Chapter 32: Blanket

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George POV.

My body was warm, warmer than it usually was when I woke up and it made me slightly uncomfortable. So my eyes fluttered open and I looked around to see what had happened, only to find that there was someone else in my bunk. That immediately set me into an instinctual panic, pushing myself away until my back was against the wall.

No, no, no, no. This can’t be happening, not right now. As another way of protecting myself my legs curled up, making it harder for whoever was beside me from grabbing me in any way I didn’t like. My breathing picked up at the thought of what could happen if I stayed too close, but as my eyes began to blur I could slowly begin to realise who it was.

Dream was laying beside me, I could just barely make out his features in the dim light, and despite my panicked movements he was still sound asleep. The fact that it was just him calmed me down, since I realised that it meant I’d probably woken up at some point in the night and he’d joined me on the bed to comfort me.

My hands were still shaking from the fear of what could happen and they tightened into fists, gripping the bed’s sheets. God I hated myself, how could I be so stupid to react like that. I should have known that it was Dream. Silent tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as I managed to get my breathing back under control.

I then turned my attention to finding out the reason I woke up in the first place, the uncomfortable warmth. Being careful not to wake up the blond (since that wouldn’t be fair after I got him to sleep in my bed after I had a nightmare), I sat up and looked around as my eyes slowly adjusted to the dark.

The source of my problem was easy to locate, the two blankets covering both myself and Clay. I did like the blankets, but I was very warm with two covering me. I quickly grabbed the edge of the top blanket and threw it off of me, not caring that it fell into a bundle on the stone floor.

Prison floors weren’t known for being hygienic, and so I decided that that blanket would go back onto Dream’s bed. Speaking of Dream, I looked over at the blond who was still somehow fast asleep. A content expression was on his face which I couldn’t help but smile at while he relaxed.

It was still early, seeing as the door to the cell was locked and the lights outside were on the dim glow which were on at night. So I allowed myself to lie back down, seeing as I didn’t know how long it would be until the doors unlocked. There was no point staying up if I would be awake for two or three hours before I could get up.

As I made myself comfortable I couldn’t help but think about how nice it was as I leaned against Dream’s chest. There wasn’t too much room and so I had to be against him, not that I minded since he was warm and this wasn’t the first time it had happened. I just hoped that he wouldn’t mind when I woke up and get mad at me.

Just as I was about to fall asleep again I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my body. It was a nice feeling and helped coax me to sleep faster. I nuzzled further into the warmth and quickly fell into an unconscious state.

Dream POV.
A few hours later✨

I held George close to me, feeling content as I saw how relaxed he was. Honestly I was somewhat startled when I woke up to see him laying on me, but he was asleep, and it didn’t seem as though he was going to be waking from a nightmare any time soon. So I didn’t do anything to make him move or wake him up.

Besides, I can’t deny how cute he looks cuddled up against my chest. While he slept I occupied myself the same way I had the last couple of times he’d fallen asleep near me, by playing with his hair. The prison soap and shampoo wasn’t the best, but somehow it maintained the brunette’s fluffy hair, although it meant that it (and the rest of the prison) all smelt dull.

When we got out of here, if George chose to go with me (which I felt certain that he would), I couldn’t help but wonder what type of shampoo and soap he would buy. It was a strange and somewhat creepy thing to wonder, but with his hair right by my nose and the disgusting smell of prison shampoo it was all that I could think about.

Suddenly with an electronic beeping sound the cell door opened, and a mere moment later all of the lights flickered on, including the one in our cell. This was a cue to all of the prisoners to get up and begin to head to the mess hall for breakfast, but for George it only seemed to be an annoyance.

His face screwed up in frustration at the change of lighting, then he nuzzled his face further into my chest. I pulled the blanket that was draped over the two of us further up to cover his eyes, and I chuckled at how quickly he relaxed. I also couldn’t help but notice that one of the blankets that had been draped over us was now gone.

It was difficult to look around with a fuzzy haired Brit sleeping on my chest, but eventually I managed to get a glance over the side of the bunk and saw a blanket which had ended on the bare floor at some point during the night. There was a railing surrounding the bunk meaning it couldn't have fallen off on its own, so George must have thrown it.

After making that ultimately meaningless discovery, I settled back down. A while passed before the brunette stirred, and I pulled the blanket down slightly to attempt to coax him awake. By this point in the morning I was hungry, and wasn’t beneath shaking him gently to get him to wake up so we could have breakfast.

George’s eyes eventually fluttered open, looking up at me with a disgruntled face, seemingly annoyed that he had to wake up. I was used to the fact that he was most definitely not a morning person, and wasn’t surprised as he pushed himself off of my chest before burying himself back under the covers.

“Are you going back to sleep?” I asked with a laugh. “Cause if you are I’m going to be off. I want to grab myself some breakfast.”
“Noo~” he whined. “You’re warm. I don’t want you to leave me.”
“Well I am going for breakfast, so if you don’t want me to leave you, you’ll be coming with me.”

“Fine.” He grumbled while sitting up before his tone changed to one much softer. “And thanks again for spending the night with me in my bunk. You definitely do way too much to be nice to me.”
“It’s worth it.” I responded. “You don’t deserve what’s happened to you. I’ve told you that many times before. If you ever need me for your nightmares or whatever I’ll be here for you.”

All the brunette did was give me a guilt filled look before moving to climb down from the bunk, I watched him with a content expression as I sat up, still feeling a slight warmth from where he had been laying on me. I pushed away the longing to have that feeling again as I climbed down myself so that we could head to the mess hall for breakfast.
1323 words

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