Chapter 70: Skipping breakfast

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8 chapters left after this one. Nearing the endgame.
George POV.

I flicked the page again. It was nice, a few hours had passed and I’d become engrossed in the book I was reading, even though I had picked it off of the shelf at random. For a while I had actually managed to convince myself that I wasn’t in this shitty prison and was instead at home, on my couch in my living room reading.

This may be considered pathetic, hiding in the corner and pretending that I was back home and away from all the troubles and dangers. Reminding me of the past when life was all better. I’d thought that it would start getting better when Dream started a relationship with me, back before I found out the truth.

Speaking of which, I still hadn’t broken up with him. As far as relationships were concerned he and I were still dating, but surely he had figured that I didn’t want to date him since I didn’t want to be around him. Breaking up would be implied.

I was so focused on what I was reading that I didn’t realise that other people had come into the library, or maybe I just wasn’t used to people coming in so I didn’t register the footsteps as people. But my gaze darted up to look down the rows of shelves in view when I heard talking and laughing.

My breathing picked up slightly and my heart began beating faster as I heard the footsteps and voices coming in my direction causing me to pull the book slightly closer to my face. I’m not sure whether my actions were to hide myself or in some sort of measure to protect the book. It was strange, but I blamed it on being tired after last night.

After a couple of minutes of listening tensely the group of people who were chatting rounded the corner, and I was met with five guys all a foot taller than me. My knuckles were turning white from how harshly they were holding the book as the group of bigger and more terrifying inmates all stopped to look at me.

I lightly bit the inside of my cheek, taking slow breaths in an attempt to keep myself from freaking out as they stared me down. Their expressions changed from confusion to something much worse and I moved backwards when they smirked at me.

“Hello cutie.” One of them greeted, with some form of lust and desire visible in his smoky grey eyes. “Where’s your boyfriend Dream? Is he around?”
“Yeah.” I lied, motioning away from me. “He’s over there somewhere. If he hears you guys trying anything then he’ll… he’ll kill you.”

This is the one thing that Dream seems to be good for, stopping me from getting assaulted physically or verbally or sexually by some of these uncontrollable animals. The group just laughed though as another man chuckled. “Is that true? Even after we heard you crying yesterday and yelling at Dream to leave you alone?”

His question made me gulp. I hadn’t realised that people had heard, but of course they had. We were in a prison, a place where the thought of having more than a few moments to yourself without people overhearing was nearly impossible. But I didn’t say anything about that out loud, instead just saying. “Yeah, that is true.”

“Then if that is true we might just have to be quiet.” The first guy purred as he approached me, his hand moving to caress my shoulder. It made me shudder and I instantly reacted as I tried to push him off of me, but he was too strong and my actions were pointless, all that it did was draw an amused chuckle

“Get away from me!” I cried, a mix between a growl and a beg. “Piss off!”
“Aww don’t be like that.” The man holding me cooed. “I promise you’ll enjoy it. My girlfriend used to say that I was the best dick she ever had.”
“Was that before you got arrested?” I dared to question.

“Yeah. Meaning that I haven’t had sex in five years. But I’m still confident that I can make you feel good.” He purred out, chilling me to the bone.
“You’re such a pervert. Get off of me!” I cried, but he didn’t say anything as he moved in closer.

Dream POV.

“Have any of you seen him?” I asked as I slumped down in the mess hall. I’d looked for George in most of the places I could think of. I looked in the shower. Then in the yard. Then I poked my head into the library but didn’t see him at his usual spot by the desk. “Please, I’m worried.”

“If he hates you this much then why are you hunting through the prison for him?” Quackity questioned, glancing up at me while he was eating.
“I am just worried about him. You know what these perverts are like. Plus, he needs to eat something.”

“Dream,” Bad sighed. “I know you are worried about him, but maybe you should give him some space. I am sure that he is perfectly capable of knowing when he needs to eat. Sapnap and I also gave him some food yesterday.”

“Yeah I noticed the chocolate in his cell. The food was untouched, but he ripped one of the wrappers.”
“Oh that is worse.” He began to murmur. “That poor muffin is probably starving.” He turned to gaze at the rest of the group. “Maybe we should go looking for him.”

“Have you tried looking in the library?” Skeppy asked me, tilting his head slightly. “That’s pretty much his second home.”
“I did. Poked my head in but he wasn’t in his usual spot at the librarian's desk.” I informed him with the shake of my head.

“What about that hidden couch in the corner? The one where you used to have me pass over drugs to the other inmates” Punz piped up. “It’s out of sight of the door and cameras. Would be a nice, quiet spot for George to read without being bothered.”
“That might actually be where he is!” I said happily, standing up. “Thanks Punz.”

“Want us to come with you?” Sapnap questioned, although he showed next to no sign that he was going to move as he continued to eat.
“Nah. I don’t want him to hate me for putting on a whole show with it.” I huffed. “I’ll just go see if he’s alright then probably leave him be.”

The ravenette gave me a look as though he was trying to read through me before nodding, saying a simple ‘alright then, but I think he’ll hate you regardless of whether you bring multiple people or not’. And then he motioned me to leave, which I did, planning on just being quick to make sure the brunette was fine, even if he’d hate me for it.
1277 words

As I said up top, there are 8 chapters left. So, any predictions for how it is going to end?

• Maybe the group escapes and takes George with them.
• Maybe George gets released on the Friday morning and the final chapter is them reuniting years later.
• Maybe the group escapes and leaves George on his own and gets hurt.
• Maybe the group doesn't escape and get kept in prison while George hates their guts.
• Maybe the evidence isn't enough and George is kept in jail, giving up on all hope as they still think he's a killer.

Anyway, see you guys tomorrow for the start of the final week.

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