Chapter 76: The... escape

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Dream POV

“The door’s been unlocked and we can walk out to freedom, to a new life together. I still love you George, and I think that you love me too.” As I finished I turned to the door, which Karl had unlocked as planned.

I grabbed onto the handle and moved to slide the door open, but much to my surprise it wouldn’t budge. “What the…” I murmured, my eyes narrowing in confusion as I tried to tug it open several times, putting all of my strength into it but it did not work. I was frustrated, Karl should have unlocked it.

“I think that you’ll find it’s locked Dream. So your escape isn’t going to be working tonight.” My eyes widened as I heard the voice and I took a step back, seeing the warden looming in the red lights, a devious smirk on his face as he stared at me and George in the darkness.

“It’s a shame though.” He tutted, moving closer to the bars. “Look how much planning you’d put into it. You’ve managed to grab an outfit and everything to try and blend in.” I didn’t say anything, just glaring at the warden as he laughed harshly. “But alas. This prison remains inescapable. At least for you and your friends.”

“How did you even find out about this?” I asked, glaring down the other even though I knew that in this situation I had next to no power.
“One of your friends told me. In return I decided to cut a few years off of his sentence, among other things.” As he spoke he looked over to his side and someone stepped into view.

It was Punz, standing there with a smirk on his face as he looked at me through the bars. “Punz?” I questioned. “You told Sam about our escape plan? But why?” He just shrugged, refusing to give me a verbal answer and the smugness in his expression made me want to lunge forward and attempt to strangle him through the bars.

“I offered Punz a couple of things in return for him telling me every little detail of the plan that he learnt.” The warden explained. “A reduced sentence, his own cell, a couple benefits like better food and earning more for his job. It isn’t traditional, but I’d rather that than letting a group of some of the most dangerous prisoners in L’manburg escape.”

“He fucking bribed you?” I scoffed, glaring at him. “That’s real fucking low Punz.”
“Real low, perhaps. But I also am getting five years off my sentence for this, so it’s worth it.” The platinum blond grinned at me. “I also get a transfer to another, much better quality prison, since you’d most likely have me hung in my cell the first chance you could.”

“I can’t believe you’d turn on us.” I growled. “You took five years off your sentence to betray your fucking friends. We could have given you freedom.”
“What freedom?” He questioned. “I’d have to stay with Quackity in a small house for the rest of my life. We wouldn’t be able to go anywhere or do anything. We’d go insane.”

“Don’t hate him, Dream.” Sam said with a smile. “I had figured out ways to convince half of your group. Punz was just the first guy who I got to.”
“Wait… you wanted to convince half of my group?”
“I had ways of convincing Punz, Bad, Skeppy, and Quackity.” He listed.

I didn’t say anything, instead glancing over my shoulder at the sound of quiet sobbing, only to see George curled up again and upset. It made me want to go over to him and comfort him but right now I was only focusing on the feelings of rage that boiled up inside of me as I listened to the pair explaining how they fucked up my escape plan.

“Most of your guys I could bribe with decreased sentence, better living conditions, maybe the occasional McDonalds or KFC on the down-low. The only two that wouldn’t work for were you and Sapnap, since you were the ringleader of this jailbreak and because of Sapnap’s lover on the inside.”

How does the warden know about Karl? Punz never knew his name. There was no way Punz could have told Sam, seeing as the only people who knew specifically who Karl was, and what his connection was, was myself and Sapnap and I eventually told George. Unless George told Punz, but surely the brunette wouldn’t do that.

“Unfortunately we never were able to find the person who was working with you, as far as we are concerned they must be either a guard or a repairman, but I’m sure running a few background checks will help us figure out who that is.” So they haven’t found Karl.

“Shouldn’t you have done a background check beforehand?” I questioned, being unable to resist a chance to poke fun at the increasingly irritating warden. “Seems stupid for such a high security prison.”
“I wouldn’t be joking right now if I were you Dream.” He chuckled lowly.

“And why shouldn’t I joke right now?” I asked, although it was fairly obvious what his answer would be. This fucking asshole was so predictable I swear to God.
“Because for this escape attempt you and your gang of escape artists will be getting a month in solitary each, and it might just be longer if you piss me off.”

I glowered at him while also snapping my mouth shut, knowing how terrible solitary was and already hating the fact that I was getting a month in there. And I had the perfect escape planned, but of course one of the people I trusted had to rat me out. Over three hundred inmates and I end up befriending the snitch.

Another small sob from behind me brought my attention back to George, making me feel even worse. Punz would have told Sam that George was escaping prison with us. That means that George would be put in solitary and it would go on his record. He’ll be less likely to get out if the court finds out he attempted an escape, since that is guilty behaviour.

Plus, after all he has been through I’m not sure if he would be able to survive being in solitary. It didn’t seem that Sam noticed or cared about my worried gaze directed at the brunette, as he lifted a walkie talkie to his mouth and gave the instruction to open the door to my cell.

A staticky response echoed through the hall, one which I couldn’t make out properly but a moment later there was a buzzing sound and the cell door opened. One of the guards who was standing quietly stepped forward the moment the door had opened and I’d taken a precarious step backwards.

He was holding a taser, and without hesitation jabbed me in the rib with it, sending my body through a painful spasm while collapsing to the ground. Another guard grabbed me and the guy with the taser turned his attention to George, preparing to zap the brunette the same way that I had.

I wanted to yell out, to tell the guard that George wasn’t a part of this, but my body felt like it was made out of lead and I’m pretty sure I had bitten my tongue from the blood in my mouth. The brunette let out a loud whimper as he attempted to back away and just when I was preparing to witness George being tased, Punz called out. “He wasn’t a part of the escape. There’s no point grabbing him.”

This confused the guards that were gathered around, along with the Warden who turned to him with a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean he wasn’t a part of the escape? When you talked to me you’ve mentioned him at least a dozen times.”
“That’s because he didn’t plan the escape, but Dream wanted to bring him with us.”

Sam narrowed his eyes, seeming unsure of what Punz had meant, but the platinum blond elaborated. “We had decided to bring George along as a precaution, in case we got cornered by anyone. He’d be a hostage and, if it came to it, a human shield.” A louder cry came from George at the mention of being a hostage and human shield, and it made my heart break.

I glanced over at Punz as I was forced up by the guard holding me, but the platinum blond was just staring at the crying inmate in the corner of the cell. “Alright then.” Sam hummed, acknowledging Punz’s words. “Then I guess we can leave him. But get Dream down to solitary confinement, and Punz, you better get back to your cell.”

After receiving the instructions everyone began moving, but as I was being dragged down the corridor I couldn’t help but think about the failed escape plan, and the sobbing brunette back in the cell.
1548 words

I'm pretty sure most of you predicted that it would be Punz who sold them out, either him or George.

Anyway, new story is out! Go check out Action after you've finished this, the first three chapters are currently available in my bio.

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