in pace with me and his gaze moved back and forth, looking at all of the different doors that we walked past until we reached the therapist office. “Wow,” he whispered to me. “I never quite realised how much shit is up here, usually I only come up to be told off by Warden Sam for something.”

I allowed myself to chuckle at him before stopping at Philza’s door. Before doing anything I muttered quietly to Dream, ‘thanks for doing this’. In response, I noticed how his expression softened before he muttered back in response ‘you’re welcome. Anytime George’. A moment passed of me soaking in the words before I knocked on the door.

There was the faint sound of shuffling before it was opened a couple seconds later, with Philza standing there having a smile on his face. He saw me first and greeted me with a ‘good morning George, how are you today?’. But then his gaze moved and he looked over at the blond standing next to me. “And hello to you too. You’re Dream, correct?”

Dream nodded a yes as we stepped in and I led him over to the couch. When the two of us were seated he went on to ask a question. “How exactly do you know who I am?” He asked, crossing his arms and looking at the therapist who sat opposite us. “I mean, George may have mentioned my name but that surely can’t have been enough.”

“Sure it can.” Philza responded with a nod. “From me knowing George when he likes something, or someone, he’ll talk about them lots, and that’s what has been happening for the past few sessions.” I couldn’t help but blush as he explained that, since he just told my boyfriend (of one day) that I talked about him all of the time.

“And if that is not a good enough reason, I also have your file.” The older blond went on to explain as he adjusted himself so that he was more comfortable.
“My file? Why would you have my file if these therapy sessions were for George and not me?”

“They were,” Philza nodded, although it was clear that Dream was being sarcastic by what he said. “But whenever one of the people I talk with mentions someone I will grab their file. That way I have information on anybody important for my work.”
“That makes sense.” I answered, glancing at Dream’s irritated looking face.

In an attempt to calm him I moved my hand to hold his. The blond’s face quickly grew calmer and I could see Philza’s eyes flicking down to look at what I had done to calm him down before an amused grin grew on his face. The blond therapist didn’t make any comments as he began to talk.

“So George, this is obviously our last session together,” he said in the usual soft tone that he used whenever he was in a therapy session. It was vastly different to how he talked before we started our ‘important conversations’, or how he had talked whenever I was with Wilbur as a child. “And I am happy to say that your condition seems to be improving.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I had felt that my condition was getting better too, I obviously had gotten more sociable in the days and weeks after what happened, especially with Dream’s friends, but also managing to have the occasional conversation with others outside of this group.

“Yeah.” I said, a thankful expression on my face as I looked at the blond. “It felt good to be able to talk about this, especially with you of all people.” Ever since my first day with Philza as my therapist I was honestly surprised that he continued to let me visit him, after all I had been accused of killing his son.

Surprisingly though, he showed me a lot of kindness. I’m not sure whether it was because he believed I was innocent, or if he just felt pitiful about what had happened to me. Either way, the loving, fatherly Philza I had known as a kid was there waiting for me every time I came to talk.

“Is there anything that you want to say before we talk? Or would you like me to fill Dream in on what we’d been talking about so that he can join?”
“I already know what’s been talked about.” Dream informed Philza from where he sat beside me. “George rambles a lot after these kinds of things.”

“Believe me, I know.” Philza rolled his eyes, causing the both of them to laugh. “Back when he was in high school he and my son would ramble about every little thing that happened.” The way he shamelessly talked about myself and Wilbur without even seeming to acknowledge the fact he was dead.

It made me fall into some sort of daze, and I ended up just staring blankly ahead as the pair talked with each other, not taking notice of what was going on with me.
1372 words

George when he is meant to be at therapy talking about his issues and trauma but is just being laughed at by his two daddies: 👁️👄👁️

Also, another iteration of '4 got interested in something and it writing an AU based around it so the readers have to suffer through it too': and this one is a franchise which I doubt has many DNF fanfics based around it.

Jurassic Attraction (a Jurassic Park AU) (and I read the books. They are really good and something fun to read, after reading all my stories first.

George is a writer who is sent to Jurassic Park to write a travel blog about it when on the VIP tour. Dream is a dinosaur trainer. And the dinosaurs are just their stunning selves ✨🦕🦖✨🦕🦖✨

But it might be kind of boring cause there are several books and movies about how safe a dinosaur theme park would be. So nothing interesting 😔

Anyway, what would you guys think of that?

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