Chapter 24: Letter's

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George POV.

I was about to start making up my bed which was bound to be nicer than the other ones I’ve slept in while here, but then Dream spoke. “Hey George,” he hummed. “There is some mail here for you.” I glanced over at him to see he’d dumped his blanket and pillow on the mattress and was holding an envelope.

“It must have been delivered while we were getting the blankets, and there is also a note here for you two.” I moved over to take them from him and read what they said.
The first was a note from prison staff about what time my therapy session was tomorrow, but the other was a letter, a letter from Technoblade.

There were a lot of feelings rushing through my mind after everything that had happened since he had transferred to another prison across the country. I wanted to just sit down on the floor and read it, but I sighed lightly. But I managed to hold off, deciding that I’d make the bed first before reading it.

So I hurried through putting the pillows on the bed and spreading out the blankets to cover the bed. After I finished with that I climbed back down to where I’d left the letter and the note and I grabbed them. I quickly retreated back up onto my bunk, barely listening to Dream saying he was going to go get some of his stuff followed by him walking out of the room.

I started with the note, reading it to myself, muttering the words written on the slip of paper as I did. ‘George Davidson, Prisoner 0791-'aught'-96. Your therapy appointments are at 11:30am on Wednesdays and Fridays on the fourth floor, three doors down from the warden's office. If it clashes with your job, go down to the job office to organise your way around it.’

‘That made sense I guess,’ I thought to myself as I reread it again. Luckily when I worked in the library it was during the afternoon, so I didn’t have to worry about going to the job office and having to work my way around that.

To make sure I didn’t lose the slips I stuffed it in my pillowcase, which is something that Techno had told me to do. Nobody would search your pillowcase for mail, and all you needed to do was remember what day your cell block gets its sheets washed so you can remove them temporarily, and then you’ll be fine.

Speaking of Techno, I looked down at the envelope in front of me. It had the logo of a prison with the name ‘North Snowchester Penitentiary’, in the left hand corner, underneath was my name, the name for Pandora’s Box, and the prison's address.

Without waiting a second longer I ripped open the envelope, feeling excited to be able to hear from the pinkette again, even if it was via a letter. I was cautious enough to make sure I didn’t rip the paper inside as I opened the envelope, and basically felt my breath hitch as I began reading the letter.

Dear George

It has been a while since I spoke to you, but I’ve just managed to get settled into my life at the new prison. I was wondering how you’ve been with Dream looking after you, and if he is holding up on his end of the deal. If he isn’t then I can break out of prison, come to Pandora’s Box, and beat him up for you.

Anyway, my new cellmate is alright, he’s a nineteen year old called Ranboo, I don’t know what he did because he has some memory problems but he’s alright. I managed to get a job in the prison library with him and the two of us just read, like how you and I did, that or he'll be writing in his diary.

The other people in this place are alright as far as other inmates go, and they are all smart enough to figure out that they should leave me alone. A couple of gangs have asked me to join them but so far I haven’t agreed to anything yet, cause gangs are the closest things among inmates to governments..

But anyway, how are you? Are you getting on well with Dream? Do you have a new cellmate yet? What is he like? I know that I am not usually the type for questions, I just can’t help but wonder what it is like back at Pandora’s Box while I’m not there.

Wanting to hear back from you soon
Sincerely, Techno.

I read the letter a couple of times, feeling a mixture of emotions as I read what Techno wrote to me. Part of me felt happy to hear from him, and happy that he was doing well. But then I kept reading and rereading about the last paragraph. Looking over those works again and again made me feel close to crying.

Obviously he had no idea about what had happened to me with my cell mate, but it still hurt as the person who I trusted brought back the memories that hurt so much. So I discarded the letter, leaving it on the bed unanswered while I curled up and began sobbing as he unintentionally reminded me of what had been happening..

The sound of Dream returning didn’t even make me react. He heard my quiet whimper before putting down the box of stuff he’d brought from his old cell. From the corner of my eye I could see him climbing up the ladder and crawling over to me, pulling me into a hug. “Hey,” he greeted softly while hugging me. “I’ve been gone five minutes and you’re crying. What’s wrong?”

I just motioned over in the direction of the letter before burying my face in the crook of his neck and attempting to calm myself slightly. The blond shifted around slightly before grabbing the letter, and as he clutched the paper in his right hand and read it, he drew small patterns on my back with his left. After a couple of minutes he put the paper down.

Surprisingly he said nothing. I don’t know what I had expected him to say, but he averted my expectations by simply saying nothing. For a couple of while we just sat there, with the blond rereading the letter over and over again to himself and continuing to rub the patterns on my back with his hand.

Eventually he moved me off of him and gave a soft smile. “How about we go for a walk and get your stuff?” He offered. “There’s a storeroom in my old cell block that has boxes to carry everything and then we can go get some lunch, okay?” I nodded at the offer, deciding that that was better than sitting here and crying about what I read.

We climbed off of the bunk and I followed him out of the room. Neither of us spoke during the process of grabbing my few possessions to take from the locker in my old cell, to the locker in my new cell, however I appreciated Dream being there. And as the day progressed and we had lunch, before I went to work at the library, I pushed the thought of the letter out of my mind.
1235 words

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