Chapter 78: Dear George

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Final chapter, and to think I only started uploading in mid-December
Dear George.

I know that you are probably not going to see this, assuming that the escape went well, but it just feels wrong of me to not respond to a letter, it wasn’t how I was raised. So I decided to write this to you, and I know that you might never see it but that doesn’t really matter.

Knowing the group that you are escaping with (assuming that it is Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, Punz, Skeppy, and Bad), the escape would go well since Quackity and Bad especially are very good at planning ahead. Dream however… not so much, so if it was just you and him escaping I doubt it would go well (I hate to sound mean but it’s the truth).

And anyway, I understand that you might not want me to know about what had happened, because you are right about me being stressed. You are one of my very few friends, and I would hate to know that something bad happened to you.

But I am pleased to hear that you are getting along with Dream finally. He’s a good guy once you get to know him, despite how it may seem on the outside. I know you might not believe me, but despite what we may have told you the two of us have been friends for years, in fact the majority of our crimes we committed together.

The only reason that we barely interacted while in prison and the reason that we pretended we didn’t know each other was because of an incident during our last days of freedom. We stopped being around each other just a few hours before we were arrested. That was how we got arrested on the same day, though I am not sure about how you got arrested.

Also I’m sorry to hear about what happened to you. Nobody deserves to be sexually assaulted by anyone, but knowing how Dream and his friends are, I doubt that the guy who did it would get very far afterwards. It is funny how most of them are murderers, cultists, and corrupt politicians but how gentle and kind they become when someone is SA’d.

That might sound mean with me saying it like that, but I promise you that that is not the case. It’s just something that I have learned about most of the group, despite what they all do, they only ever hurt those who hurt others… most of the time. The only major exclusion was Sapnap, since those firefighters did nothing to deserve being burnt alive but anyway.

And I am glad that you had a therapist to talk to afterwards, since having to keep that kind of stuff to yourself can be stressful and hurtful. It’s also good that you trust me enough to write about what’s happening.

How has your relationship been going anyway? From when I’ve known Dream in the past he can get very protective of his girlfriends or boyfriends, so you should be lucky. But he is also quite clingy with all of them, at least from what I have seen. It’s honestly hilarious though if you get to experience it.

I mean think about it. A guy who can use guns and knives as though they were extensions of his own hands, and who can outspeed and outmanoeuvre entire police forces becomes so paranoid and worried when it comes to the ones he loves.

From the past month or so I have gotten to know my new cell mate, Ranboo. He is a lot more talkative than you were, but he is alright and spends quite a lot of time just reading or writing in the library at Snowchester. We usually just hang out in our cell or the library, but the library is a lot busier than it is back at Pandora’s Box.

I’m honestly not sure what else to write here. I let you get up to date with my life, but there is not much life anyway, so that is all.

I don’t expect to get a response from you, since I both hope and assume that you and Dream and whoever else you are with managed to get out.

Have a nice life George and I hope that you enjoy your freedom.
Sincerely, Techno
761 words

And that is the end of King of the Cell, I hope you enjoyed(?) reading it.

What happened to George? If he does or survived, we will never know.

Now, go read Action as there are chapters going up daily.

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