Chapter 35: Favour

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A chapter for everyone's favourite 3rd wheel.
Sapnap POV.

“It’s alright Bad. I knew that you wouldn’t forget about me.” George smiled. “...the rest of these guys however, they probably would forget me in an instant.”
The rest of us all feigned offence as the pair giggled. “My memory is amazing. Do you know how smart you have to be to organise the biggest political party of the century?” Quackity asked.

“I think you mean the biggest corrupt political party of the century.” Punz pointed out, causing a fit of laughter throughout the group.
“Well, I guess you could say corrupt. If you consider taking bribes and murdering opponents corrupt.” Quackity said with a shrug which made them laugh louder.

After we’d all quietened down I could see Dream subtly handing a package to Skeppy and muttering the cell block and the inmate that it was going to be delivered to. The package was relatively small, most likely a packet of cigarettes for whoever they were going to, and it was easy for the ravenette to pocket it.

We all fell into our own quiet conversations as we continued with our meals. After I finished, I was about to stand up when Dream glanced over at me. “Sapnap, can you go visit Jeremy Downey in Cell Block C?” He questioned. "We need to discuss our plans and try and get him involved.

I gave a nod as I stood up, with most of the group watching me as I walked off to firstly put my tray away, but then to go and find Jeremy since I knew he generally ate quickly then left. Once I had dumped my tray to be cleaned I sent my friends a passing glance before walking out.

The corridors were empty as I went looking for Jeremy. I knew where his Cell Block was, seeing as he was somebody that I had delivered stuff to on behalf of Dream many times in the past. However, it was the middle of the day so he was most likely not in his cell, instead being outside, or in the library, or even working.

So I checked all of the likely places while trying to find him, and by the end of my search I was beginning to get desperate. Jeremy wasn’t in the yard, the library, in the laundry where he did his job, or in his cell. Heck, he wasn’t even in the showers or the toilets. At one point I even checked back in the mess hall to see if I’d left before him, but he wasn’t there.

It was almost as if he’d completely disappeared from the prison. Just as I was about to go and start looking around the same rooms again I headed past the hallway to the prison commissary and I almost walked right into him. He was carrying a paper bag and dropped it once we bumped into each other.

“Oh, hello Jeremy.” I greeted once I stood up, spunding more cheerful than I usually did talking to random inmates. He grabbed his bag and then stood up, greeting me back with a ‘hello Sapnap’. Jeremy was a relatively nice guy, whose crime was honestly quite minor compared to a lot of the other ones committed in this prison.

When Dream started his business, Jeremy was one of the first people to start buying stuff off of him. He wasn’t interested in the bags of cocaine, he just had an unhealthy alcohol addiction, which honestly sums up all alcohol addictions. The blond supplied him with a decent amount of beer and whisky, each of which lasted roughly a week.

“Why are you in the commissary at this time? Most people typically go before dinner” I decided to start off with a pretty casual question, seeing as immediately going to business might be impersonal. I also didn’t know where every single camera and voice recorder in the prison was, and I could be listened to anywhere.

“Well at this time the commissary isn’t busy,” he responded with a shrug. “If I went at any other time there would be a long line, with people yelling at me whenever I take a few moments to try and figure out what I want.”
“That’s actually smart.” I hummed, deciding that I’d do that if I needed to buy anything again.

“Can I talk to you in my cell really quick?” I questioned, changing the topic from why he was in the commissary. My cell was relatively close, and because the guards in the security office wouldn’t be able to listen to our conversations there.
“Of course.” He nodded, carrying the bag under his shoulder as he followed me.

The corridors were still quite quiet as we headed to my Cell Block, and then into my cell, and the entire time we walked I periodically glanced at him, just taking in his appearance. When he had arrived at the prison a couple months prior he wasn’t exactly one to be described as scrawny, but he’s definitely put on a bit of muscle since then, making him perfect for what we needed.

“So, now that we’re here. What did you want to talk about?” Jeremy questioned once we were in the comfort of my cell. He stood awkwardly just inside the door, probably worried about doing anything that would make me upset, and so he tried to avoid touching or doing anything by pressing his back against the wall, taking up as little space as possible.

“Well I’m talking to you on behalf of Dream. He wants a favour.” I explained, and the man immediately perked up at the mention of favour. Dream wasn’t one to do many favours, in fact he’s only ever done one or two, but word got around the prison quickly and now whenever he asked for a favour it always came with the promise of amazing awards.

“I can do anything that Dream asks of me.” He attempted to speak casually, as though he wasn’t particularly eager to get good stuff. Last time Dream repaid a favour he did with a bunch of drugs, all of higher purity than he usually gave out. It was incredibly expensive to get that kind of stuff, and everyone in prison knew that.

“He needs you to do something that gets this prison put into lockdown.” I stated in a deadpanned tone, one that definitely confused him.
“A lockdown?” The other inmate repeated. “Why does Dream want me to put this prison into a lockdown?”

“That is on a need to know basis.” I stated. Although he had seemed eager before, the thought of what he had to do made him more worried, and so I continued. “If you do this, then Dream will get you whatever you want, and you can get a couple of your friends as well and Dream will provide them with stuff too.”

“But I’ll get thrown in solitary…” He trailed off, fidgeting slightly with his hands.
“You’ll be in there for a month, but when you get out how about ten bottles of high quality alcohol, ten packs of cigarettes, a dozen porno mags, a hundred chocolate bars you can't get at the commissary, or anything else you ask for.” I really didn't know what different prisoners were in to, so I offered a range. Surly something there had to be of interest.

“How important is this lockdown for you to be offering that much?” He questioned.
“I already said that that-”
“ on a need to know basis…” he finished while cutting me off before letting out a sigh. “I know.” He seemed to pause for a moment to consider it, and eventually I knew that I had to end the silence.

“So, do you want to do it?” I asked. “If not, I know a couple other guys who would probably be interested…” I was cut off again, knowing that he’d be desperate and eager now that I was dropping the hint that I could use somebody else.

“Wiat.. actually I guess I have time on my schedule to do that!” Jeremy said, jumping in front of me before I could leave. “I guess I could do it. In return for the alcohol and cigarettes, and a smartphone.” At his request I nodded.
“Great. You need to do it tonight though.” I said before motioning him out without anything else.

Jeremy seemed to have a new, excited attitude as he walked out of my cell, and the moment he was gone I grabbed my phone from where it was hidden and pulled up Karl’s contact, messaging him and telling him that it was happening tonight.
1462 words.

Jeremy Downy is possibly one of the worst names I've ever come up with and I apologise.

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