Chapter 71: In the corner

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Dream POV

“Have you tried looking in the library?” Skeppy asked me, tilting his head slightly. “That’s pretty much his second home.”
“I did. Poked my head in but he wasn’t in his usual spot at the librarian's desk.” I informed him with the shake of my head.

“What about that hidden couch in the corner? The one where you used to have me pass over drugs to the other inmates” Punz piped up. “It’s out of sight of the door and cameras. Would be a nice, quiet spot for George to read without being bothered.”
“That might actually be where he is!” I said happily, standing up. “Thanks Punz.”

“Want us to come with you?” Sapnap questioned, although he showed next to no sign that he was going to move as he continued to eat.
“Nah. I don’t want him to hate me for putting on a whole show with it.” I huffed. “I’ll just go see if he’s alright then probably leave him be.”

The ravenette gave me a look as though he was trying to read through me before nodding, saying a simple ‘alright then, but I think he’ll hate you regardless of whether you bring multiple people or not'. And then he motioned me to leave, which I did, planning on just being quick to make sure the brunette was fine, even if he’d hate me for it.

I mean, obviously he already hated me, for killing his best friend, and I don’t know how much lower his opinion could go. Maybe me killing his other friends and family too, so I guess it could be worse. But me making sure he was safe was more important than his feelings towards me, and at the very least this meant he’s gotten up and about a little.

This was only going to be a two minute walk, going to the library, seeing if George was in there, and if he was there then I would try and convince him to come for breakfast. It would be relatively simple as I thought it over 

When I entered the library it was empty, which was to be expected seeing as rarely anybody ever came in here (I feel like I’ve said that a dozen times before). Speeding up slightly so I could get this over and done with, I began weaving through the rows of shelves into the back corner.

As I got closer though I heard some voices, causing me to slow down and eavesdrop, which might not have been the best thing to do. It sounded like a group just talking with each other as they skipped breakfast, yet when I heard another voice added into the mix, one filled with worry and caution, I jumped in.

“Aww don’t be like that.” One of the men in the group cooed, causing my eyes to narrow as I tried to think of who he may be talking to.. “I promise you’ll enjoy it. My girlfriend used to say that I was the best dick she ever had.”
“Was that before you got arrested?” Another voice said softly, one I could barely make out.

“Yeah. Meaning that I haven’t had sex in five years. But I’m still confident that I can make you feel good.” The same man purred, in a way that made me feel gross just hearing it, but that’s when I finally was able to recognise who the other voice was.

“You’re such a pervert. Get off of me!” It cried out, the British accent growing stronger as the person speaking grew more desperate. It was George! Without waiting I stepped around the bookshelf to see what was going on, because there was a small, very small, chance that this had a more logical explanation behind what he was saying.

At first the group didn’t notice me, as the muscling man loomed over the brunette. After a moment though George’s eyes flickered over to meet mine. His expression was one I couldn’t understand, it might have been annoyance, or perhaps it was relief. I wasn’t exactly sure which one, but that didn’t matter as I took another step forward, preparing to intervene..

Before I got the chance though, George spoke up. “You said that you didn’t believe me when I said Dream was there. He’s over there.” As he spoke he motioned in my direction and the group all glanced over in my direction, their smirks falling away the second they saw me. I didn’t even need to say or do anything as they all backed away.

“H-hey Dream…” The man who had seemed to be the ringleader of the whole situation stuttered, his confidence having evaporated the moment that he made eye contact with me. “I didn’t realise that you were here. We were just saying hello to George.”
“Oh, is that what you were doing?” I questioned disbelievingly, raising a brow.

“Yes. That is what we were doing.” The man awkwardly nodded. “But since you are here I guess we can go now. Ain’t that right guys?” Most of the group nodded before they all left, and so I was alone with George. After a couple of moments of standing in silence he turned to look at me and glared.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, an annoyed look on his face at the fact that I was here.
“I came to check on you.” I shrugged. “I said that I would do that last night, and it’s a good thing that I did. Who knows what those assholes would have done with you if they’d gotten the chance.

“I would have been able to handle it.” The brunette stated, grabbing the book he’d been reading and standing up with it. “I don’t need any help from you, killer.”
“George. I know that you are probably mad about Wilbur, and I am so sorry for what happened. But I just want to make sure you are looking after yourself.”

“And I am looking after myself by keeping my distance from people like you.” He stated harshly, before repeating ‘I could have handled it’.
“It sounded like they were planning on sexually assaulting you.” I noted.

“Yes, but I was handling it.” He repeated through gritted teeth, and at this point I decided to drop it, since I knew that no matter what I said about this, I would probably get more hatred from the brunette over anything else.

“How are you feeling?” I questioned, changing the topic entirely to make sure he was taking care of himself instead. “Have you Eaten? Slept? Drunk water? I have a couple guards who could go and sneak you in some McDonalds off camera.”
“I don’t need anything from you.” He huffed, beginning to walk off.

“George please!” I begged. “I know that you hate me, but please just take care of yourself. I don’t want you to starve.”
“Aren’t you getting out of here tomorrow?” The brunette hissed in a lower voice. “Cause you can’t worry about me when you are gone and I am here.”

“But what about if people try to do… that… again.” I said, referring to what had just happened with the other inmates less than a minute ago.
“Then I will handle it. You think I’m just weak and pathetic but I’m not. I can look after myself without needing you. Any panic attacks or r*pe threats I can manage alone.”

“Wait… what do you mean panic attack?” I questioned, my gaze softening slightly as he talked about it. I’ve never had a panic attack in the past, but I’ve known people who have had them and knew how scary they could be, especially going through one on your own. George just sighed without saying anything and walked off, leaving me alone
1385 words

If you go onto my Discord server in the next 6 or so hours after I've uploaded this chapter, then you will have the opportunity to check out and vote for art that has been designed as a cover image for the new story coming out later this week called Action.

Come along and have a look if you want to have some input on what parts of the next story could look like.

Anyway, see you all tomorrow.

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