Chapter 72: Disappeared

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Sapnap POV.

“Where did Dream disappear to?” Bad questioned as we all sat at our usual table in the mess hall eating our lunch. “I haven’t seen him since breakfast. Did that muffin even eat?”
“I’m honestly not sure.” I responded. “If he never did get back here for breakfast then he surely brought himself something at the commissary.”

“If you say so.” Bad huffed before moving to begin eating the mediocre food in front of him. All of us were feeling the same, we’d gone to the library after breakfast but couldn’t find either Dream or George. It was unclear whether George had forgiven Dream, or even if Dream and George saw each other in the library at all.

“Maybe the two of them have made up.” Quackity suggested with a shrug. “Maybe they were back in their cell making up… or making out…” When he said those last two words he was elbowed by Punz, telling him to be appropriate.

I was hoping for Dream’s sake that he had managed to convince George to forgive him, even though I knew that it was unlikely. When he and George started spending more time together I couldn’t help but notice how happy he was, how happy they both were in fact (after George had gotten through the trauma of what happened), and I hoped they didn’t lose that happiness.

But it was obvious that they would if Dream escaped and George didn’t come with him. Not only that, but without the blond and the rest of us, those fucking animals would fulfill whatever dark and twisted fantasies they have, one’s which centred around the brunette who didn’t have the strength or skill to get them off of him.

As I sat in thought I quickly made my way through the food, eventually ending up with a clear plate while the others were still eating. I stood up once I noticed that I’d finished before glancing over at them, saying that I may as well go look for Dream since I had nothing else to do.

“What about work?” Quackity questions as I went to leave. “We both have to do that. You can’t just skip.”
“What’s the point?” I replied. “If we are getting out of here then it shouldn’t matter if we go to work since after tomorrow, I’ll never work another shitty prison job again.”

The group all seemed to understand what I meant, and watched as I left the room, heading in the direction of my cell before planning to look for the blond from there. But my search for him finished before it even began as I walked in on him laying on the bottom bunk, just staring upwards without saying anything.

“Oh, hey Dream.” I greeted as I watched him from the doorway. When he heard my voice he sat up slightly, looking over in my direction before warily responding with a wary ‘hey Sapnap’. “How are you? You disappeared at breakfast to look for George and we haven’t seen you since. Did you talk to him?”

There was a nod, before the blond said a simple ‘I did’. His tone was sad, sounding as though he would cry if he elaborated, something that was unusual for the blond. I wasn’t completely sure how to approach him in this surprisingly sensitive state.

“And how did it go?” I questioned, walking towards him so I was sitting on the edge of the bed and watching him.
“It went shit. He was going to be sexually assaulted, and I stepped in to stop that from happening. Then he didn’t even say ‘thank you’, just continued to hate me.” The blond ranted.

“Really?” I questioned. “That seems intense. But not even a single ‘thanks’ or anything?”
“Nope.” He shook his head. “Just told me that he could have handled it. Then he said something along the lines of me not being here if I escaped, so there was no point in me looking after him.”
“Did he really act like that when you stopped him from being sexually assaulted?”

“Yes, he did.” Dream confirmed before releasing a long, drawn out sigh. “I just don’t want to leave him here alone. It was one day since he found out and people already knew, and they already tried taking advantage of him. When we’re gone, then what is going to happen to him? I don’t think I could relax at all if I knew what’s happening here while I’m gone.”

“Then why not slip a hint to the warden or someone about what’s been happening? Get him to crack down on all of sexual assault.” I suggested, seeing as we had put months of effort into this escape and I don’t want this worried asshole saying or doing something which ends up fucking up the whole thing.

“Several people have tried that before.” The blond brushed me off. “They’d complain to the guards, to the therapist, to the warden, or to whoever the fuck else they could about what shit goes on in this prison. They never care enough to do anything. They get paid the same amount to stand around and do nothing so that is exactly what they do.”

“But the therapist… Philza is a friend of George. Surely he’ll care about what is happening. Get George transferred to another, safer prison.”
“Philza was the one who told George about Wilbur’s death. Pretty sure he hired a PI or something. I doubt that he‘d want to listen to me about anything.” Dream shook his head.

The blond continued. “Plus, if I go up there and give some hint as to me leaving and it’s not because I’m supposed to get released tomorrow or something, then Philza would be able to figure it out.”
“True.” I hummed, attempting to think of another solution.

It truly was a conundrum. There weren’t many solutions which would leave the majority of the group (or at least the parts of the group I cared about) happy. So I didn’t really know what I could do except. “So what if we take George with us?” I suggested.
“What, but he hates us. Why would he want to go?”

“Not sure, but it’s clear that you two care for each other. So what if tomorrow night you go back to your cell and just tell George you want to stay the night so that you could grab some stuff to take with you when you leave. Then when the lockdown is triggered and Karl overrides the door just grab him and bring him with us.” I explained.

An impressed expression was on the blond’s face. “But what if he doesn’t want to go and screams or something during the escape?” I questioned.
“I doubt he’d do that, no matter how pissed he was. Plus since he is feeling slightly better, we could get Bad to have a talk with him about God knows what. Just trust me.”

“Fine. Dream nodded. “I trust you.”
“Good. Now if you don’t mind I have decided I’m ditching work to relax, and plan to daydream about our inevitable freedom.” I explained while climbing onto my bunk while making him chuckle with my words.

“You enjoy yourself then.” Was his only response as I made myself comfortable.
1220 words.

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