Chapter 23: New Cell

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Sorry about the really late upload guys, but hope you enjoy this chapter.
George POV.

This Officer Jacobs person was chatting happily with Dream as we walked through different corridors, with the two of them acting like friends. I wasn’t too sure if it was because of what Dream said about him and Sapnap being in a relationship or if it was just because he’s a talkative person in general, since I have seen him talking with some other inmates in the past.

I stayed close to the blond, listening to their conversation as we walked. It was just about random things, but the way that one of the two of them would pause every so often made me wonder if it was some kind of code. I tried to guess what the pair were saying, but I couldn’t figure it out and so I huffed quietly and just looked forward.

Eventually we reached Cell Block D, which was the last of the Cell Blocks and the furthest away from everything else. It was newly renovated and you could tell easily from a glance. The rusty cell doors had been replaced with newer ones that practically sparkled in the light, and speaking of which, all the light shades which were usually full of dead bugs and dust were refitted cleanly.

There were also a lot less prisoners around, meaning that hopefully less prisoners were in this cell block to annoy me and Dream. This was the result of not many prisoners being moved in here after the renovation, but more would probably turn up while I was here.

And all of the furniture in the cells, mainly just a bed and a toilet, were all new. They didn’t smell like one hundred people had slept on them, or like one thousand people had taken a shit in them. I couldn’t help but smile slightly when Karl eventually stopped.

“This is you two.” He explained, and both Dream and I stepped in before looking around. It reminded me slightly of a bunk room on a school camp trip, with the way that the mattresses were flipped on their side, and the smell which was unlike anything else in the area. Usually the smell would be a bad thing, but for once it was nicer than the other places in this prison.

While I looked around the room Dream turned back to the brunette. “Thank you Karl,” he smiled, stepping slightly so that his back was facing the camera in the room and it couldn’t see his lips moving. “I’ll pass on what you told me to the rest of the group.” The blond then continued in a quieter tone.

In response the guard nodded. “I’ll see you soon,” he smiled. “Make sure you tell Sapnap that I say ‘hi’ too.” As Officer Jacobs… or Karl… spoke he stepped backwards out of the cell, all the while Dream smiled at him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him.” The blond reassured before Karl turned and left.

Once the guard was gone, Dream turned his attention to the bunk beds. “Which one would you like?” He asked me, and I turned so my attention was also on them, but I couldn’t decide. I was never one to care about bunks for one thing, and for another I felt like Dream should choose, cause since without him saving me the other day who knows where I would be right now.

“It’s your choice.” I answered him, turning my attention back to the blond. “Which bed would you like to sleep on?”
“If you don’t mind then I guess I’ll take the bottom bunk.” Dream said, although from the look he gave it was clear he was wondering if I was okay with that.

I simply nodded at him before climbing up the ladder of the bunk and managing to pull the mattress down. Just like the other things in the cell block it was new, with no rips and felt relatively comfortable compared to the two beds I’ve been on since I got here. “We’ll have to go down to the laundry to grab ourselves new blankets and pillows.” Dream stated.

He’d also pulled his mattress down and was now looking up at me on the ladder. After a moment I climbed down to join him on the ground. “How about we head down there now. I know a couple of guys who could help us smuggle some extra pillows and blankets. They do owe me several favours.”

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