Chapter 6: Harassment

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Final day of double uploads for this story, although both are kind of the same thing, just from different angles

(One chapter is following Dream and the other following Techno [the two strong prisoners who think George is weak and pathetic and going to get himself killed and so they protect him therefore everyone thinks George is their whore, yk]).
Dream POV.

“How long do you think this shit is going to last? It has been three days already and Techno doesn’t seem ready to bash fresh meat’s head in at all.” Sapnap stated, before picking up another card and adding it to his hand.
“Yeah,” Punz agreed, “it’s strange. What’s happened to this fucking planet.”

“Language both of you,” Bad responded, glaring at both of them as he placed down a pair of fives. “Also why is this important? Can Techno not make a friend?” We were all sitting in the library, in the middle of a game of cards and Techno was doing his job as the librarian. He only had that job since it was quiet because nobody came in here.

The small brunette inmate had been practically inseparable from Techno the entire time he had been here. They ate at the same table, shared the same cell, went to shower together, and also now they both got a job in the prison library. Others had even started speculating that there was a relationship between the two of them.

“Yeah guys.” I responded, keeping my eyes focused on Technoblade who must have felt my gaze because he looked up to glare at me. “He is allowed to have friends. Now let's just go back to the game.” I placed down my cards as I spoke, and the rest of the group began to focus.

A couple of hours passed of us just playing several rounds of cards before I looked over and saw that Techno and Fresh meat had left. It was quite late in the day and after I realised the pair had gone I looked over at a clock hanging out of reach on the wall and it was past 5pm.

Once we finished our game our group headed down to the mess hall and we heard the usual sound of chatter among inmates. We didn’t really care, since our group was used to this, but once we stepped in we saw a large group of men gathered around the centre of the room.

Shouts were coming from the people gathering around, and all of us assumed it was a fight, which it usually was. However it wasn’t shouts of ‘Fight! Fight! Fight!” like usual fights that happened around here. Instead there were more whistles and that confused me. From looking around I could see that at least half of the inmates here were gathered around.

No guards were nearby, none of them seemed to care anyway, or seemed to be in a rush to get in and stop whatever was happening. Sapnap, Punz, Quackity, and Skeppy all headed to grab themselves something to eat, however Bad stuck around, watching what was going on worriedly. He slowly approached the group who, for the most part, ignored him.

I watched what Bad was doing, seeming confused since he never really did anything to intervene with fights. The group were surrounding a table and Bad began to squeeze through the crowd. The men were all screaming something, but when I got closer I noticed that they were making sexual comments.

“Now that Techno isn’t hanging around I can take care of you.” A man hummed, his attention directed to the middle of the circle.
“No, I’ll take care of you. Allow me to treat you, baby. I promise I won’t bite.” Another man cooed, and I heard a whimper from the middle of the circle.

Bad had pushed his way through by this time, and started telling people off. Although what Bad was here for might be scary, he was not regarded as scary in the slightest. “Can you all back off?” Bad asked, “you guys are being quite mean!”

Although Bad didn’t convince the group to do anything, or back away from whatever it was they were surrounding, the other inmates were smart enough not to touch him since he associated with me. I pushed past the group of men to join Bad, and Punz, Sapnap, Quackity, and Skeppy all followed after me.

Most of the crowd noticed I was walking past, and so all of the inmates allowed me through. None of them wanted to get on my bad side, since I was one of the only people who was able to smuggle stuff they wanted into the prison.

Once I got to the centre of the circle I saw ‘Fresh meat’ sitting at the table, his body tensed up and seemingly he was close to tears. I was confused as to what was happening, but Bad was standing beside the brunette and yelling at all of the inmates telling them to go away and mind their own business.

“What’s going on?” I quietly asked Bad when I moved to step beside him, and he muttered an answer for me. He told me that they were saying some ‘inappropriate things’ about the ‘innocent little muffin’ sitting beside him. I could see that the boy sitting beside him tensed up more when he heard Bad say that, but didn’t react other than that, keeping his head low.

Sapnap and Skeppy had moved to stand beside Bad, and were glaring with looks of disgust at the other inmates while Quackity and Punz did the same from standing beside me. “Anyone who even thinks of touching Fresh meat, besides one of us or Techno will be checking into the prison infirmary right after. Do I make myself clear?” I announced to the circle of prisoners.

All of them seemed annoyed at the fact that we’d gotten involved, but decided that there were better things to do than harass the brunette and piss us off. Those who’d already grabbed their food went back to their tables, and those who hadn’t lined up to get theirs instead, leaving us alone.

I glared around at anybody who was slower to leave, and the others did the same, all intimidating in our own right. My expression lowered into a scowl when I realised that there had been prison staff serving food who watched this entire situation go down, with none of them thinking of getting involved.

“Are you okay?” Bad asked the brunette once the inmates had disappeared, and fresh meat seemed slightly nervous to be around us but nodded nonetheless.
“What the fuck were they after you for Fresh meat?” Punz asked. “And hasn’t Techno become your personal bodyguard or something?”

“He was called to the warden's office about ten minutes ago. He and the guy who came to get him didn’t tell me much.” He explained. “Also, my name is not fresh meat. It’s...”
“Dream what the hell!” All of us turned to look at Technoblade who was making his way over, pushing past some of the prisoners who were in his way.

“Good evening Techno,” I responded with a smile. “How nice to see you. Your lover was having a bit of trouble and so we offered to help him out. You can thank us later.” I spoke with a playful tone, and a smirk to match, meanwhile the pinkette just glared.

“George isn’t my lover,” Techno growled, “and back off, I know the kind of shit you do and you aren’t going to get the chance to do anything with him.”
“For someone who isn’t in love, you seem to be awfully protective,” Quackity pointed out, letting out a small chuckle as he did.

“I thought we had a deal for you to leave me alone. Since George is my cellmate, that goes for him as well.” Techno said firmly.
“You aren’t the king of this prison Techno.” I responded happily, daring to take a step closer to him as we glared at each other. “I can be around anyone that I want.”

“Techno, we were only hanging around to help him,” Bad spoke up. “While you were gone some of the other inmates tried being mean to this muffin.” Techno hesitated before taking a step away, and a victorious smirk appeared on my face.

“Well thank you then,” he stated. “All of you besides Dream, thank you. Now if you don’t mind, go back to your table and leave us alone.” I shrugged, before turning on my heel and Punz, Quackity, Sapnap, and Skeppy all followed me to get our food. Bad stopped to say goodbye to George before walking off after the rest of us.
1463 words

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