Chapter 45: Carpentry

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Dream POV.

I stayed with George all afternoon in the library, sitting with him in Techno’s old chair as we just read our books. We were continuing with the ones that were meant to help with our escape. For me it was the gardening book and George had moved on from listing down recipes to reading about carpentry.

When he had first grabbed the new book I hadn’t noticed, but now I couldn’t help but laugh and playfully tease him. “You don’t seem like the type who would be learning about carpentry.” I pointed out. “Have you ever even touched a hammer in your life?”
“Wow, are you basing my skill set off of my appearance? How closed minded of you, Dream.” Was the tutted reply I got.

A smirk was visible on his face as he attempted to keep reading while ignoring my comments, so I was relieved to know that he knew I wasn’t meaning it. “Maybe I’ll be able to get you a ‘carpentry for cute, gay British prisoners who are too pretty to know how to use a hammer’ book.”

“And maybe I should get you a ‘how to grow your garden as a full time leader of a prison gang’ book.” He responded, his beautiful brown eyes flicking over to me to look into mine. "Oh and did I mention the full time leader was also gay. So it's actually a 'how to grow your garden as a gay full time leader of a prison gang’ book."
“I actually already know how to grow a garden because my aunt had the best garden in all of L’manburg.” I answered, attempting not to laugh.

The brunette leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. “That isn’t the flex that you think it is Dream.” George informed me.
“Wait until you see it before you judge me George. She grew the tastiest food ever, and she always said that I was best with the ‘gift of growing’.”

He began laughing and I couldn’t help but join in. “Really Dream?” George questioned. “It’s a shame that you used your ‘gift of growing’ to get yourself in prison.”
“A temporary thing. When we get out of here you and I could become farmers and I’ll show you just how good I am at growing.” I said before pressing a kiss onto his forehead.

“What the hell did I just walk into?” We turned to see Sapnap standing there awkwardly. I could see George start to blush out of the corner of my eye and I just smirked at the ravenette before shrugging innocently.

“I’m not sure, what did you walk into?” I asked. “Cause it seems as though you just walked in on me and George reading.”
“You just kissed him on the forehead!” Sapnap reminded me in a loud voice, and I rolled my eyes at him.

“I did. Is there a problem with that?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow and as he looked over at me he paled his face slightly before shaking his head.
“There’s no problem with that at all,” he reassured. “I mean I’m dating someone who works at the prison. It’s just surprising.”

“How is it surprising? Those muffin heads are absolutely adorable together, and they clearly care about each other.” Bad commented, causing Sapnap to jump since he hadn’t realised that he was there.
“Why does everybody have to be here?” George groaned quietly, burying his head in his hands.

“It’s a public library.” Quackity shrugged. “Not our fault if you two wanted to make out in here.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way George’s blush darkened further before moving my hand to rest on his back. I watched the way he relaxed slightly in my touch and it made me smile, the rest of the group all began snickering at it and I turned to glare at them.

“No need to be embarrassed George.” I cooed at him, “this just means that they all know how much I love you.”
“How long have you two been dating?” Skeppy questioned, raising a brow at us.
“Since a few hours ago, if you believe it or not.” The brunette grumbled.

“He’s all over you George,” Sapnap noted with a nod. “I almost feel bad.” I glanced over at the ravenette as he said that.
“Don’t act as though you don’t get touchy with your boyfriend.” I responded. “Plus, George is just as touchy.”

“Not in public.” The brunette hissed, his face practically glowing at this point. “I don’t see how you can be okay doing this when all of your friends are watching.”
“Dream hasn’t had any action for years.” Quackity explained. “Maybe if he gets some he’ll be less of a tightass all the time.”

Suddenly the short ravenette was jabbed in the ribcage by Punz, who grumbled at him to not mention anything ‘sex related’ in front of George after what he’d been through. I ignored it when I noticed that the brunette’s attention had already gone back into his book about carpentry.

Sapnap noticed too, and gave me a supportive smile before beginning to talk to the group. “Okay, Quackity ruined the moment for these two when they were just trying to read, so let's all go outside and leave this new couple in peace.” The rest of the group seemed alright with this and they headed outside.

As they left however, we could hear Quackity’s protests of ‘but Sapnap, you ruined it since you came in and bothered them in the first place’. George and I couldn’t help but look in the direction they left as both of the ravenette’s broke out into an argument while the rest of the group tried to get them to shut up.

“And that’s the reason why I was wanting to keep it hidden for as long as possible.” I chuckled half-heartedly. “Nevermind that plan now.”
“They can be so annoying at times.” George muttered before flicking over the page.

I got a glance at a chapter title which was about building different types of hammers which I doubted was worthy of a whole chapter because there surely couldn’t be that many types of hammers. Seeing him reading so intently, I decided that it would be fun to go back to teasing the brunette.

“So how’s your carpentry book going?” I hummed. “Cause I know another thing that could be hammered if you were interested.”
“Dream,” he whined. “You’re as bad as Sapnap and Quackity.”
“Now that’s a bit mean.” I pouted. “I was talking about nails, you are the one who made it dirty.”

“You are an idiot.” He scoffed in response, making me beam happily at him. He gave me a look which made it seem as though he didn’t want to put up with me before going back to reading.
1161 words

Just playful boyfriend bantering ❤️

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