Chapter 74: Last meal

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George POV

"Aww," I heard a voice coo, which woke me up. I reluctantly fluttered my eyes open to look at whoever was there. A worry washed through me, and I couldn't help but think that maybe it was a new cell mate, and he would be like my old cell mate. The one that was before Dream and who had...

Much to my surprise, or perhaps relief, it wasn't a new inmate at all. It was Bad who was cooing at my sleeping form, standing with both Sapnap and Dream in the doorway. I was somewhat confused as to why they were here, but didn't say anything. I only showed this by raising my brow at the trio.

"Hey George." Sapnap greeted. "We just wanted to come see you because it's dinner time, and we wanted to make sure that you ate something, after all you did skip lunch."
"Did I?" I groggily responded, still being dizzy from just waking up. "Didn't even notice."

"Yeah," Bad nodded. "And this muffin got all worried so we came to check on you and found you asleep." He explained, motioning to Dream when talking about 'this muffin'. "But none of us wanted you to miss a meal so you are coming with us now."
"Alright. What time is it?" I questioned as I sat up.

"Just a few minutes before dinner starts." Sapnap stated, leaning himself against the door frame. "We wanted to give you a little bit of time to get ready first. Your hair is a mess."
"Wow thanks..." I muttered sarcastically to the ravenette before running my hands through my hair as a comb. "Is this better?"

"Don't ask me." Sapnap shrugged before glancing over at Dream. The blond hadn't been looking at me the entire time, instead keeping his eyes to the floor. When he realised that the ravenette was looking at him, he lifted his gaze just enough to see my face before looking away quickly and muttering that I looked fine.

"Great!" Bad chirped excitedly. "Now let's go. I want plenty of time to talk with George before we leave tonight!" I just nodded as I climbed off of the bunk, heading over to the group who were already beginning to walk off.

It seemed at this point in time that they were all confident that they would get it, seeing as how they were talking about it almost constantly, like Bad just did for instance. Mentioning he was leaving while in my cell, talking about how they were getting out of here in the mess hall and library. It was quite daring, but also extremely stupid.

"Hey George." Punz greeted me when we made our way to the table carrying trays of food. It was some salad and roast beef. "I honestly didn't think that we'd get to see you again before we got out of here tonight."
"Sapnap, Bad, and Dream woke me up and invited me." I explained.

"Good on them." Quackity hummed. "I wanted to see you one last time to say goodbye before we got out of here. Try and convince you to vote for my party when you get released."
"But I thought your party disbanded when you were arrested." I questioned, feeling confused, but watching what he was saying.

"Rebranded." He corrected me. "It was not disbanded but rebranded. One of my most trusted friends and accomplices is the main face now. But he doesn't even think of any ideas before I know about it and give my input. A third of all the money the party earns is mine. So, when you get out of here I want you to vote for my party."

His smile was playful and made me laugh, but I nodded. "Sure. I will vote for your party when I get out of here Quackity." I promised him.
"And when I rule the country I'll make your birthday a holiday! It could be called 'National Awesome George Day!' or 'National George is the Best Day!' Still workshopping titles though."

"Wait a minute, when you gave us your voting speech you didn't offer to give us a national holiday." Sapnap complained.
"You don't deserve a holiday. What would it even be for? National Set a Fire Department on Fire Day? So boring. Nobody will get into it."

"Harsh." The ravenette scoffed, which caused more laughter to erupt around the table. The only person that I noticed who wasn't laughing was Dream, who just switched between eating his food and silently glancing around. His eyes met mine for a moment, and I couldn't help but find myself entranced by his beautiful eyes. I was the one to look away first, going back to my food.

A few hours later

Lights out was approaching in just an hour or so, I knew that it would mean that the group's escape would be soon. Until then I sat curled up on my bunk, reading through my book and waiting patiently.

Right after dinner as all of us headed out into the corridor, most of the group had decided that they wanted a little bit of rest before what was happening later. I said goodbye to all of them formally then, giving and receiving pats on the back and a hug from Bad.

Just like it usually was, the only one who didn't interact was Dream. He just stood silently a couple of metres away from where the rest of the group was, watching from afar as I said goodbye to them.

Part of me was wanting to say goodbye to the blond, seeing as it was the last time I'd ever speak to him and it may provide some sort of closure for the both of us. Maybe thank him for looking after me despite knowing that I would most likely burst into tears during that and nobody wants that.

From the corner of my eye as I was reading I saw some movement, causing me to glance up only to see Dream standing in the doorway of the cell. For a while the two of us just stared at each other, before I noticed that he was carrying a large folded up blanket. That made me question what he was doing here.

"Hey." He greeted. "I was just wondering if I could stay here so I could grab some important stuff before I leave."
"Yeah sure." I nodded. "You can stay for the night and grab whatever it is that you want to take with you." Means I'll have less to deal with tomorrow.

"Thanks." the blond smiled before going to his bunk. It felt weird to have him here again but I didn't say anything while he got himself settled. Meanwhile I just went back to reading until I eventually got tired and dozed off.
1142 words

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