Chapter 33: Escape plans

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Clay POV.

It was another boring Wednesday and I was sitting in the library while waiting for lunch. George was at another therapy session, his third of ten, at least that is what he told me before heading off after we both went for a shower.

Most of the group was hanging around. Punz, Sapnap, and Quackity were all playing a card game while I sat reading a book. It was a book that George had told me about during his work shift in the library a couple of days ago and it was surprisingly good. Occasionally they asked me a question and I’d always hum out an answer which they seemed to understand.

Eventually I noticed the book being grabbed and tugged away from me. I looked up with annoyance to see that Sapnap was holding the book and I raised an eyebrow at him. “What?” I asked, noting the way that all three of them were looking at me.
“We need to talk,” Sapnap stated before motioning for me to stand up.

I did as he instructed, watching him, Punz, and Quackity standing up before walking out of the library. Without a word I followed after the three of them, not sure what they would want to talk about, but deciding not to ask. The three of them seemed to be silently communicating by just looking at each other, sharing brief glances and nods.

It was relatively sunny today, and so most of the inmates were all outside in the yard, including Skeppy and Bad who had decided to leave a little while after we got to the library so that they could walk around in the warm morning. As we passed the entrance to the yard Quackity broke off from the group to go find them both making me wonder even more what they wanted.

The silence continued all the way to Sapnap’s cell, which also was my cell up until a few days ago. Then the silence carried on while we waited for Quackity to return after getting Skeppy and Bad. In total our group had been quiet for around seven or eight minutes.

Finally Sapnap spoke up when Skeppy, Bad, and Quackity got to the cell, after having made me sit down on my old bed on the bottom bunk. “We need to talk about George.” The ravenette said sternly. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he meant before Punz added on.
“And also about the escape. It’s about George and the escape.”

If we were in any other room we would have been more cautious, keeping our voices lower and being huddled closely together if we ever mentioned the word escape. This cell however was the exception. Thanks to Sapnap’s loving relationship with Karl the camera and microphone in the room had mysteriously broken, and nobody’s gotten around to fixing it.

We were confident about this since Karl had made several claims about the prison. Although there were a lot of renovations it was all surface level. The prison board would renovate a cell block to show the media and the public that the prison was new and improved, but then they’d ignore all the smaller details.

Smaller details included broken security cameras, leaky pipes, flickering lights, and many other things that you’d notice after spending months in prison. Thankfully for us though, without the camera and the microphone the guards couldn’t see what we were doing, or hear our conversations.

But that is irrelevant at the moment, and so I looked at the group with a raised brow. “What did you want to talk about?” I questioned, looking at each of them in turn.
“Well I just managed to get a uniform in George’s size for one thing.” Sapnap stated, crossing his arms as he leaned against the frame of the bunk.

“And is that all you brought me here to tell me?” I asked, slightly annoyed. I moved to stand up, thinking that I was able to go now, but Punz stopped me as he continued to talk.
“We need to know what’s happening with him when we do get out.” He stated. “If he goes off on his own he’d probably get caught in the first twelve hours and then the cops would find us.”

“I have more faith in George than that.” I scoffed. “He is smart enough to avoid the police.”
“Are you sure about that?” Quackity questioned. “The entire time we’ve known him he’s seemed relatively… well… meek, and scared.”
“We are just worried that he’ll get caught, or hurt.” Bad spoke in a softer tone.

Over the period of time we’d been planning the escape we had come up with everything, including what was going to happen once we got out. Obviously all of us staying together wouldn’t be smart, since it would draw attention to us, so we had decided that we’d split up the second we got a chance.

About a half hour's drive from the prison there was a small town which was pretty much known as a junction point for two major highways in the country. One headed South, towards the ocean and a city called Rugtabagville, the other headed North towards the mountains, and a city called Pogtopia, which was relatively secluded.

There was a third highway which was more unknown and headed to a couple smaller towns. One was a small town in the middle of the forest called Kinoko. Another is an old WW2 military base converted into a town nicknamed ‘The Badlands’ because of its rough terrain after being used for military drills decades ago.

When we got out of prison the groups were splitting up. Sapnap was going with his partner to Rugtabagville. Quackity and Punz were heading North to Pogtopia, since Quackity used to live there. Skeppy and Bad have friends living in the Badlands and so that’s where they were going.

I was heading to Kinoko on my own. My sister owns a cabin on the outskirts of the town from when she used to work there. Now though, she’d moved and nobody wanted to buy it so it just stood in a disused state. My plan was to go there and stay for a while, just until the heat dies down and then I’d move on.

“I guess George could come with me.” I stated, acting as though I was thinking it just now when in reality that is what I wanted the whole time, since it meant I’d look after him. “Unless he has family or friends that he trusts not to turn him in. But in a small town it will be difficult for him to explain his accent.” All of the group seemed happy that I agreed to take George with me.

“Cool, so the car that my informant has hidden for you can fit both of you, but I’ll make sure that he gets more supplies for you too.” Sapnap stated and I gave a thankful nod. The supplies were all being kept in a pack for us to grab when we got out and take with us to wherever we’re heading.

From what I’d been told, we’d have a change of clothes to get out of our inmate uniforms, a lighter to destroy our uniforms. Then for when we get the chance there were contacts and hair dye. There was food that would last for a while, along with water obviously. Karl had even been given money by one of my suppliers so we’ll each have ten grand.

The knowledge that we’d be given enough to keep myself and George safe for a while made me feel relieved, and now that we had that small bit of information out of the way. I hoped that he’d be okay with this though. Obviously I couldn’t force him to stay if he didn’t want to, but he was nice to be around.

Bad smiled at me. “It’s good that you will take care of George.” He hummed. “That poor muffin has been through a lot.”
“Dream, you seem almost eager to spend time with George.” Quackity snickered at me, and I rolled my eyes.

“Yeah, cause he’s my friend.” I stated with a scoff.
“That’s definitely not the reason.” Punz said, smirking, and I gave him a confused glare.
“Nevermind.” I said while shaking my head. “You are all clearly delusional. Now I’m going to lunch before you tell me any more of your crazy ideas.”
1419 words

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