Chapter 52: It has to be a coincidence, right?

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Dream POV.

It was a few minutes before George stepped out of Philza’s office, and I had been waiting while leaning against the wall. A furrowed expression was on his face as he left the room before shutting the door behind him, and I pushed myself off the wall so that we could start heading back down to the ground floor.

“Hey,” I greeted with a smile. “Are you ready for lunch?” The brunette looked into my eyes and just nodded without saying anything, then he began walking down the corridor with me taking a few fast steps so that I could catch up with him.

When we headed down the stairs I began to feel slightly worried, based on the way that George was fidgeting with his fingers silently while refusing to make eye contact. I took a step closer to him before asking if he was alright. At first it seemed that George didn’t even realise I was asking him a question, but when he figured it out he blinked at me in confusion.

“George, are you alright?” I repeated again, seeming even more worried by his slightly dazed demeanour. “You’ve been acting strange since we went to see Philza.”
“I’m fine.” He reassured, although seeming uncertain himself if he was actually fine or not. “I have just been thinking about things.”

“Oh,” I responded cautiously. “Well anyway, what did Philza give you?” That confused the brunette just as much, giving me a look and so I reminded him. “Philza sent me out so that he could talk to you and give you something. So what was it that he gave you?”
“Just an old photo of me and Wilbur,” he shrugged, averting eye contact as he did.

“That’s sweet of him.” I hummed when we walked into the mess hall which was full of prisoners. “It makes it seem that he still cares about you.”
George nodded. “It’s from when the two of us were kids at his birthday.” He briefly explained.

“Would I be able to see it?” I questioned curiously. “I think it’d be cute to see you as a kid.” I mean, George was relatively cute already, but it would be nice to see him as a child.
“No.” He quickly shook his head before continuing to inform me that, ‘It’s quite personal and just for me and Wilbur to see.’

“Alright then.” I said, a little confused as I didn’t see why a photo taken at a birthday party would need to be so personal. Obviously I didn’t say anything because maybe he had a reason, but it still felt weird. He continued to fidget with his fingers as he headed over to grab his lunch tray before moving over to the group.

Skeppy was the first to realise we came here, and he gave us both a ‘hey guys’ as we sat down in our usual spots. We both responded with a hello although we were both noticeably less enthusiastic than he was.

George POV.

What Philza was saying couldn’t be true, right? The fact that Techno, Dream, and I were all arrested on the same day in the area of the same city had to be a coincidence. It had to be a coincidence. I didn’t know what else it could be if it wasn’t a coincidence, and I didn’t want to think about what else it could be.

I was sitting at the table just staring blankly at my food, having somehow fallen back into the trend of just staring at what was in front of me, the same way that I did back when something equally bad happened. This somehow felt worse though, the fact that I had been betrayed by someone I trusted definitely made me feel worse.

“So how was your last therapy session George?” Bad asked curiously, giving me a small smile as he spoke.
I took a moment, before eventually responding with ‘it was good’. Then I continued to say, “it was nice of Dream to come along with me.”

Dream gave a nod as a form of ‘you’re welcome’, or maybe just a way of acknowledging me when I mentioned him. “And you knew the therapist?” Quackity asked, causing me to nod as a yes. “So this will be your final time seeing him, right?”
“Yeah, but we said goodbye before I left.”

There was a comment from Bad saying something about how nice it was that I got to say goodbye to him. I didn’t say anything else as the group began talking about other things. As the attention was moved off of me I went back to thinking about what Philza had told me before I left.

I couldn’t help but wonder what a coincidence, since it still has to be a coincidence, it was that Dream, Techno, and I were arrested on the same day in the same area of the city. There is no way that there could be any connection between the three of us, but the thoughts kept lingering, plaguing the back of my mind.

When we finished lunch I stood up and began walking to the library, my body used to the routine and guiding me while my mind tried to grasp at any thoughts to help put together what I had been told by Phil. I trusted the man with my life but it still felt hard to believe.

Obviously I had to talk about it, but I didn’t want to talk about it with any of the guys. That was for the reason that I was going to be running away with Dream and I didn’t want any of the good opinions I had about him to be proven wrong days before we were getting out.

Instead I wrote a letter to Techno, deciding that he would be the best person to ask about this situation, even though I knew that I would never get a response. After all, Dream was getting us out of prison in less than a week and so he wouldn’t receive it by then.

It was a weird solution, but I think what I really needed more was to get all of my thoughts onto paper. Plus, I doubt that I would be able to write to Techno when I got out of here, so I could use this letter as a goodbye to him. Dream would be able to bribe the guards to not read my letter before it was sent so I could speak almost freely.

After taking a moment to think I sat down at the librarian's desk and grabbed out some lined paper and a pen, before I started to write.
1166 words

Question. For my future stories (after this one and Action since I have started writing both of those. Would you guys rather I wrote in first person like I am doing now, or third person? I don't mind but want to know what you guys would like to see.

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