Chapter 61: Morning

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Sapnap POV

“Sapnap, get off of me.” Karl whined out, attempting to playfully shove me away. “I have to get back to work in a minute before people start to get suspicious.”
“Exactly, back to work in a minute that gives me a couple more seconds to give you as many kisses as I want.” I hummed before pressing a kiss onto his cheek.

The taller brunette rolled his eyes at me, but didn’t make any more objections since we both knew that this was a lot nicer than him sitting in a security office staring at cameras for hours at a time with an annoying companion. I mean, I was also an annoying companion but he was able to get kisses from me.

My arms were wrapped around Karl’s waist so that I could hold him close to me while we had gentle make-out sessions. It was kind of sad, seeing as when we made out before I went to prison I would enjoy marking up his skin with hickeys and bite marks, a rough treatment during intimate moments to contrast against the love and affection the rest of the time.

But since we were on the down low while I was in prison, with Dream being the only person to know about our relationship, I couldn’t do that any more. It was a lot less fun, seeing as I always enjoyed how Karl would stress out to get make-up to cover it up so none of his coworkers would know what he was doing outside of work hours.

Thankfully Karl had been pulling a few strings to make it so no new inmates were put in my cell so he could come and go whenever he pleased. Although I still slept on the top bunk, when Karl came over the two of us would always cuddle on Dream’s old bed. I mean, it wasn’t like he would mind since he’s not here anymore.

“Okay, now I have to go.” The guard breathed out awkwardly as he nudged me off of him. After pressing a final kiss to Karl’s cheek I reluctantly pulled away, pouting at the brunette as he slid off of the bed. “I love you though.” He made sure to add before walking out of the room.

“See you soon Karl.” I smiled, attempting to hide the sadness in my gaze as he stopped in the doorway.
“Just five more nights apart.” The brunette noted in response. “Then we’ll get to-”
“Have the best sex ever!” I finished off, causing him to giggle.

“Maybe. If you behave of course.” Karl hummed, before giving me a wave. “I finish my shift in a few hours so I’ll go sit back in the office and try and say goodbye to you before I leave, okay?” I nodded, and he smiled before stepping out of the cell.

He’d managed to butcher the door’s mechanics for my cell so that it wouldn’t lock, instead all he had to do was slide the door shut and from there it would look the same to every other cell and none of the guards (besides Karl himself) would be any the wiser. This was one of the many reasons that I fell in love with the brunette, his brain.

It was only an hour or so until breakfast and I didn’t think that I would be able to get back to sleep for that amount of time. So I got myself up and began to get ready, that way I would be able to get my breakfast before the other inmates would be able to get there.

When I’d pulled my clothes on I allowed myself to sit on the bed for the remainder of the wait, I grabbed a book that George had recommended I read and opened it to the chapter I was on. He had a really good taste in books, and I was really enjoying it. So I let out a content hum before starting to read. The time passed really quickly and soon enough it was time for breakfast.

Dream POV

Shaking was what woke me up, but I attempted to ignore it as I continued to snuggle into the warm body beside me. I had hoped that it would work and I’d be left before I heard a quiet mumbling of, ‘Wake up idiot’ with an amazing British accent. Reluctantly I opened my eyes and looked up to see the brunette.

“Morning.” I muttered, taking a few long moments to admire him. One of my hands moved up to brush through his hair.
“Good morning,” He responded. “Now come on, it's breakfast time.”

He moved to sit up but I stopped him. “Give me a minute.” I hummed. “I don’t get to admire you from this angle often. You look beautiful by the way.”
“Thanks,” the brunette couldn’t help but blush slightly. “Now let’s go. I’m feeling kinda hungry this morning.”

“Fine.” I grumbled. “I’ll get to admire you later at the very least.” I commented before slowly getting up. The brunette didn’t seem to have slept after I fell asleep and I gave a cautious side eye to make sure that he wasn’t seeming too tired. If he was, then I would make sure that we come straight back to bed after breakfast.

Thankfully he seemed wide awake, which was somewhat a shame since I can’t deny that I didn’t want him to come back to bed so we could cuddle some more. With a deep sadness I began to get ready, pulling on a clean shirt and changing out of my pants into a clean pair. The brunette was doing the same thing with his back to me.

When both of us were finished and made sure that the other had changed before beginning to walk to the mess hall for breakfast. Only one other member of the group was in the mess hall, that being Sapnap and he was almost halfway through wolfing down his meal.

“Why are you eating so quickly this morning? Do you not want to sit with the rest of the group?” I asked with a wide grin as I sat down opposite him with some food, and George moved to his seat beside me.
“Good morning to you too, Dream.” He greeted. “And you as well George.”

“What’s the rush?” I questioned again. “Are you getting too cool for us?”
“Just been up for the past few hours without any sleep, don’t want to spend too much time sitting around.” The ravenette explained. “Since it is meant to be sunny today I could get out bright and early and have the weights and shit all to myself.”

“Sounds like a fun morning you have planned.” George commented absentmindedly, glancing up from the food as he began eating.
“You are both welcome to join if you want. As can the rest of the group. Although Punz and Dream are the only members of the group who would probably take me up on that offer.”

“And do you think Punz is still acting weird?” I questioned, and saw Sapnap glance around before refusing to answer. The reason for that being that the four other members of the group were all approaching while chatting with each other. When they sat down Bad greeted the three of us, and we all responded with ‘good morning’s in response before falling silent.
1242 words

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