Chapter 39: Morning Routine

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Chapter written by Ezra which is why it is so...
George POV.

Warm hands were playing with my hair when I woke up. My eyes fluttered open and I let out a relieved sigh when I saw it was Dream. It had been a couple of weeks since the accident but I still always felt worried that I’d wake up and it would be that same prisoners in my cell, holding me down and tying me up and-

“Morning,” The blond greeted me, pulling me out of my increasingly dark thoughts. I glanced up at him, thankful that he’d gotten me out of my panic attack before it even started.
“Morning.” I simply replied, not wanting him to get the hint that something was wrong.

His hands moved away from me as I went to sit up, stretching as I did. “How did you sleep?” He questioned as he sat up on his own. Dream was closer to the railing and I was up against the wall on my bunk. I took a moment to rub my eyes before responding.
“I slept well, thanks for asking. How about you?”

Dream just nodded, signalling that he’d slept well too. I suddenly shivered, realising that I was still shirtless from last night. The cell didn’t have the best heating, but thankfully the thick blankets that Dream had gotten us out of the laundry were able to keep the two of us relatively warm. Now though I was just sitting in the cold air.

My nipples were hard from the cold, which is not something you like to think about when there is someone sitting less than two feet from you. I didn’t say anything though, instead quickly pulling the warm blanket over myself again as Dream watched me with a raised brow.

I hoped that he wasn’t staring at my nipples, but now that they were out of the blond’s eyeline I glanced down. My cheeks threatened to turn red, which would instantly expose what I was thinking about the blond, however I was able to keep composure. Instead I managed to think about the bruises I got last night instead, which were still incredibly painful, and purple.

“Do you… uh- know where my shirt is?” I questioned, glancing meekly over at Dream. He paused for a second, it seemed as though he was trying to figure out where exactly he had last seen my shirt, but then he nodded. As he moved to climb down onto the floor he said something along the lines of ‘I’ll get it for you.”

While I was waiting for Dream to grab me a shirt I looked in the direction of the hallway. The flashing lights that had signalled the lockdown were gone, instead it was their normal yellowy hue. “How long ago was the lockdown over?” I questioned without moving my gaze off of the lights.

“They turned the lights off around midnight,” my cellmate answered from where he was on the lower bunk. “I think it was midnight at least, I was half asleep so I might be wrong.” Not even a second later he moved his hand up to my bunk and my field of view, holding a bundled up shirt. “Is this your shirt?” He questioned, although it was obvious that he knew it was mine.

“Yeah, thanks for grabbing it.” I responded. Just as I was about to grab it he threw it, somehow managing to get it over my face. As I reached up to grab it I could hear him wheezing, finding it incredibly amusing despite how unfunny it actually was. “Thanks for that,” I muttered sarcastically, seeing the way he was grinning up at me.

“You’re welcome.” Was the blond’s response. I continued to glare playfully at him as I pulled my shirt on before climbing out of bed. My hair was sticking up awkwardly from having a shirt thrown over it and I attempted to tame it with my hands before grabbing my deodorant from where I kept it.

I kept my gaze directed towards the walls of the cell as I got ready for the day, and I knew that Dream would be doing the same. It was one of the few ways we could give each other privacy in this cell, which at times could feel uncomfortably small.

I quickly rolled on the deodorant (I’d not actually used roll on before I got to prison, but it was the only kind provided so that we couldn’t use the spray on stuff to make flamethrowers). Then I brushed my hair and put a little bit of gel in it. Finally I took off my pants and changed my boxers, putting the dirty ones in a bag which Dream had given me for my dirty laundry.

Then I put the same pair of pants that I had been wearing back on and I was finished. Dream had given me some tips about clothing, and I followed them because they were quite useful. I wore one pair of clothing for three days at a time, only switching boxers daily, then when I got through two sets I took them both to the laundry while I wore a third.

Honestly it was quite smart. I didn’t do anything overly sporty that ended up with me sweating in the clothes and so they only started to get smelly by the third day. I also had socks which I changed every second day, although Dream recommended me changing them out daily in the Summer when it’s hotter and I’ll sweat more.

When I was finished changing and doing anything else I needed I said so, just informing Dream that I was ‘ready whenever you are’ so that he knew I had changed and that if he turned around he wouldn’t see me half naked or anything. I mean, he had seen me shirtless and so I wasn’t as worried about that, it was more me being cautious that he’d see my ass.

After waiting for a minute Dream told me he’d finished changing and so I let out a relieved sigh as I turned around. The sigh was more of a worry that maybe he was lying and he’d actually be partially (or fully) naked. The thought of that happened made me shiver uncomfortably, but I also felt a slight blush building up under my cheeks.

The blond didn’t realise what was going on as he began walking out of the cell, most likely heading to the mess hall for breakfast. He stopped to acknowledge me when he reached the door and saw that I had not moved. “Are you coming?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at me.

“I am sorry, I got lost in thought for a moment.” I explained, moving over to walk with him. He smiled at me when I reached him.
“Any thoughts you want to share with me?” He questioned as we walked towards the mess hall.
“Not at the moment.” I reassured. “But God am I hungry.”

We hadn’t finished eating last night since the lockdown was called during dinner, and my stomach had been rumbling since the minute I woke up. The blond gave a nod of agreement, seeing as he hadn’t finished his food either.

A lot of the inmates who hadn’t been grabbed and put in solitary during the fight all seemed to have the same idea, hurry to the mess hall as soon as they woke up and attempt to grab themselves extra food for breakfast. The rest of the group had already gathered, with one or two of them having bruises from guards last night, but none as much as me.

The two of us headed over to them and sat down in our usual seats. Dream started the conversation quickly, asking if any information had been received by Sapnap’s informant from the lockdown. The ravenette nodded and quickly began an explanation.
1364 words

Haha... Nipples, and is George that repulsed by seeing Dream naked? Your beloved smut might not be around for this book.

Although it does kind of make sense after what George went through.

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