Chapter 65: Evidence

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George POV

I didn’t say anything to the guard though as I knocked on the door, not even a moment later Philza opened the door, a relieved smile when he saw it was me who had answered. “Hey Phil,” I greeted, somewhat awkwardly. “I was told to come up here by one of the guards.”
“Good, I have some good news.”

“Oh, okay. But why are you here? Don’t you only come in on Wednesdays and Fridays.” I asked.
“Yeah, but this is important. Now, please sit down.” I was slightly confused, but did as he said nonetheless.

There was no way to explain the blond’s current emotions except bubbly. But why bubbly? What was going through his head that made him act like this? I couldn’t help but wonder as I settled on the couch that I’d grown accustomed to watching him from after my past few therapy sessions.

“So George,” Philza began, starting in a very similar way to how he started his therapy sessions and making me wonder if this was another one. One that I didn’t expect to happen and one that was being held on a day when there usually wasn’t one, but that’s the only reason I could think of for me being here. “...I honestly don’t know how I am supposed to start this…”

This only confused me more, the bubbly attitude without knowing what exactly he was supposed to say. It was so unlike him. “I never thought that you were the one to kill Wilbur.” He eventually said. “Neither did Tommy or Kristen. But, the law obviously felt otherwise since there was no evidence that it wasn’t you.”

His words saddened me, was this the only reason why he was here? To remind me what I’ve been accused of but also tell me that he doesn’t actually think I did it. “So why are you here then? Is it just to tell me that you think I’m innocent?”
“I do think you’re innocent, and that’s why I did what I did.” The therapist continued.

That was ominous… although it doesn’t feel like he meant for it to be like that, and so I went on to ask. “What did you do?”
“I hired a PI, a private investigator to have a look around.” He answered. “I knew that you didn’t kill Wilbur, but I couldn’t do anything until I had proof.”

“And what did the PI do, did he find anything?” Philza nodded a yes to my question and my face brightened at what this could mean. I would be able to get out of here, if the information he received was good at least.

I’d be able to have my life back, or at least some form of it. By this point in time I’ve probably lost my apartment, and a lot of my belongings, and my job. Still I could go back to living like everybody else. But what about Dream? And the life I wanted with him. What would happen to that? Thinking of that made me sad as I whispered, ‘what did he find?’

“Well the one thing in the investigation that couldn’t be found was the weapon that had killed Wilbur. It was some sort of knife and one of the things that convicted you was the fact there was a similar sharp knife in your dishwasher.” Philza reminded me.
I nodded. “Yeah, I remember.”

“Turns out that one of the other people arrested that night had a knife on them, one which did have blood on it.” The blond explained. “When he was surrounded though he knew that he’d be grabbed regardless and ended up ditching the knife, but none of the cops found the weapon when they grabbed him and at the time just arrested him for arson on the car and robbery.”

“But the PI found the knife and it showed him that the person arrested had stabbed someone with the exact same type of knife that Wilbur had been stabbed with. The same person had been part of a robbery the same day he was arrested and the police lost sight of the car around the same area where Wilbur died!”

I honestly couldn’t believe it. Did this mean that I was in the clear? That I was going to be able to go home. My heart started beating faster in my chest as I hyped myself up for the fact I could be free. But I managed to keep my appearance relatively calm as I looked up at the blond. “So what does this mean?”

“We wanted to show you before we did anything, just so you knew what was going on, but there is also some more evidence too. Now the PI and I are going to be presenting this evidence to the court and see if we can get you out of here, although that might take some time.”
“But it means that I can get out?” I asked.

He nodded. “Yes, it means that you will be able to get out. If the court believes all the evidence of course. I am sure they will though.” A flood of excitement washed through me, and I felt the happiest I had been in a while.

Without even thinking about it I launched myself towards Philza, pulling him into a tight hug. I had hugged him before, but the last time I did that was at my graduation, both me and Wilbur did when we were getting our photos taken. Tears of joy were pricking at my eyes as I thanked him repeatedly.

“You’re welcome.” He smiled as he hugged me in response, but when I pulled away I noticed his expression had gone solemn. “But there is something else. Something that you might not want to hear…”
“What?” I questioned. “What wouldn’t I want to hear?”

“The person arrested, he had a partner who was arrested closer to where Wilbur died. And they are… well…”
He hesitated for a moment, making me impatient. “What? Who or what are they?”
“They are Techno and Clay… Dream.”

“What?” I asked, worried that it was some sort of sick joke from Philza. “What do you mean it was Techno and Dream?”
“The two of them. They were the ones who killed Wilbur.” He informed me, causing my eyes to widen.

“No.” I quickly denied. “That’s impossible. What the hell are you talking about?”
“I know it might not seem believable.”
"It's not believable. Dream and Techno both told me that they met one another in prison. They didn't know each other before, especially not to kill Wilbur... They couldn't have."

They couldn't have, cause if they had it meant that they have lied to me before, and would like to me again. Philza spoke softly and slowly. “But I have proof. Arrest records, weapons that have their DNA. Small clips of security footage where they've been identified together. I am sorry George, but there is more than enough evidence to prove what I said. I can show you if…”

“No.” I repeated, suddenly saddened. Tears began rolling down my cheeks, but this time they were tears of sadness. I knew that he wouldn’t offer to show proof if he didn’t have it, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted to see.

All I knew was that this meant that the pair were responsible for Wilbur’s death. They had killed my best friend, and were the reason I was here. “I… I have to go…” I stuttered out, walking out of the room and leaving the blond alone.

Without even thinking I hurried down the stairs to my cell, tears streaking down my face the entire time. Then I collapsed on my bunk, just wanting to curl up and forget about absolutely everything as I sobbed loudly and pathetically.
1309 words

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