Chapter 63: Asleep

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Dream POV.

The sun had been rising in the distance continuously over the past few hours until it was directly overhead. Bad and I were paying it no mind though as we talked while the rest of the guys were sitting by the exercise equipment and loudly piping up when they wanted to add to our conversation.

All three of them had started out the morning on some of the unbroken bits of equipment, but very quickly got tired. None of them were willing to give up the machines though on the off chance they may want to start exercising again. I found the entire situation amusing but I knew from experience the second they stepped away another inmate would grab the equipment.

Punz turned back up fifteen minutes after we left and would occasionally switch places with either Quackity, Sapnap, or Skeppy. All four of them were sweating up a storm and would spend long periods of time slumped against the equipment.

The other member of the group was George who was sleeping in a position that seemed relatively uncomfortable. His head was on my lap with his cheek pressed against one of my thighs. Despite how he was positioned he seemed content and both of my hands made themselves busy as I played with his hair.

My left hand was mindlessly brushing through his shiny brown hair, not even plaiting it like I often did. My right hand was resting over his eyes, keeping them covered so that if he did wake up he wouldn’t get blinded by the light, and so he wasn’t agitated while he was sleeping.

I enjoyed this feeling, the feeling of George sleeping on me, especially in the public space of the yard. It was nice, and I didn’t even care if other people saw either, because no matter what they thought they would still need to show me enough respect if they wanted me to bring them in things that they wanted. Little did they know that I was getting out of here in six days.

My eyes were transfixed on brushing some strands of hair behind George’s ear when I saw his eyes fluttering open. His eyebrows furrowed slightly when he saw my hand, but his expression quickly relaxed and was replaced with one of happiness and adoration when he saw me looking down at him.

“Hey George,” I cooed, my hand moving down to brush against his cheek. “How was your sleep?”
“ ‘s good.” the brunette slurred out, still appearing to be tired. It was undeniably cute but made me wonder if he could feel anything other than tired.

“That’s good to know.” I responded. George’s beautiful brown eyes fluttered again, as though the Brit was on the verge of falling back asleep. “I really didn’t think you were that tired after this morning.” I commented while continuing to stroke his face.
“I’m not tired,” he muttered, and I rolled my eyes before making an ‘uh-huh’ sound

Without saying anything I wrapped my arms under his shoulders and lifted him up onto the bench beside us. There were no complaints from the brunette who just readjusted himself and began snuggling into my side. “I said this before and I’ll say it again, you two muffins are cute together.”

“Yeah, I know.” I hummed, glancing over at George who was admiring me (I mean who wouldn’t admire me) with a glazed look in his eyes. The bright sun was making his pale skin begin to burn and that made me sad. “Maybe we should go inside before you burn.” I hummed.

It seemed that George didn’t realise that he was beginning to tan and possibly burn in the hot desert at lunchtime. Because of that all I got in response to what I said was an adorable head tilt in confusion, but it was clear to both of us that I was talking about him and so he agreed. The two of us stood up and I told Bad that I’d see him later.

There was only half an hour at most until lunch, so it wouldn’t be too long until that ‘later’ occurred. Until then though, me and George seemed to unanimously agree to just go back to our cell without saying a word out loud to each other, and his hand drifted down to mine as he pulled me slightly faster.

When we got to our cell George collapsed onto the lower bunk before letting out a huff, which seemed to be a mix of contempt and exhaustion. It was honestly adorable, and as much as I wanted to join him I instead decided to do a bit more reading. I sat on the edge of the bed and picked my book up before flipping to the last page I was on.


“Those two are so cute together.” I muttered, watching as they left the yard together, George holding Dream’s hand tightly as he did.
“You’ve said that already, several times.” Punz noted from where he was leaning against the treadmill while barely sparing me a glance.

“So what if I’ve said that already? It’s still true. Dream has honestly seemed a lot happier since George has been around, and George has been feeling better after… y’know…” Nobody said anything after that, at least for a few minutes at the reminder of what had happened.

Punz was the first one to speak, asking the group what they figured Dream and George would be like if they ended up living together in the long run. All of us began to guess, coming up with increasingly random scenarios but I found most of them adorable.

When it was finally lunchtime we were all giggling like school children at what we had talked about. The four others reluctantly moved away from the exercise equipment, knowing that they most likely would not be able to use it again (based jointly on how popular it was and on the fact we were getting out of here soon).

As promised, George and Dream were both waiting for us in the mess hall and we grabbed our food before joining them, while all acting as though we had not been talking about them for the past thirty minutes.
1170 words

Not the most interesting chapter, mainly just filler.

But anyway, if my math is correct (which it might not be cause I only half-assed the counting), it'll be two weeks from today until the new story starts to be uploaded. Doesn't that seem fun. It means that this story is almost over.

But what will happen?
    Will George and Dream escape and be happy like they do in Dream's dream?
    Will George find out what's happened and stay behind so he can be released?
    Will George throw away his trauma and the fact his boyfriend had killed his best friend so that he can have hardcore kinky sex which is the only thing you guys are interested with?

Who knows?

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