Chapter 5: Showers

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George POV.

“Come on, lets go,” Techno instructed as we put away our trays from breakfast, if you could even call it that. My eyes were drooping from my lack of sleep last night, but the pinkette seemed completely fine, as though he had slept on a soft mattress for twelve hours instead of something considered a pile of hay for eight hours.

I dumped my tray along with Techno’s before walking back to my cell. Of the few things that he had told me yesterday, he said that he never really did much in the morning, occasionally going out to the prison yard or having a shower, depending on the day. He usually just stayed reading a book from the library in our cell and suggested I do the same.

For breakfast we had something which I think was meant to be porridge, although it tasted like cinnamon and wet cement, and some toast which was slightly burnt with some jam. The only thing that was good was a small carton of milk, since it at least tasted normal.

Techno and I stepped into our cell and I climbed up onto my bunk, looking over all of my stuff, while my cell mate sat on the bottom bunk, grabbing his book and opening to his normal page to continue reading. His attention quickly turned away from the book however, when I climbed back off the bunk with my towel and a bar of soap.

“What are you doing?” Techno asked cautiously, while raising an eyebrow at me.
“I’m going for a shower.” I responded, crossing my arms as I looked back at him and wondering why he cared. “Is there a problem with that?”

“Yes there is a problem with that.” He responded as he closed his book and also stood up. “You shouldn’t go have a shower.”
“And why not?” I asked with a snarky tone, since none of this was his business. “I may be locked in a prison but I want to keep basic hygiene.”

“If any other prisoners are there you’ll be in a lot of trouble. You should only shower two or three times a week. It’s what I do.” The pinkette explained, as though he was being reasonable.
“But that will be disgusting,” I stated. “I’ll smell like shit, it’s not like the guards here are too focused on getting a janitor to keep this place clean.”

“They also aren’t too focused on what happens while we are in here.” He informed me. “If someone's life isn’t at risk they’ll just sit back and watch the show. Nobody will save you if something happens. I’ve seen it done before and it wasn’t pretty.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped, even though I’ve been in prison for less than twenty-four hours I was certain that I’d be able to take care of myself and didn’t see why Techno was still getting involved.

“I’ve seen people getting forced to do shit that I can’t even fucking talk about out loud without feeling the urge to throw up.” He explained. “That’s what I mean. The guards only think to get involved whenever whoever is being forced to spread their legs starts to fight back. They don’t give a shit about us.”

His words terrified me, but I didn’t want to back down, or even ask him to come with me if he was so worried about my safety. I’ve always been stubborn, and so I turned on my heel and walked towards the shower room. There is one in each block, and thankfully the showers were only a couple of cells away from me.

Nobody was standing in the halls around the cell block, and I was hoping the same was the case in the showers, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. “Shit,” I murmured, when I saw a group of men all double, maybe triple my size. Even worse, one of them was the same one who was harassing me in the library yesterday afternoon.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” A tall but scrawny inmate with a tattoo on his exposed arm asked. “Someone seems to be wanting a wash, and we can help you if you want.”
“No thank you,” was my response, trying to hide my disgusted expression. “I was just having a walk around to see where the showers were for when I was planning on having one.”

“If you aren’t planning on having a shower then why do you have your towel?” A bulky blond with dark blue eyes asked, making me tense up. I tried to think of an explanation to get them off my back, but I couldn’t find any excuses and the four men hanging around began swarming me, looking at me as though I was a meal.

“He is planning on having a shower. So am I, do you have a problem with that?” I spun around letting out a thankful sigh when I saw Techno standing behind me, also holding a towel.
A grumble fell from the bald man with the beard. “Fine. We’ll be off to let you two lovebirds have the shower to yourselves. But we know what’s happening in a few weeks. Techno.”

The pinkette standing beside me glared at the group of men as they walked off, talking eagerly with each other as they walked past us and I glanced over at Techno. “What are they talking about?” I asked him, “what is happening in a few weeks?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Techno reassured me. “Let's just go.”

He opened the door of the showers and glanced around before letting me step in once he knew it was empty, and the two of us headed inside. “You can shower first if you want,” Techno told me. “I can hold the door shut so nobody comes in.” A bright, grateful expression on my face and I thanked the pinkette before shuffling over to the far corner and hanging my towel up.

Every so often I glanced over my shoulder as I was washing myself to see if Techno was watching me, but I was relieved to find every time that he was leaning his weight against the door and staring into the corner. Standing in that position seemed uncomfortable, and so I hurried to make sure he didn’t have to stay there for too long.

After rinsing the bland smelling, greasy, soap off of my body and drying myself off quickly I pulled back on my orange jumpsuit and walked over to switch spots with him. “I’m done with my shower,” I informed the pinkette. “I’ll hold the door shut and you can have your shower.”

Techno simply nodded, pulling his towel off of his shoulder and heading to the far end of the shower and I took his place. Five minutes passed of me just standing and holding the door while staring into the corner, thinking about what has been happening in the past day, because it was a lot for someone to deal with.

I was feeling a lot of pain, after all I was accused of murdering my best friend. With having to deal with the stress of prison, I hadn’t been able to focus. However now that I had nothing to do that is all I could think about. Wilbur and I had been close friends. I have never had a dangerous thought directed at him, in fact we barely even fought.

As I was waiting for Techno to finish his shower I couldn’t help but remember what had happened.
1321 words

At this point I am quickly starting to notice that a lot of the earlier chapters of this book are 'George gets sexually harassed in prison with Techno saving his ass' instead of 'DNF'. But whatever.

Anyway that is your second day of King of the Cell. Have a good day/night everyone.

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