Chapter 58: Prostitute

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Isn't this a fun chapter title...

Anyway top 3 are down the bottom after this chapter for you to vote on.
Dream POV.
Same time frame

An angered snarl appeared on my face as Techno left, and I jumped out of the car after him and called out into the night that he was a fucking pussy. That drew the attention of a bunch of the stumbling drunks whom I ignored as I returned to my car. I’d have to stay here with it for a few hours until the police calmed down before I got the chance to move.

Because of that I slid back into the driver's seat, only being able to open the door about a third of the way so that it didn’t scrape against the walls towering over me. I pulled out my phone, and unwrapped it, since Techno had told me that wrapping my phone in something such as tinfoil would stop it from being tracked by the police, which had proven to be correct.

I was planning on passing the time but not being able to decide what I should do I ended up staring at my home screen. It was just a blank photo I pulled off the internet of some place I thought looked nice. Part of me considered calling the pinkette, either to yell at him or to apologise and beg him to come back.

However I didn’t, since before I got the chance, there was a knocking on the bonnet of the car, which almost made me have a heart attack from the suddenness. My eyes darted around, worried that it had been a police officer, but instead it was just another drunk.

“What do you want?” I asked as I opened the window and leaned out. “I am in the middle of something.”
“Can’t help but notice you are stressed,” the man tiredly hummed. “You wanna do somethin’?”

At the question I scrunched up my nose. “I don’t know you.” I stated. “Why would I want to do something with you?”
The drunk just shrugged, “maybe we could be friends cause my friend fucking ditched me?” He hiccuped before brushing some brown hair from in front of his face. “I could pay you for it.”

“Pay me with what? You’re most likely broke.” I scoffed. “Plus, how do you know I’m not some kind of serial killer?” I mean I wasn’t exactly a serial killer since that wasn’t what I mainly did, but I did kill people.
“You’re a serial killer. I’m a fucking rockstar. Who gives a shit?” The brunette scoffed.

He leaned against the bonnet of the car, a wary smirk on his face as he looked up at me. “I mean I have this entire week off… I have an apartment if you wanna hook-up.” For a moment I honestly considered it before shaking my head and saying no.

“Your loss.” The man shrugged, seeming unbothered by me turning him down as he pushed himself off of the bonnet of the car. “Next week I’m gonna be banging girls all fucking night. It’s gonna be the best.”
“Sure it is.” I rolled my eyes. “But do you mind leaving? I’m in the middle of something.”

The way that he was talking and acting made me feel like he was a prostitute. He was dressed in scruffy clothes that seemed as though they’d been worn for a while, reeking of booze and having several unidentifiable stains on them. The only thing left was for him to make me an offer for a blowjob for twenty bucks, but he did offer to take me to his apartment I guess.

“Alright. My roommate George is probably gettin’ kinda worried about me anyway. He’s so fucking paranoid all the time.” He muttered before stumbling off down the alleyway. “Thanks mister.” I was slightly confused as to what he was thanking me for, seeing as I had done next to nothing. Maybe it was because I was getting him to go back to his roommate or something.

As the man began to leave I lifted my gaze and my face paled slightly as I noticed the flashing lights from some sirens in the distance, most definitely on the search for myself and Technoblade. I began backing away towards my car to make a break for it before the brunette spoke again.

“I love your car by the way!” He slurred loudly, as he stumbled off, and I heard voices coming from the car radio again before I growled at him to be quiet. Still though, the man continued. “I need something like this to blow my money on.” My brows furrowed as I knew that his talking would give me away, so I pounced forward and grabbed the man, my hand covering his mouth.

Even in his drunken state he seemed to register the fact that this wasn’t good, and he began struggling against me. “Keep quiet and still or I will gut you.” I growled into his ear before pulling him back into the direction of the car.

This became a difficult task as the prostitute was now either too drunk or too terrified to move, even when I told him to hurry up. Tears pricked at his eyes and he shook his head against my hand, or the leather gloves on my hand in an act of defiance. “Fine.” I grumbled. “If that’s how you want to be, then this is how I’ll be.”

With a swift movement I pulled my hand to my pocket and grabbed a pocket knife, which I easily opened before slashing it across his throat. This all happened in the span of less than five seconds, giving the brunette prostitute no time to react before the warm blood began trailing down his neck and he started coughing.

The blood trailed down the knife and over my gloved hand before I pulled it away and left the drunken man to stumble. His brown eyes blown wide as he stared at me before his hand moved to cover the hole in his neck. A weak cough came from his mouth as he attempted to gasp out some words before he collapsed.

I watched quietly, a neutral expression on my face as he collapsed to the ground and convulsed before beginning to lose consciousness. This wasn’t the first dead body that I had seen, and I doubted it would be the last, but I couldn’t help but stand there for a moment until I heard a shout.

“Dream what the fuck are you still doing here? There are cops everywhere.” Techno stated as he stood near me. “I thought that you’d be gone by-” He cut himself off when he noticed the person dying beside me. “Who’s this?”
“No idea.” I shrugged. “But that doesn’t matter now.”

“Please,” the prostitute whimpered weakly. “He… he stabbed me.” His voice was barely there and rasping.
Techno ignored the man’s quiet words as he looked at me. “We need to get out of here.”
“So you are wanting to come with me again?” I asked, a smirk on my face.

“Just to get out of here, I am still done with you after this.” His words made my smirk widen further and I motioned for him to get in the passenger seat. Another cry came from the bleeding out prostitute and Techno groaned. “He’ll get the police over here a lot quicker though if he keeps making noise.” The pinkette grumbled.

Without saying anything, Techno approached the man and put his gloved hands on either side of his head. With a quick movement he snapped the brunette’s neck before walking over to me without a hint of remorse.

“I knew you loved me too much to leave.” I teased as the two of us got into the car, leaving the body in the alley for us to just forget about.
1440 words

Who would have seen that coming.
Also, hello to anyone who didn't  read the chapter and just came to vote straight away.

Anyway. For the top 3, there were actually two ties.

1st was Howl in the Night (Werewolf AU)
2nd equal were Safety in the Seafoam (Mermaid AU) and Experiment (Lab AU)
3rd equal were The Rogue Vampires (Vampire Hunter AU) and Jurassic Attraction (Jurassic Park AU)

Because five is a bit much, you can vote for one of the following:
• Howl in the Night
• Safety in the Seafoam
• Experiment

Vote here:

If experiment is the favourite then tomorrow you guys can vote for who you want, whether it's DNF, Karlnap, or SBI.

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