Chapter 55: Worried

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Not to be confused with the title of the last chapter 'worries'
Dream POV.

I muttered out quiet compliments to George as I sat beside him. He’d turned his attention to a book in front of him and was reading it contently, while I occasionally kept up with what was happening by reading from over his shoulder. To be honest, I didn’t really care about what he was reading, but it was just a nice position to be in.

Part of me wanted to ask why he had been somewhat quiet earlier, or quieter than usual. It seems as though it had something to do with Philza, since he’d been more talkative this morning up until the two of us went to see the therapist together.

My thoughts were disrupted when Sapnap came to sit opposite us, dragging a chair from where he had been sitting. I turned my attention towards him whereas George didn’t even look up from his book.”Hey,” he greeted, and I just grunted out a simple ‘hey’ in return.

“What are you doing over here?” I went on to ask, raising an eyebrow at him as I saw George flipping the page of his book from the corner of my eyes. My attention drifted over to the main table where Quackity and Punz were both sitting. “I’d have thought that you’d want to be over there with them.”

“I don’t know man, Punz is just annoying me.” He huffed. “Or maybe I’m just stressed and overreacting. I honestly don’t know at this point.” Somehow this got George’s attention, and the brunette lowered the book so that he could focus more on the conversation.
“How is he annoying you?” The brunette asked.

“Well he just has been snapping at myself and Quackity, and seems annoyed even though I haven’t done anything.” The ravenette explained before adding on, “oh, and he was really defensive over his phone.”
“Maybe he has a girlfriend that he wants to keep secret?” George suggested.

“Not likely,” I answered while shaking my head. “I am the only one who has any contact with people outside the prison for my business. The rest of us have no friends, family, or anything and just use the phones to communicate with each other.” The brunette nodded in understanding before leaning against me.

“And even if he did have a girlfriend, doesn’t explain why he seemed so hostile. Usually he’s fine with myself and Quackity and anyone else’s shenanigans.” Sapnap stated.
“I’m surprised you know a word that big Sapnap.” I couldn’t help but tease.
“Dream, I’m serious.” He sighed. “It just feels weird.”

“Don’t worry about it. He’s probably just talking to another inmate, he is a lot more social then the two of us are, surprisingly.” I reassured. “You are probably just feeling paranoid.”
“If you say so.” The ravenette murmured. “I may just be overreacting, sorry for bothering you two.”

“You didn’t bother us Sapnap.” George hummed, a small smile on his face as he looked over at the other person. “You are our friend and we will happily help you with anything.”
“Thanks George.” He smiled, then his grin softened. “You and Dream are honestly perfect for each other.”

George blushed at the comment before moving to rest his head on my shoulder. “Do we?” He questioned, seeming on edge. “I feel like Dream could do a lot better than I could. Everyone’s attracted to bad boys. I’m just boring and stupid and pathetic.”
“No, I couldn't do better.” I informed him gently. “You are perfect.”

Even though I know that Sapnap didn’t intend it, his words sent George into a spiral, and I watched as the brunette’s mood went down. He grew quiet while leaning against me and my hand moved up to brush through his hair.

“Why is he upset?” Sapnap questioned, noting his expression. “Is it something that I said? Or did I do something?”
I shook my head at him as a way of showing that it wasn’t his fault before quietly informing him that this happened often, and George would be fine after I calmed him down.

That seemed to make sense to the other prisoner, and I glanced over to the clock on the wall when we fell into silence. “It’s five minutes until dinner.” I stated, moreso directing my comment at George, but catching Sapnap’s attention too. “Do you want to start heading to the mess hall now? That way we can grab food as soon as it’s ready.”

“ ‘m not hungry.” George murmured quietly, not moving at all as he spoke. “Just want to stay here and read some more.”
“Come on,” I hummed. “Don’t be like that darling. You need to eat something.” He didn’t say anything but reluctantly stood up.

I didn’t know whether that meant he was actually going for food or if he was heading to the cell so he could avoid eating but I followed after him, with Sapnap following after me. Thankfully though the brunette went to the mess hall and just stood by the wall while waiting for the food to be served.

After sending him a small smile I wrapped an arm around his waist, which made him nuzzle into me. I waited beside him as we watched the cooks serving up the food, plating it in a way which reminded me of my old high school. Sapnap also stood with us, and once he noticed that Quackity, but more notably Punz, had followed after us his mood once again soured.

“Thank you for coming to eat,” I spoke quietly so that only George could hear. “But what’s going on? Can you please tell me?” The brunette didn’t react to my question, I couldn’t tell whether he was intentionally ignoring it or if he honestly didn’t hear what I had said. I repeated myself once more and got the same response, or lack of response.

“Will we be able to talk after dinner in our cell?” I questioned hopefully, my tone shifting slightly as I did. “Please? I am worried about you.” That got his attention, he turned to blink over at me a couple of times before eventually replying with ‘you don’t need to worry. Just thinking’.

It wasn’t really helpful, but before I got to ask anything else the cooks motioned us over just a couple of seconds before the clocks ticked over the hour mark to show it was dinner time. I watched the brunette with a furrowed expression as he walked ahead of me to grab food.

Both Sapnap and Quackity seemed to note how I was watching him, with Punz seeming caught up in his own world. “You all good?” Quackity questioned with a raised brow, and I nodded before letting out a breath.
“Yeah, just worried about George.” Was my response.

“When aren’t you worried about George?” Sapnap muttered. “I’m worried about Punz, at least that’s something new.”
“Sorry guys, but it seems different this time.” I informed them as I grabbed a tray to fill with food, with George already having finished grabbing stuff and heading over to our table.

“Different how?” The taller of the two asked. I shook my head, a way of showing that I didn’t know how exactly it was different, but I told the two that I was going to ask him later.
1233 words

Damn it, so close to being the perfect number of 1234. Too bad me saying this put the chapter up to 1256 words, although that's an alright number in itself

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