Chapter 64: Tuesday

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Philza POV.

My phone was ringing. It was three in the bloody morning and my phone was ringing. I grumbled as I felt aimlessly around my lamp for the switch so that I could see what I was doing. When I finally grabbed the switch and turned the light on I was momentarily blinded by the brightness before grabbing my phone and answering.

“Hello? Who is this?” I asked, not caring for politeness as I stepped out of the room. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“You told me to call you the second I finished my investigation.” The voice responded. It was monotone and seemed unbothered by the early hours.

“So you’ve finished?” I asked, managing to shake away the thought of going back to sleep as I realised what that meant.
“Yes, I have.” He repeated. “If you come into my office this morning I can show you what I have found.”

I leaned against the wall and stifled a yawn while nodding, forgetting that the man on the other end of the call wasn’t able to see me. When I realised though I quickly said ‘yeah that sounds good’. “Would 9am be a good time for you?” He asked, “I have then free, or 3:30 this afternoon.”

“9am will be fine, and thanks.” I said. He said something in response which I didn’t pay attention to before giving a ‘have a good evening’, despite the fact it was three in the morning. After the call went silent I took a few moments to just stand in the hallway and think.

Hopefully it meant that he had good news, since the investigator wanted me to come in instead of telling me over the phone. God, I hoped it was good news because that would mean… actually I wouldn’t think about that yet, just in case I was proven wrong and I’d gotten my hopes up for nothing.

Just as I was about to return to my room and attempt to go back to sleep for an hour or so before having to get up for work, when the door opposite me opened. The hallway that I was standing in was dark, however the light from the room opposite flooded out, and I saw Tommy standing in the hallway.

“Phil, why are you up so early?” He questioned, peering into the darkness where I was standing as he leaned against the doorframe.
“I just got a phone call.” I told him with a small sigh. “Terrible timing and it woke me up, but it is hopefully good news.”

“What’s the news about?” Tommy continued, seeming curious but I brushed him off, telling him to go back to sleep. It just seemed to annoy him.
“I don’t want to say anything to get your hopes up before I know for sure, but I will tell you as soon as you are home from school, okay?” Reluctantly the blond agreed to what I said.

“Good,” I continued. “Now go back to bed, and I’ll do the same.” Without letting the teenager say anything else I returned back into my room and shut the door, faintly hearing the sound of Tommy shutting the door to his room a moment later. I let out a yawn, beginning to feel tired again as I quietly made my way to my side of the bed.

Kristen was still sleeping peacefully, unbothered by my phone ringing and the fact that I’d turned the light on, then again she had to deal with a class of rowdy eight year olds on a daily basis so it may be hard to wake her up. I put my phone back on charge before turning the light off and settling down to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning I would have to call the school I was meant to be at today and tell them that I couldn’t come in since I had family matters to attend to. After that I just had to pray that it was good news. If it was, then this can all go back to something that is somewhat normal.

George POV.
A few hours later✨

“Go fish.” I said with a smirk, watching how annoyed Dream grew as he had to grab a card from the pile. We were in the library having a game of go fish (surprisingly) along with Quackity, Punz, and Sapnap. Skeppy and Bad were off somewhere else doing who knows what. Not that I minded since I was doing well and beating the other four players.

“That’s not fair George. I thought you loved me.” The blond pouted as he added a card to his hand before letting out a hopeful noise as he made a pair to discard. “Nevermind, I love you George. That helped me a lot.”
“You’re welcome.” I replied, winking at him while the three other’s weren’t focusing.

It was a hot afternoon and we were all sitting in the library because it was air conditioned. I was meant to be working, but nobody ever came in here, and on the chance that they did they never got any books out. So I joined the other’s at one of the tables near the librarian's desk to play a few rounds of cards.

“My turn!” Quackity claimed from where he was sitting to my left. When our attention was him he glanced around deviously before his eyes focused on me. “George. Do you have any Queens?”
I was about to answer when a guard approached the group. “George, you are wanted upstairs.” He said, seeming more cautious.

For a moment I was feeling worried, seeing as there was no reason for me to be going upstairs except if it was to visit the warden. But it wasn’t like I was able to refuse, since he was a guard. So I set down my cards and stood up to follow after the man who was already halfway to the door, only looking back over my shoulder to tell the group that I would see them at dinner.

Once they were out of eyeshot I approached the guard, asking him why I was going upstairs and if I had done something wrong. However he didn’t say anything, instead just getting me to follow him upstairs and down to… Philza’s office. But that didn’t make sense, I was done with my visits with him on Friday last week.

I didn’t say anything to him though as I knocked on the door, not even a moment later Philza opened the door, a relieved smile when he saw it was me who had answered. “Hey Phil,” I greeted, somewhat awkwardly. “I was told to come up here by one of the guards.”
“Good, I have some good news.”

“Oh, okay. But why are you here? Don’t you only come in on Wednesdays and Fridays.” I asked.
“Yeah, but this is important. Now, please sit down.” I was slightly confused, but did as he said nonetheless.
1173 words

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