Chapter 75: The Escape

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Dream POV.

The rest of the group had told me that they were planning on sleeping a little before the escape, just so they could have a little bit of energy. Although I was originally planning on doing the same thing, a short power nap, I couldn’t though, instead just sitting on the bottom bunk and feeling anxious for the upcoming escape.

Questions were filling my mind, all about whether we’d be able to get out in time or not, and if we’d be able to get everyone else or not. I mean, how would I react if we managed to get a few miles away before realising that we’d left Quackity, or we’d left Sapnap. As I let my worries envelop me I heard George rolling over on the top bunk.

And that moved my attention towards him. I had decided, along with help from Sapnap, that I wasn’t leaving him here alone, and I hoped that the brunette would make it easy for me, just agree to coming with me since this prison was filled with perverted assholes who would have their way with him the moment they realised I was gone.

In the bundle of blankets that I brought with me were two folded up police uniforms, one for me in my size, and the other for him in his. The first step of the plan involved Karl cutting off the cameras the moment lights out was called and all of us getting changed. I wasn’t sure whether or not I should wake George up to get him to change or not.

Since George might just keep resisting I’d just wake him up and tell him to come as he is, with the orange jumpsuit pants and the white tank-top that he was sleeping in. But our plan only gets more complicated from there, no matter what George ends up doing.

Part of me did worry that George would lash out when I woke him up and told him the plan. That maybe he would call out to the guards. But surely he wouldn’t do that. He said himself that I can grab whatever I want to take with me, and whatever is important to me, which just so happens to be him.

Suddenly the lights turned off, signalling it was (obviously) lights off. I gave it a few minutes before doing anything, just to give Karl time to get the cameras off. Then I got changed out of my inmates uniform and into a guards one. Not bothering to change every aspect, but just pulling some of the black pants over mine, and the blue overcoat.

Then I climbed into my bed and pulled the covers over me, so that if any guards did walk past they wouldn’t notice an inmate wearing one of their uniforms. Now I just had to wait until the lockdown was triggered.

My eyes glanced around the room, focusing on the dark shadows of the cell. The lockers where George and I stored our stuff, although most of my stuff I kept hidden in a brick behind the wall so it didn’t get stolen. There was the toilet and sink which we rarely used, seeing as we both had unanimously agreed we didn’t want to stink up the place.

There was nothing else, just lockers, sink, toilet, and bunk beds. That had been my life for the past few months, and I was about to leave it with George and my other friends. All I needed to do was wait until the lights turned red and the alarms started ringing, then the doors would unlock and we would be out of here.

For a while I just laid in bed, feeling slightly tired and attempting not to fall asleep. Thankfully though, it paid off when the lights suddenly switched red and blaring alarms began ringing through the hallways. Above me I heard George, waking up and seeming to forget what was happening for a moment.

“Dream?” He asked, upon seeing me in the red light. “What is going on?” He asked in a drowsy voice, which gave me an idea. If the brunette was half asleep then he may not realise what was going on, and instead of having to do a long explanation of why he should come with me, he might just do so without question in a tired state.

“Come on George.” I spoke softly, trying to keep a gentle voice that would hopefully leave him in his tired state. “We are going now.”
Unfortunately it didn’t work, as he just blinked at me in confusion. “What do you mean? Where are we going?” He asked while rubbing his eyes to wake himself up more.

“Just for a walk outside.” I reassured him, offering my hand out for him to take. “Then we can go back to sleep.” I knew it sounded like I was talking to a child, in fact it reminded me of those dreams I had a few nights ago. The one where I was living in the cabin in the woods with George and those two kids.

But talking to him like this and seeing him so calm was good, and reminded me of the love I felt for him and why I wanted him to come with me. The brunette considered what I said to him, as I tried to coax him as quickly as possible since every second was precious.

His drowsy eyes almost seemed to light up at the thought of holding my hand and going with me. But just before he was about to slide off the top bunk he stopped to think. But then it seemed he realised what was going on and shook his head. “Dream. I already told you I’m not interested in going.” He suddenly responded differently to the more adorable sleepy and cuddly way he’d been talking earlier.

“So you’d rather stay here on the off chance that Philza convinces the court that you should be let out of here?” I questioned. “Be trapped here until then with all these assholes who will do whatever they want with you if they get the opportunity.”
“Dream.” The brunette whined. “You know I don’t want this.”

“But George. Think of how boring your life would be otherwise. We could live wild and free in a cabin in the woods, away from the life of all the normal people.” I tried to convince him.
There was a shake of the head from the brunette. “Dream,” he repeated. “I don’t want to go.”

“George. We should though. We can move past everything that happened.” I explained, moving over to the door. “The door’s been unlocked and we can walk out to freedom, to a new life together. I still love you George, and I think that you love me too.” As I finished I turned to the door, which Karl had unlocked as planned.

I grabbed onto the handle and moved to slide the door open, but much to my surprise it wouldn’t budge. “What the…” I murmured, my eyes narrowing in confusion as I tried to tug it open several times, putting all of my strength into it but it did not work. I was frustrated, Karl should have unlocked it.

“I think that you’ll find it’s locked Dream. So your escape isn’t going to be working tonight.”
1289 words

Tomorrow night is the first couple chapters of Action. Also we are nearing the endgame. How do you think it'll go?

Also, after the final chapter for King of the Cell is released there will be a Q&A about the series for anyone interested on my server. Just to put the word out there.

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