Chapter 8: A Deal

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George POV.

“So what were you taken to the warden for?” I questioned, shuffling the pack of cards I had brought on what little money I had a couple of days in.
“Oh, nothing important.” Techno reassured me, leaning so his back was pressed against the steel frame of the bunk beds.

“If you say so,” I muttered, before beginning to deal out the cards. We had been playing for half an hour, switching games every couple of rounds. The two of us picked up our cards as I put the rest of the deck in between us before Techno started to talk again.

“So, you’ve been here for almost a month. How are you feeling?” He asked cautiously, trying to make it seem like he was starting a casual conversation, although it did feel like this was actually a lot more forced than it seemed.
“I don’t know, how should I feel after one month in prison?” I responded, earning a chuckle.

“That depends on what you did to get here, and how good you are at making friends.” Techno stated, which made me nod.
“Then it’s been fine I guess.” I responded. “Having you around to help me makes prison slightly more bearable. Thanks by the way.”

The pinkette gave a nod, accepting the thanks that I had given him before placing down a couple of the cards in his hand. I watched his move before placing down one of my cards, the same number but of spades.

Throughout the game my eyes shifted up to look at Techno, who seemed to be lost in thought about something, however every time I asked him about it he was dismissive. When the lights in the cell were remotely turned off, signalling lights out as you’d assume, I made one pathetic yet desperate attempt to ask him, but he once again ignored me.

So after letting out an annoyed sigh at not getting any answers I gathered up the pack of cards and sat them in the corner of the cell before climbing up to my bunk. I said a brief goodnight to my cellmate before rolling over so that I was facing the wall, trying to block out any light that came from outside of the cell.

Although I was thinking for ages, trying to guess what it was that was happening with Techno, since I’ve only known him for a couple of weeks but it was clear something was on his mind. So I decided that tomorrow morning I was going to ask him again.

Techno POV.

Why the hell is George so good at knowing when something is wrong? I asked myself once the brunette’s snores began emanating from the bunk above mine. I wanted to tell him about the fact that I was going to be transferred to another prison, but figured he would probably freak out.

Afterall, I was barely gone for ten minutes and he was harassed in the mess hall. Who knows what will happen if I leave completely? Especially since some people already had rumours that I was transferring somewhere across the country. They might be planning to jump at him the second I step out of the front gate of the prison complex.

And why was I helping George anyway, it wasn't something I normally did. I think it was just the fact that the brunette was pathetic enough to spark pity easily. Just like a newborn lamb; small, frail, probably going to be killed by wolves. He was just one of those creatures that would die instantly if they had the chance.

However there was a solution. A terrible solution, but it was one nonetheless. Dream and his friends had helped George before, maybe if I swallowed my pride and asked him, he’ll look after George once I left. Make sure that he doesn’t get forced to do something against his will. I let out an annoyed sigh knowing that the blond wouldn’t let me live it down.

The next morning

As usual, at 8am the prison lights all began flickering back on, although I was always awake long before they woke the rest of the inmates. George, as I had found, seemed to love sleep, in fact it was one of his only comforts in this hell hole. I often needed to wake him up in the morning or he would sleep the whole day.

But breakfast was an hour long, and I wanted to talk to Dream first thing, since I didn’t want George to find out I was leaving until I was sure he was safe. It isn’t like me to think like this about someone, but I can’t let him get hurt in any way. That is something inexcusable and I won’t let it happen.

Trying not to draw too much attention to myself I walked over to the cell door, which had unlocked when the lights turned on. Then I headed down to the mess hall, where a couple of the ‘early birds’ in the prison were getting their food. Dream was one of those ‘early birds’, liking to eat his food in the morning without being bothered by other people.

Once he noticed me approaching him, he raised an eyebrow, while lowering the spoon which he had been eating with. “Techno? What the hell do you want?” He asked, raising his eyebrow further as he looked at me.
“I want to ask a favour.” I responded.

That instantly made a grin appear on his face. “A favour? Well that’s strange coming from you. The famous Technoblade, one of the most dangerous people in this place, and he wants a favour from me.”
“Shut it or I’ll leave.” I warned, and that made him pout.

“Come on man, I was just messing with you. I want to hear what is so important that you went against what you said yesterday to talk to me.” He said, still enjoying this.
“I am being transferred next week and so George will be practically defenceless.” I told him, lowering my voice so that none of the other eavesdroppers in the mess hall could hear.

“Oh yes, you are wanting me to defend your boyfriend when you go travelling to another prison, correct?” The gleam in his eyes and the cocky smirk on his face made me want to punch him, but for now I had to keep composed.

“He isn’t my boyfriend Dream, I am just not one to see people get forced to spread their legs without fucking consent.” He nodded, and I knew that he hated people who did that sort of thing even more than me.
“True. So you want me to keep an eye on him?” Dream went on to ask.

“Yes. I want you to keep an eye on him. If I find out that he was assaulted in any way, shape, or form, then I will make sure you never leave prison alive.” I spoke through gritted teeth.
“I know I won’t, since I have a life sentence. Anyway, what do I get out of this?” He raised an eyebrow as he looked to me for an answer.

“Satisfaction,” was my one-worded answer, since I didn’t plan to give him anything else, not that I had much in this prison besides money, which is something he won’t need since he has the biggest black market in this joint.
“Sounds boring. If I am protecting him, I expect him to work for me.”

“And what does that entail?” I questioned, knowing that a lot of Dream’s ‘workers’ had to collect the illegal stuff he brought in, some had to store stuff in their cells or find other places to store things, and some beat up those who didn’t manage to pay enough. “I doubt George could do most of the things your friends did.”

“I know, he isn’t much of a physical guy. I want him to run errands, just tell people when I have their stuff and the like, or just drop off their deliveries. If he does that, I will make sure nobody does anything to him, okay?” He crossed his arms as he examined my expression, probably to see what I thought about it and I gave a nod, telling him that we had a deal.
1390 words

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