Chapter 17: Sleep

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I didn't do the summery of last chapter at the bottom of that, so I'll do it here for anybody that skipped:

George didn't turn up for breakfast and Dream gets annoyed because it goes against their deal, so he goes with Punz, Quackity, and Sapnap to George's cell to look for him.

They get to the cell and come across George and his cellmate and (from what they see) it's the two of them having sex on George's bunk.

The four of them go to leave (cause they aren't creeps who watch people have sex) before they realise that George seems terrified and they work out what's actually going on.

Sapnap, Punz, and Quackity stay in the cell to deal with George's cellmate, and Dream looks after George by taking for a shower, and being gentle with him.

That sums up everything.

Also, warning:
        While this chapter doesn’t feature anyone getting r@ped, or SA’d in any manner, there are mentions of it, and several other mentions in chapters after this one.
         I will not be including any major graphic details on what happened to George, from here on out, and because of that I won't be putting these warnings on any chapters unless they are especially bad.
Dream POV.

The moment that George had finished with his shower, dried himself, and pulled on clothes, he grabbed my hand tightly and pulled me close to him, nearly cutting off my circulation. I glanced over to see him leaning on my shoulder with his gaze being tear-filled and downcast and I let out a sigh.

I felt so bad, so guilty about what had happened to him since I had promised Techno and George that I’d protect him. And that fact that even after I broke that promise, and George got hurt, he came to me made my heart break. But I didn’t say anything though, what could I have even said to him in a situation like this.

After examining him for a moment, I noticed how exhausted he was, so I decided to let him rest some more. Obviously though, I couldn’t take him back to his cell without him freaking out, so I gently began leading him in the direction of my cell. The brunette followed closely behind me, keeping his face hidden from anyone who passed and occasionally wiping tears from his eyes.

Eventually we reached my cell and I motioned for him to lie down on my bed on the bottom bunk. Without complaint he did, and I pulled the covers over him to keep him warm. “I’ll be right back,” I said in a soft tone as I went to stand up, planning on going to find Sapnap, Quackity, and Punz and deal with George’s cellmate.

Before I could leave though he grabbed my hand again. “Don’t leave,” he whimpered. “I don’t want to be alone.” His eyes were still full of fear from what happened earlier and he was shaking. After nodding at him he relaxed slightly and tucked his hands under the covers close to his chest.

“I’m sorry,” he muttered quietly, catching my attention. “I should have stopped him. You shouldn’t have had to save me. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” I hushed him, sitting on the edge of the bed and stroking his cheek comfortingly. “It’s okay. I would have saved you a million times over because nobody deserves to go through that.”

“I didn’t even do anything to him. I don’t see why he’d want to do that to me.” The brunette began sobbing again, and once again I tried to comfort him.
“There are just monsters out there who hurt people like that. You did nothing wrong.” I tried to keep my tone soft and gentle so as to not freak him out.

“But I didn’t even do anything to be here.” His voice was louder now and tears flowed freely down his cheeks. “I got put in this shitty prison after getting blamed for killing my best friend. But I would never ever hurt him. And now my best friend's family thinks I’m a monster who deserves to be locked up in here with people like him.”

“Nobody deserves to be locked in places with people like him. And I’m sorry that you had to go through that.” My comforting words made him sniffle and calm down slightly. “Why don’t you rest for a while, I’ll stay right here and wake you up for lunch, okay?” The Brit nodded before rubbing his eyes gently, then I watched quietly as he rolled over to go to sleep.

I stayed sitting on the bed beside him as he slept, afraid to even leave his side as guilt consumed me. Because of this I lost track of time quickly, just staring at the blank wall and lost my focus until I saw motion from the corner of my eye.

Sapnap walked in, flicking blood off of his wrists as he did and not caring as the flecks of the crimson liquid hit the concrete floor and walls. As he was heading over to me he noticed George in the bed and froze. “Why is he here?” He asked me, speaking loud enough to make the brunette shift on the uncomfortable mattress before rolling over.

“He’s been through a lot,” I answered, brushing a strand of his fluffy brown hair out of his face. “He needed to sleep and he would have a panic attack if he went back to his own cell.” Sapnap gave a nod in understandment, seeing my reasoning. “So what happened to the asshole who decided to touch him?”

A smirk grew on the ravenette’s face at the question. “He’s currently bleeding out and on his way to a hospital nearby, might bleed out in the ambulance on the way though.” That made me smile.

“That’s why you are second in command.” I smiled, feeling glad that the man who had hurt George had been dealt with. “What about the camera footage?”
“Everything after you entering the room was erased, so the guards can see what he did, but can’t see what we did in response.”

“Thank you,” I smiled, continuing to brush through the brunette’s hair as he slept, and smiling softly as he nuzzled into the touch. “Can you do me a favour, Sap?” I continued, glancing up in his direction while my body still aimed around the brunette.
“What’s the favour?” He asked back.

I motioned over to a pile of sheets on the floor. It smelled of the usual prison musk, mixed in with the scent of sex which made me want to gag. The pile was slightly damp from when George had carried them into the shower. “Do you mind burning that for me? You are the fire guy after all.” I asked, although it was more an order rather than a question..

When Sapnap looked at the pile, disgust grew on his face. “Is that the sheet that George was-”
“Yes,” I cut him off before he could finish. “Take it to one of our men and have them burn it, please.” My voice was getting slightly firmer, George leaned into me further after I spoke, causing me to continue petting his hair.

“But it’s disgusting. It’s covered in-” Once again I cut him off. With a sigh I spoke, trying to keep my voice at a low level so I didn’t wake George up. “I know Sapnap,” I told him. “But George might have a freak-out if he sees it again, and he doesn’t want me to leave his side. Please can you do this for me.”

Sapnap nodded, giving me a yes as he took the sheets in his arms, however he still didn’t seem happy about it. I thanked him profoundly, before stretching slightly and settling down next to George, since I didn’t want to be uncomfortable if I was going to sit here for hours.
1332 words

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